/ October 20, 2004 09:52 AM |

Ever seen an angry black man that's over-confident and needs to prove his manhood by terrorizing, assaulting and needlessly destroying the property of others probably scarring them for life?
Well if you haven't check out this video (right click - save as) that In Search Of Utopia led me to via way of shab00ty's
*WARNING: Instant loud, foul language. might want to adjust those speakers before playing.*
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Posted by Digger on October 20, 2004 09:52 AM (Permalink)
"There's nothing nicer than an Educated Black Man . .
And nothing worse than a Illiteriate Nigger" . . . . . Chris Rock
Not my words, his . . .
Posted by: large on October 21, 2004 06:45 AM
Makes the Canadian Squeegie Kids problem look a little mundane....
Posted by: Cyrus on October 21, 2004 12:50 PM
If their was ever any cracker through out the history of racism who has taken credit for inventing the word nigger too describe what has been proven to be greater than himself, he more than likely saw little or no difference between an illiterate or educated nigger. Lets grow past the knee.
Posted by: Thairu on August 3, 2007 08:04 PM
Check out the book "The Angry Black Man's Guide to Suceess" by George Farrell. Its the best book I ever read.
Posted by: Tyrone on March 21, 2008 10:02 PM