No group has claimed responsibility for the hostage taking of Margaret Hassan, Directr of CARE. In this third video released of Hassan she is seen pleading for troop withdrawal and the release of females from prisons in Iraq. One worthy point of note is that Abu Masab al-Zarqawi's group also called for the release of female prisoners in Iraq in the Kenneth Bigley videos released.
A kidnapped British humanitarian worker made another plea for her life in a video aired Wednesday, urging Britain to withdraw troops from Iraq and asking for the release of all Iraqi female detainees.
The tape, broadcast on Al-Jazeera television, showed a distraught and frightened Margaret Hassan, the 59-year-old head of CARE International in Iraq, blinking back tears as she spoke into the camera. No gunmen were visible in the footage.
The first video released of Hassan was silent footage of her. The second included pleas for removal of British troops.
Tipped by: Fox News and In The Bullpen
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