I think it's pretty clear that the majority of people in the country are against gay
marriage. While I'm against gay marriage because it infringes on an institution that it millennia old I am in favor of civil unions. I don't understand the homosexual communities insistence on it being called a marriage. Do you just want the festival of marriage, the party and the staged event? Is that what you're fighting for?
Well no one is stopping you from having your little identical party, reception and festivities that normally occur with marriage, they are simply saying "don't come around here trying to change what marriage has stood for thousands of years".
Stop the pressure for gay marriage that is just making the majority of the country write you off as wackos and get what you really want, equal rights for your partner. Unless of course you're just pressing the marriage issue to piss a bunch of people off for no reason like you do with parading flamboyantly through the streets of cities.
We can all live and work happily together in this country if groups would stop making themselves stand out as different when they are claiming they just want to be treated the same.
this AP article has more.
Gay rights activists received a rebuke from the Deep South to North Dakota as voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage in a clean sweep for proponents of traditional one-man, one-woman unions.
"The results just go to show that the citizens ... clearly understand the value of natural marriage," said Christina Rondeau, director of the North Dakota Family Alliance, a group that supported the amendment.
Natural marriage, what a choice of words there eh?
Hat tip: Outside the Beltway who also points out that stances on gay marriage may have influenced voters decisions in certain Senatorial races.