Audrey Seiler faked her kidnapping. That's about it. The media reported after she disappeared how sweet of a girl she was, how she had a 4.0 grade point average and was an outstanding person.
Now it's shown that it was all a hoax and all of the sudden she's a troubled psychotic individual who should not apparently be responsible for her own actions. The potential obstruction charges she faces carry a 9 month sentence and it's estimated that the police operations etc. cost approximately $75,000 dollars.
I predict she will be commited to some hotel of a mental place for 15-30 days and then released as if nothing happened. I say throw the book at her. Put her in jail, make her responsible for the $75k and set an example. As usual our system will let someone off the hook without any responsibility though and our sad state of adequate punishment will continue.
Not every damn thing that people do is because of some disorder. Sometimes it's just irresponsible actions and people need to be held accountable otherwise what is the sense in even having laws?
I was a friend and still am on Audrey. I acciedently stumbled onto this page, and i was immedietly pissed off. You people need to get alife, what happened happened, and theres more than just a girl here, how about the town and friends taht were scared about her. We all forgave her and thats all taht matters, we were just all happy that she was alive, and that we could hug her again.
Posted by: Justin on April 7, 2005 07:00 PM