Al-Jazeera aired the second video of hostage Teresa Borcz Khalifa, 54, today. Khalifa a dual citizen of Poland and Iraq was shown sitting before a banner bearing the symbol of the
Abu Bakr al-Seddiq al-Salafiya Brigades
Herald Sun
"Once again I call on you to help me save my life," she said.
"My life is in great danger. The one thing that will save my life is any response to the Iraqis' demands: by first getting the Polish troops out of Iraq and second, giving any help to release the female Iraqi prisoners from the various American prisons in Iraq."
"For the second time I am asking for the help of the Polish Government and the Polish people, I ask everyone who can help me get out of this situation, given that I am a Polish citizen and somehow is being made responsible for presence of the Polish troops on Iraqi soil."
Khalifa is a longtime resident of Iraq and married to an Iraqi national.
The Polish government has said it will not negotiate with the terrorists and will not pull any of it's 2400 troops out of Iraq.
Previous Entries
Oct. 28 - Teresa Borcz Khalifa, Polish Woman, Taken Hostage In Iraq
What a mess. What do you think of the idea of getting non-combattant nationals out of the country until it stabilizes? All these hostages being taken are a distraction, and I believe prevent troops from accomplishing their missions.
Posted by: EdWonk on October 30, 2004 07:01 PM
Well EdWonk I understand what you are saying, but in this case and the Margaret Hassan case both of the women have lived in Iraq for a long time (in Margaret's case 30+ years) and are married to Iraqi men. Teresa is an Iraqi and Polish citizen.
I understand the Japanese fellow, Koda, wandered into the country against the Japanese governments repeated issuance of evacuation for civilian orders. A government can only go so far in keeping people out. Unless the Iraqi government comes right out and says "All civilians out" then I don't see it happening.
Remember they are a soveriegn government now and can choose who to let into their country.
Posted by: Digger on October 30, 2004 07:21 PM