According to my website statistics Diggers Realm just surpassed 200,000 Page Views for the month of September. I know this isn't a lot to some of you out there, but I appreciate everyone who has visited and commented. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped Diggers Realm grow. If you have blogrolled me or linked to me and I haven't gotten around to adding you please let me know.
I've also gotten around to adding blogads in the last day (as you see to the right). If you would like to support me you can put your ad up there or drop a tip in the tip jars (also on the right).
I'd like to express an extra special thank you to Rusty at My Pet Jawa, Jeff at Backcountry Conservative, Blogs of War, Slant Point, David at In Search of Utopia, Rooftop Report and Outside The Beltway (ugh, I've probably forgot some people in particular, stupid brain) for all of their support, links and discussion for this month and the coming future.
Congratulations. 200,000 is nothing to sneeze at. Most blogs never see anything close to that.
October should be a huge month for everyone so we'll expect you to beat your personal best.
Posted by: John Little on September 29, 2004 08:51 PM