You know I almost named myself Asshat Of The Week, for being so late in posting this and the weekly poll results, but no Robert Matsui is 10 times the asshat I am.
Robert Matsui is a Democrat Congressman from district 5, Sacramento, in California. He has been a Congressman for 25 years and in that time has managed to get an F- rating from Congress Grades, a group that tracks representatives votes and stance on immigration reform.
This election I called for people to vote Robert Matsui out of congress. His opponent was a kid born in 1977 named Mike Dugas who is the current co-chairman of the California College Republicans. I'm afraid he didn't stand a chance. Sacramento Bee election results show a landslide victory for the asshat with a 75.6% majority of the vote.
In an article in The Hill it says partisan tricks are already back in swing in the house and that Democrats simply brush off the loses as a fluke.
At a press conference yesterday, both Pelosi and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Robert Matsui (Calif.) acknowledged that the election results were not what they had hoped for. But they said their goal had not been unrealistic.
For most of this election cycle, Pelosi said that a “national breeze” of discontentment with Republican leadership would sweep her party to victory. That "breeze" failed to materialize, and Democratic candidates were forced to battle a countervailing trend of Republican dominance, especially in states that the president won.
"Had the breeze occurred, we would have been in a position to do that," Matsui said of taking back the House.
"There is no question that Texas was our Achilles’ heel," Matsui said
...too bad California wasn't. Specifically Sacramento.
Either way Robert Matsui definitely gets the
Asshat Of The Week