/ November 16, 2004 04:02 AM |
So what has been discovered since the initial breaking news of the arrest of 29-year-old Tammy Imre?
Well according to an article in the New York Post long kisses could be substituted if they couldn't have daily sex. The Post obtained a note written on the back of Tammy Imre's bank statement to the child.
"Baby, I loved what we did! ... Behind the tree, that shows me you love me. You know I love you! OK, I know we can't have - - - every single day, but! We should have some long kisses every day just to show that we love each othee [sic], OK? Can you promise me that and keep the promise! I love you!"
The mother says there have been dozens of others discovered although she has only seen three of them. The molestation was discovered by the older brother of the 8-year-old who found one of the notes and showed his mother.
She has admitted to having sex with the boy, who was 7 at the time, while her daughter was downstairs. She has also admitted to kissing him and lying naked with him.
Imre was a secretary and wanted to be an actress/model prior to her current occupation as prison inmate and is the divorced mother of a 7-year-old daughter.
Workers at the graphics company she was a receptionist for said that she had told them child welfare had taken her daughter away the month before and that she seemed distraught just prior to her arrest.
Imre was charged with first-degree sexual assault, fourth-degree sexual assault, and risk of injury to a minor. She is being held on $250,000 bail and faces more than 20 years in prison if convicted.
At the sentencing Imre's mother Evelyn, 52, was quoted as saying "It's his fault! He's the one who needs to be looked at. I know she's innocent. It's the devil at work."
Latest updates on this story
Sep.19, 2005 - Tammy Imre Pleads Guilty To Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy, Faces 6 Years
Other entries on this story
Nov. 4, 2005 - Tammy Imre Sentenced To 6 Years For Sex With 8-Year-Old Boy
Sep. 19, 2005 - Tammy Imre Pleads Guilty To Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy, Faces 6 Years
Sep. 7, 2005 - Tammy Imre To Plead Guilty To Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy
Nov. 9, 2004 - Tammy Imre, 29, Accused Of Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy

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Posted by Digger on November 16, 2004 04:02 AM (Permalink)
HELLO people!!!! NOT "Molestation"...RAPE!!!NOT CHILD MOLESTER, RAPIST!! If Tammy were a man, she already would have been put under the jailhouse.
Posted by: Catherine on November 23, 2004 01:20 PM
Tammy Imre is sick. She should be hanged, and her head should be hit off with a stick, it should then be thrown in the river by the boys mother. her eyes should be gowged out with a spoon, and flicked around with it. Thank you for reading my letter. Yours sincerely Emma aged 14
Posted by: Emma on December 16, 2004 07:08 AM
You gotta be kidding me. This woman needs to be tied to a wall and the mother given a baseball bat and 30 minutes
Posted by: Al Canon on December 18, 2004 08:54 AM
Wow. Wish she was my friend when I was eight.
What a hot momma!
Posted by: Rich on December 24, 2004 06:56 AM
"It's his fault! He's the one who needs to be looked at. I know she's innocent. It's the devil at work."
I realize that parents have trouble seeing their children's faults...but WTF?! At some point you have to wake up and realize that your daughter is a pedophile and deserves cruel and unusual punishment.
Posted by: Jayme on December 26, 2004 02:38 PM
Harm? U gotta be of ur mind! Take it easy, support the Tsunami victims instead
Posted by: hula hul on January 2, 2005 11:16 PM
hula hul ... glad you have such an easy going attitude about this. do you have a 7-year-old daughter? you might want to sell her to an old man near you. since 7-year-old sex partners are something of a specialty market, you can probably get top dollar for her.
Posted by: wtf on January 12, 2005 04:53 AM
Just came across this post. Imre is still in jail waiting for trial, and could be for another year until convicted and sentenced. I think she should be in a prison mental ward instead of a she could be helped to understand that what she did was WRING, and that nothing can make it RIGHT..and that she begin's understanding that she not only harmed the boy..(even if he DID start the sexual part of the relationship the adult must refuse it). I hope her lawyer can have her sentenced to indefinate mental hospital confinement versus prison.
There's been a wave of female teachers arrested recently as well. The laws are so different in each state, that some are released in an hour, some get bail after a sex-offender squad interrogates them, and others are kept in jail until a hearing (such as Salorio in california) on the same charges that others walk away from.
I think ANY female who has a relationship with a minor male needs mental and emotional treatment.
Posted by: gene on March 23, 2005 09:32 AM
remember innocent until PROVEN guilty you dumb asses
Posted by: chrissy on May 4, 2005 12:06 PM
I wish i met her at eight.....shyt!lol
He lucky, most people are still waitin to get laid
Posted by: JOSE on May 17, 2005 05:54 PM
We have to figure out how to treat these female teachers, aids, and just plain women like Tammy Imre who go way off the deep end and have a relationship other than taking a boy under 18 to Chuck-E-Cheese to play games!!! New Jersey just voted that any relesed sex-offender cannot live within 2500 feet of ANY area where kids gather. Other states are saying they want life sentenced for pedophiles..(which recent events seem to support.) Are these young teachers like Lafave and Solario in the same category (if convicted)? Do they have the same motives and repeat level as the men who commit these horrible acts? Salorio has been in jail (no bail) since January, and Imre since late last year. Jail is different than "prison" from what Robert Blake said on Larry King. In jail, you sit in a cell! Period. No activities..TV, reading, visitor schedule, excercise schedule, or what-have-you. He said they keep them drugged to survive. I assume, (since we haven't heard anything about them at all,) that Imre (who should be in a mental facility, not a jail cell until she can be helped to understand her crime better) is also drugged, as Salorio. Others have been free in a day, (Turner,etc.) Either way, this is a huge problem we as parents and grandparents are facing.....with kids thinking it's OK to have sex with adults, and adult female finding it easier to seduce and romance younger males than older ones. I saw a post from someone claiming to know Imre and her mother, and stating they've "needed help for years." Does that come into play in her case? I wish her lawyer could have that info. Unfortunately, some kids today DO see porno videos and know "what and how" to do things. No matter what...if a person under 18 says "they know"...they must be told "knowing is one thing...DOING is another." Advise them to have pleasant dreams until a meaningful adult relationship comes into their lives when they're over 18, and STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS!!!
Posted by: gene on May 18, 2005 09:15 AM
I too had sex with an 8 year old boy. He fathered my son and daughter. Sad to say this had an impact on. This might explain why he joined the dark side of the force.
Posted by: Padme Skywalker on June 10, 2005 03:33 PM
Another problem woman...Sandra Giesel, 42, a former Catholic School teacher in Albany..alchohol, divorce, middle-age crisis, all team up to make a woman desire VERY young students. Different than male predators in the fact that wanting to be loved and admired plays into the picture. No further news out there on some of the other women Digger follows...Imre, Salorio, Pam Turner, kathleen White. One did just get a year in Pasiac county Jail in NJ for sex with a student 17. In NY, that's OK..which is why giesel was OK until she dug deeper to find under 17 partners.
Posted by: g on August 4, 2005 01:34 PM
Posted by: only not on September 8, 2005 05:35 AM
well i think its very sick he was only eight and my sister has an 8 month old baby and her husband had her around a convicted sex offender, and his name is BRENDIN JONES and he is dating this lady who is a pot head SHABECCA HISAW and she has 2 kids and she had her kids around this sex offending guy, and he's discusting and she picked the sex offender over her kids we haven't seen her in months, im dating her daughter is how i know and i just think its wrong and discustin and this guy she's dating raped an 11 year old little girl. Bush needs to do somthing about the sex offenders just running around.
Posted by: J lane on September 12, 2005 10:21 AM
well i think its very sick he was only eight and my sister has an 8 month old baby and her husband had her around a convicted sex offender, and his name is BRENDIN JONES and he is dating this lady who is a pot head SHABECCA HISAW and she has 2 kids and she had her kids around this sex offending guy, and he's discusting and she picked the sex offender over her kids we haven't seen her in months, im dating her daughter is how i know and i just think its wrong and discustin and this guy she's dating raped an 11 year old little girl. Bush needs to do somthing about the sex offenders just running around.
Posted by: J on September 12, 2005 10:24 AM
Since I was 6yo I've wanted someone to engage in sex acts with me. I couldn't express it at that age, and I really wanted a pretty girl or woman and not a guy... especially not a man. I can't explain it, but there it is. I started masturbating at that age, and I was ejaculating at 8yo (if you don't believe it tough bananas to you!)
The absence of a healthy sexual relationship during my years as a child left a horrible mark upon my emotional state which will haunt me throughout my life. In fact, a study was recently completed by a well-respected misogynist that shows over 80% of all homosexuals and 99% of all prison inmates suffer from sexual denial during childhood. Oddly, the prisoners seemed to confess to all manner of tragedies responsible for their situation. This is a national crisis, and we need to start throwing these abusive parents, caregivers, nuns and librarians in jail! Denying a child sex is like denying them brussel sprouts - how are they going to learn to like it if you don't force it upon then when they're young and impressionable? For the record, I still hate brussel sprouts and refuse to eat the "accursed vegetable" as it is known in my home.
Posted by: Hapless Victim on September 25, 2005 05:41 PM
UPDATE: Sarah Bench-Salorio just pleaded guilty today to all charges by all 3 boys. She'll get 6 years in a California women's Prison, versus the 62 the DA was pressing for.
While most of the other female pedophiles and teachers were released on bail before trials or pleas (like Debra Lafave) Salorio and Imre have been in jail since their arrests as "threats to their communities." I only hope they get the mental help they need when they get sent to prison, although Imre is where she'll do her time, while Salorio will be moved upstate to a remote maximum security facility it appears.
Posted by: gg on September 29, 2005 02:47 PM
Well, everyone say's shes bad and all, and she might need medical help but it isn't entirely rape or molestation, the boy kept going over despite the fact that this was happening.. maybe the boy liked Imre as well..
Posted by: Someone on October 6, 2005 01:44 PM
Wake up, world: Sex happens between people of all ages, it always has and always will no matter how severely those who engage in it are punished and persecuted when they're caught. While using force to get sex should be punished because it's an act of violence, no one should be jailed or made pariahs for consentual sex no matter their age.
Why don't you fools focus your attention instead upon loving and cooperating with one another, instead of finding endless ways of hurting yourselves and that nice planet I made for you?
Posted by: God on October 7, 2005 01:09 PM
I am not sure a moral crime occurred here. If this was consentual, there is no issue. America's repressed and disturbed sexuality strikes again, but I'm speaking of the backlash this case, not the "crime".
How many young males would have given their left nut to be getting sex with a blonde 29 year old when they were only 8? I know I would have.
Americans, please stop projecting your own beliefs on others, including your shortcoming in sexuality.
Posted by: ST in Texas on December 5, 2005 03:23 AM
Many more women now being arrested for these crimes. It's heartbreaking as to how a few minutes of "pleasure???" with a student isn't weighed against years in a tiny cell surrounded by tough women who could change them physically and emotionally during their terms. If they could just think about that BEFORE they commit their crime, maybe they'd freeze and stop before they get that far. What makes an adult woman, married, educated, and in a nice home with their own children break down and do this? It must be studied more as we need to prevent it before it can happen again. We're doing a book about the subject, and the goal is to inform parents about their KIDS ACTING LIKE ADULTS (which they don't believe) and TEACHERS A CTING LIKE KIDS..(which they don't believe either.
Sentencing for these female offenders varies from judge to judge, and place to place. Sarah Bench-Salorio just got a 6 year prison sentence in California for the identical type of charges that a New Jersey teacher was just given 6 months of probation without sex offender registration, just no state teaching or state job again. Tampa teacher Debra Lafave's guilty plea brought her on to the Sex Offender Registry already..even though the judge from the second county she is charged in will NOT accept her 3 years of house arrest and lifetime probation plea-deal. House arrest is not easy, say probation officers. Most end up in prison for the slightest violation. These people need to be studied to learn where the thought of "he's cute" (which any adult can have) to the action of involvement over private fantasy.Educators aren't always aware of what students are thinking either. That's why our book could help.It's called "Cool Mom's, Hot Teachers, and Our Kids..STOP THEM IN THE NAME OF LOVE!"
Posted by: g on February 10, 2006 08:47 AM
I stumbled upon this while looking for something else. WTF?!?!?!?!?! I don't care how "hot" a lady is - an adult woman should NEVER have SEX with an 8 yr old boy OR girl. And he was 7 when it started! I have a 7 year old daughter and I just can't imagine it... she's still just a baby. Poor baby boy. He doesn't understand it yet, that poor excuse for a woman brainwashed him. Makes me want to lock my kids up in the house until they're 28!!! Sheesh, give 'em a chance to grow up first at least, lady.
Posted by: peopleneedtogrowabrain on December 12, 2007 02:49 PM
I can't believe this! that's crazy for a 8 year old boy 2 have sex with a woman! I just want 2 know if the boy wanted the sex or not. and he shouldn't have wanted it because he was only seven! I mean I understand that some boys masturbate and have wet dreams but that's just wrong! When I was six I knew about these kind of things so I know it's good to wait for my you-know-what until I'm at least 25!!!
Posted by: bobby4376 on March 27, 2008 04:43 PM