/ October 20, 2004 11:11 AM |

The videos of the Madrid, Spain bombing that were released can be found in two formats: Windows Media and Quicktime (right click and save).
Note: There is no blood or gore although a few bodies can be seen.
Courtesy of Internetopina.
Hat tip: BarcePundit, who also has stills and mirrored links of the videos in case the links above don't work.
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Posted by Digger on October 20, 2004 11:11 AM (Permalink)
your website is full of right wing lies. You people really know how to spin stuff. Why are you so afraid to tell the truth. Your boy bush couldn't even tell the truth in the debates. you people only have 9 days left in power. I know you will become the most decietfull, lying, vicious, politicians and supporters now because you will do anything to hold on to power. It won't happen this time. There will be no repeat of florida no matter how hard you try.
Posted by: chris vargas on October 23, 2004 10:56 AM
Hi Chris,
Do you see me pumping Bush on my site? Am I a member of "Blogs for Bush"? Do I constantly show "the polls"? Do I constantly reiterate that "you should vote for Bush"?
Just because I post what I believe doesn't mean you have to believe it as well, it is my opinion.
If you disagree with something maybe you should rebutt it in a reasonable fashion as opposed to just the blanket statement "everything on your site is a lie".
I guess the Madrid train bombing is a lie as well since I posted about it. And obviously I posted about it because I had some political motivation to do so.
It was a tragic event.
Posted by: Digger on October 23, 2004 11:06 AM