The fate of a Filipino hostage is still unknown as the deadline for his ransom demand expired on Friday.
Roberto Tarongoy was abducted November 1, along with five others -- an unidentified American and three Iraqis in a shootout that killed one of the hostage takers. Since then his captors have released two of the Iraqi hostages, but demanded the release of Prisoners from Iraqi jails and a $10 million ransom.
This of course is the direct result of how President Gloria Arroyo handled the Angelo de la Cruz hostage situation back in July. The Philippine government paid the terrorists holding de la Cruz hostage, $6 million for his freedom after public protests in Manila and across the country. They also pulled out their support personnel from Iraq. Now the price tag is $10 million.
Philippine Daily Tribune
... Manila's intermediaries have lost contact with the Iraqi abductors of a Filipino worker, accountant Roberto Tarongoy, while the spokesman of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) told reporters that Tarongoy's chances of release have dimmed, saying the Arroyo government is still looking for financiers to provide the $10-million ransom being demanded by the Iraqi rebels holding the hostage Filipino worker.
Unofficially the article above claims that the terrorists have extended the deadline by 72 hours, but that is through hearsay.
If they do manage to squirrel up the $10 million it will just ensure more hostage taking of Filipino nationals as it would pay pretty good for a few weeks work. The government continues to threaten their people worldwide by the actions they are taking.
Opinionbug.com has more on Arroyo thumbing her nose at the US as well.
Say Anything comments on how the media has covered this.
Cranial Cavity comments on the "inflationary spiral" of ransom demands.
Jane over at Armies of Liberation also annoyed by this.