/ November 3, 2004 11:43 PM |
Aides say that Yasser Arafat has taken a turn for the worse. There's supposed to be a Thursday news conference.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Palestinian leader remained in intensive care at a French military hospital where he has been undergoing treatment for a week.
He was rushed into intensive care Wednesday after his condition seriously deteriorated, the sources said, adding that he was undergoing more tests.
They did not elaborate on the type of tests. Doctors have determined Arafat is suffering from blood and digestive disorders but they still don't know the cause, the sources said.
When will he die.
* * *
Update (7:03AM)
Fox news is reporting that Palestinian leaders have been called to an emergency meeting and that Arafat is on life support. I don't have any sources for this yet, other than Fox News on TV. When sources become available I will update.
Related Entries
Oct. 30 - Palestinian Authority Says Arafat Age Is Over, To Divide Responsibilities
Oct. 27 - Yasser Arafat Collapses, In Critical Condition

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Posted by Digger on November 3, 2004 11:43 PM (Permalink)
"when will he die".
Nice comment. I've been reading countless American's whining when some writer suggested Bush's assassination but once again hypocrisy rules in the land of the free.
Posted by: Matt Bing on November 4, 2004 02:13 AM
With all the death and destruction he has caused throughout his life you question my wanting him die?
Now if I had said that about someone who was actually helping people I could see your point, but this man has not helped anyone.
Posted by: Digger on November 4, 2004 03:07 AM
I think the Palastinians would beg to differ. Sharon is far more accountable for the problems in the Middle East along with a number of past leaders from all sides. He's no different from any of them, including Bush.
Posted by: Matt Bing on November 4, 2004 06:26 AM
All the trouble Arafat has caused throughout his life? The trouble with you Right Wingers is you can't distinguish between moderates and radicals. There would have been even more violence in Israel if Arafat had not achieved the major leadership role of Muslims there.
The real concern should be whether someone as moderate as Arafat will assume the reins.
I feel sorry for his little girl. She's lived in France for three of her eight or nine years because of the Israelis meddling with the family. Barely got to know her father.
Hat tip to Matt Bing. (What are you doing at a blog like this?)
Posted by: Mac Diva on November 4, 2004 08:26 AM
Reuters reports Arafat dead.
Posted by: Jeremy on November 4, 2004 08:52 AM
He's not dead, yet.
The best thing that could have happened is he died, there was massive bloodshed and then it was over. This long drawn out fiasco has caused more strife than it's worth.
Posted by: Digger on November 4, 2004 05:27 PM