/ June 30, 2004 04:12 AM |
Got a little bored last night after hunting down some issues to finalize my California colleges contract and decided to take some pics of my drawings and post them so the world can suffer. Some of them suck, but whatever, I put them up anyway.
Click the images below to pop a super large version in a new window.
June 16th 2004 - Woman Gazing. From Picture reference. 2H HB 2B Pencil. I know I did a big write up on this one about 3 entries ago, but I wanted to put it in here to show where it fits relative to my other drawings in the timeline. Besides, if I switch web designs or back end code for one entry per page or whatever in the future at least it'll show the image rather than a reference to some other entry. Time spent was about 4-5 hours or maybe even a little more.
June 17th 2004 - Red Baron Plane. From a picture reference of a model of the plane (not the best source). 2H 2B pencil. I decided to draw something flat and inanimate instead of all the humans. I quickly got annoyed with it since I had to use a semi straight piece of paper to draw some guidelines and do geometry for angles in my head (I HATE geometry and angles). I don't think it came out too bad, but it was pretty damn annoying, but a challenge. probably 1.5 - 2 hours.
June 27th 2004 - A Flippin' Foot. Drawn from life. 2H 2B pencil. This is for all you foot fetish people out there. My wife was sleeping and I like her little tiny cute feet, so I decided to try and draw it real quick before she rolled over. I'm pleased with it. I had to move pretty quick so this was done in about 30-45 minutes and very quietly.

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Posted by Digger on June 30, 2004 04:12 AM (Permalink)
i love them wish i were like that
Posted by: mawuse qophy on August 17, 2011 07:21 PM
Great article, I love all the artwork excellent sketches. Very talented keep up the good work.
Posted by: Declinol on May 1, 2013 11:59 AM