Man, I'm freakin bored out of my mind. I have programmers block or something. No motivation whatsoever to do a damn thing.
I spent the morning listening to Howard Stern and playing a game of Age of Empires 2. Then I attempted to get a little work done. An hour later I was cruising my daily websites where there was nothing interesting at all except some story on Fark (see my links) about Cyndi Lauper having a bird shit in her mouth while she was singing.
Then I went over to Tom Shoufs site and saw some pic of a weirdo playing a guitar to some reggae music. I am tempted to Photoshop the pic, maybe I will, I have about 45 minutes to kill.
Edit: 2pm ...I have to run but...

He loses 30 Lbs and Bob Marley shows up to celebrate.
Hey, If I sent you a pic do you think you would be able to put Bob in it for me. That would be the coolest. If you can e-mail me and I will send you a great picture.
Posted by: Raina on July 24, 2005 08:16 PM
I would appreciate it if u did not call Bob Marley "THAT WEIRDO" he was one of the greatest musicians that ever lived....
Posted by: doesnt matter on March 18, 2006 01:21 PM