There are reports that Margaret Hassan, the Director of CARE that was taken hostage on October 19th may be inside the city of Fallujah. While there is no official knowledge that comes to a conclusion, there are numerous reports of her being in the city which is being assaulted by U.S. and Iraqi troops.
Belfast Telegraph
Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern has been given reports indicating that Irish Iraq hostage Margaret Hassan is within the besieged city of Fallujah.
Mr Ahern says these reports are worrying.
However, his department holds officially that it does not have enough intelligence to say where exactly the hostage might be held captive.
The family of Mrs Hassan is in contact every day with the department's liaison staff.
They are understood to have relayed their personal anxiety that the aggressive American action against the city of Fallujah is putting Mrs Hassan's life seriously at risk.
This is understandable that the family worries for her safety. I hope for her swift release and if she is in Fallujah that she is found safe and sound and that her captors are executed during fighting.
Tipped by: Slant Point
Related Entries on Diggers Realm
Nov. 16 - Margaret Hassan, Director Of CARE And Hostage, Executed By Terrorists
Nov. 12 - Margaret Hassan, Director Of Care And Hostage, May Be Inside Fallujah
Nov. 2 - Margaret Hassan, CARE Director, Video Surfaces; Terrorists Threaten To Turn Her Over To Zarqawi
Oct. 28 - New Hostage Video Of Margaret Hassan Released
Oct. 22 - Margaret Hassan Hostage And Director Of CARE Video Released
Oct. 19 - Margaret Hassan, Director Of CARE, Taken Hostage In Iraq
I pray for her release but face it, there are many other women and little children in danger also in Faluja. Let us not forget!!!
Posted by: jamangi on November 14, 2004 05:11 PM