/ September 15, 2004 10:49 PM |
I really have been avoiding this "RatherGate", memogate or whatevergate thing, but I cannot ignore the incredible work by some of the people out there blogging. It's like an ant colony all coming together to cut a leaf apart and carry it back to the colony.
The latest news is about the fact they've actually traced the place where the document was sent to CBS from (some Kinkos in Texas)...that is simply incredible.
Hat tip: Backcountry Conservative
A Hat tip also to all of these great blogs covering this issue while I remain on the sidelines: (links open in new window)
| Outside The Beltway |
Blogs of War |
In The Bullpen |
Try on the Glasses |
Blogicus |
Slant Point |
Poliblogger |
Say Anything |
McGehee Zone |
INDC Journal |
Politburo Diktat |
Brain Shavings |
BeldarBlog |
The Moderate Voice |
Kevin at Wizbang |
Ace of Spades |
Right on Red | |
Blogs for Bush |
Annika |
Wizbang! |
Ramblings' Journal |
The Politicker |
Rooftop Report | |
In Search of Utopia |
Allah Pundit |
Daily Pundit |
Right Moment |
Signifying Nothing |
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy |
Rob Bernard |
Alpha Patriot |
Captains Quarters |
Michelle Malkin |

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Posted by Digger on September 15, 2004 10:49 PM (Permalink)
"but I cannot ignore the incredible work by some of the people out there blogging. It's like an ant colony all coming together to cut a leaf apart and carry it back to the colony"
I think we're on the same page. For me, the documents have taken a backseat and the blogosphere is now the story.
Posted by: Scott on September 16, 2004 09:36 AM