/ November 14, 2004 08:35 PM |
Last weeks poll was "What Is Your Favorite Blog?"
The results of the poll are in:
Well, looks In Search Of Utopia wins the poll hands down with a whopping 58.6% of the votes.
In all fairness a lot of the websites didn't even know about the poll and David was off to a massive headstart within the first day. Nevertheless he destroyed them.
This was a fun poll and the comments and entries people did on it were humorous. I may do another in the future.
If you have any comments on the results make them below.
Also see the original entry for this poll where some people have already commented and made suggestions.
Be sure to vote in this weeks poll to your left.
Here are some links that made this poll fun:
Thank You, Thank You.... from ISOU
War! LOL! from ISOU
Vote For Me!!!!! from Armies of Liberation
Jawa Polls from The Jawa Report
Diggers Realm considers PA for "Favorite Blog!" from Passionate America
Lets Get out the Vote! from ISOU
Remember... Your vote Counts! from ISOU
The General is Politicking Against Me Folks from ISOU
Cruisin' On a Sunday afternoon! from ISOU
* * *
Update (9:39PM PST)
David has asked for a button or something for his triumph. I therefore present to you the button I designed for In Search Of Utopia back on September 24th, that also has a bigger version.

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Posted by Digger on November 14, 2004 08:35 PM (Permalink)
Hey dont I get a button or somethin' is all I'm sayin' LOL
Posted by: David Anderson on November 14, 2004 09:36 PM
I suppose.
See the update in the entry above.
Posted by: Digger on November 14, 2004 09:49 PM
Wow. I have no idea how I even got 1.8% of the vote. I suppose I got a few out of pitty.
Posted by: Chad Evans on November 14, 2004 09:55 PM
It was me Chad, when I saw you hadnt gotten any votes, I asked a homeless guy in an internet cafe to vote for you, and bought him a sandwitch, you owe me 1000 colones buddy. LOL!
Posted by: David Anderson on November 14, 2004 10:06 PM
Congrats to David. I should have started a 527.
Posted by: Jane on November 15, 2004 04:55 AM
I am shocked. This is an unfair election. My voters were intimidated at the polls. Some of my voters couldn't read the ballot, and therefore punched the wrong chads. Some of my votes went to Pat Buchanan, despite his not being a participant in the poll. I demands a recount!
Posted by: Preston Taylor Holmes on November 15, 2004 06:14 AM link didn't add to the fun I see. Yeah...hmm.
Posted by: Sadie on November 15, 2004 03:35 PM
I'm glad the homeless weren't disenfranchised at the polls then David. Viva la 1.8%!
Posted by: Chad Evans on November 15, 2004 09:10 PM