/ December 8, 2004 01:54 AM |
FAIR has released their latest report on the costs of illegal aliens to taxpayers. The main costs are in education, health care and prison costs for illegal aliens in jail.
North County Times
California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $9 billion each year, according to a new report released last week by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington, D.C.-based group that promotes stricter immigration policies.
Educating the children of illegal immigrants is the largest cost, estimated at $7.7 billion each year, according to the report. Medical care for illegal immigrants and incarceration of those who have committed crimes are the next two largest expenses measured in the study, the author said.
Jack Martin, who wrote the report, said Thursday that the $9 billion figure does not include other expenses that are difficult to measure, such as special English instruction, school lunch programs, and welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal immigrant workers.
"It's a bottom of the range number," Martin said.
FAIR drew from the U.S. Census report and other sources. This study matches an earlier study By the Center for Immigration Reform (CIS) that I reported on (see: " Latest Report: Illegal Aliens Cost Taxpayers $10 Billion A Year" from Sep. 4, 2004). Of course you can't do any straight reporting on this issue without having some pro illegal alien advocate group playing the race card once again to justify the illegal behavior of these people who suck dry our tax system and run emergency rooms into bankruptcy.
Gerardo Gonzalez, director of Cal State San Marcos' National Latino Research Center, which compiles data on Latinos, criticized the report. He said it does not measure some of the contributions that immigrants make to the state's economy.
"Beyond taxes, these workers' production and spending contribute to California's economy, especially the agricultural sector," Gonzalez said.
Immigrants, both legal and illegal, are the backbone of the state's nearly $28 billion-a-year agricultural industry, Gonzalez and other researchers say.
More than two-thirds of the estimated 340,000 agriculture workers in California are noncitizens, most of whom are believed to be illegal immigrants, according to a 1998 study on farmworkers prepared for the state Legislature.
Local farmers say migrant farmworkers are critical to their businesses, and without them they would have to close their farms or move their operations overseas.
These advocate groups really don't have a leg to stand on. The only arguments they ever try to use is racism or that all these fact based reports are wrong and that the production of these illegal aliens is higher than if a legal worker earning a decent wage and didn't require all the tax sucking benefits.
Martin disagrees. He said illegal immigrants displace American workers by taking low-skilled jobs, keep wages low by creating an overabundance of workers and stifle innovation by reducing the need for mechanized labor.
"The product of the illegal immigrant is not included (in the report) because if that is an essential product it will get done one way or another," Martin said. Employers "would have to pay better wages or invest money on mechanization."
Martin's study looks specifically at the costs of educating illegal immigrants' children, providing medical care to illegal immigrants and jailing those convicted of committing crimes. The report estimates the total cost at $10.5 billion each year, but that is offset by about $1.7 billion in taxes that illegal immigrants pay.
OK, sounds pretty backed up by facts. Sounds reasonable. So what could the advocates for illegal aliens possibly say about this report and its facts?
"I think FAIR is without doubt an extremist organization that tries to portray itself as a mainstream group," said Christian Ramirez, director of the San Diego office of the American Friends Service Committee, an advocate group for legal and illegal immigrants.
Good rebuttal there by a representative for illegal aliens.
The article goes on to break down the numbers in the report further. Go read it for specific numbers. One that stands out though is the estimated $7.7 billion in education spending for illegal alien children. Having kid in Californian schools I can attest to the huge class sizes, low student-to-teacher interaction and the extraordinary amount of time wasted on those students who can't speak English fluently enough. So while the dollar number is $7.7 billion, the overall costs to actual legal citizens of this country's children who pay for these schools is immeasurable.
Martin said states bear most of the cost of illegal immigration.
"State costs are much higher on a per capita basis because of the fact that the largest expenses are medical care and education and those are borne at the local level, not the federal," Martin said.
In this time of California's budget crisis this should be priority one in reducing expenses in the state.
Tipped by: La Shawn Barber. Go read her take on the report and some of the comments at her entry.
Crossposted to The Command Post

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Posted by Digger on December 8, 2004 01:54 AM (Permalink)
Yep, I could have told you that [non-English-speaking] illegal aliens in the classroom are a drain on educational resources. I was a middle school teacher in central California (ground-zero for the illegal alien invasion) for two years. I had several students who couldn't speak English, and the cost to our district to provide translators and special curriculum and materials in Spanish must have been through the roof.
But, of course, we can't deny them the right to be be educated at taxpayers' expense, now can we? That would be unconstitutional (according to illegal alien lovers around the country).
The issue of illegal aliens is my hot button topic. If you check out my blog, you'd see that I'm just as passionate about this as you are. It comforts me to know that there are other people out there who are also passionate about deporting illegal aliens and denying all public and social services to them, especially when those services are paid for by the hardworking, legally-residing (that means legal residents and citizens) taxpayers of California and the U.S.
Posted by: Doggy Diaries on December 8, 2004 09:17 AM
Thanks for the link, Digger!
Posted by: LB on December 8, 2004 04:09 PM
I am forced to think hard as to your level of education... Do you know that most undocumented 'illegal' immigrants actually PAY TAXES? not only that, the vast majority of them do NOT REQUEST A TAX REFUND, therefore many of 'them illegals' may be actually paying for YOUR KIDS' EDUCATION and your medical care. Let's not forget that this country would go STALE if we would go on and deport 'illegal immigrants, but let's assume we want to do it, then i suggest imposing not only fines, but criminal penalties on employers, who, lats time I checked are the ones making the buck and getting the tax cuts under this hick RED government. Please note that I used the word 'RED' to trigger your idiotic under-educated fears of communism and relate it to your favorite party (I know most of you are ignorant Republican -hence the donkey- beasts, that don't understant that the Republican plan only works for the VERY rich). Go to school again, but this time PAY ATTENTION!! You are not inherently intelligent because your mommy and daddy were Irish, German, British or Dutch: ooops! I guess MOST OF OUR FAMILIES were at one time or another IMMIGRANTS. By the way, have you heard the accent of an elementary school Potato famine victim 150 years ago? that would be pretty hard to understand.
Posted by: Ruben on July 4, 2005 10:58 AM
In regard to prosecuting employers, if a law were made making it illegal to hire illegal aliens, then employers that hired illegals in the past could not be prosecuted due ex post facto, which is a constitutional provision. If you don't know what that it. By the way, yes we have immigrant relations, however the wording you used was immigrant, not illegal immigrant as I recall. If you read the article it also mentioned that illegals paid some taxes, but that did not even near what they owed and were taking away. Many of the illegals do not claim this country as their own and claim to be mexicans, which is acceptable, however, they want the right to vote, which is not acceptable. By the way do you know how many mexicans in general serve in the military? 10%...that is, Hispanics, so maybe 3\4 are mexican lets say, how many are illegal do you think. Probably two or three, if that. If they want to be involved in our politics, they can help us out with the war since there are so many of them.
Posted by: desert_rat on November 13, 2006 08:16 PM
"In regard to prosecuting employers, if a law were made making it illegal to hire illegal aliens, then employers that hired illegals in the past could not be prosecuted due ex post facto,which is a constitutional provision.
There's already laws on the books they just aren't being enforced.
Posted by: Digger on November 13, 2006 09:08 PM
I think all of of your comments are said to bennifit the illeagl immigrants not our economy. what are we gunna do when their is 50million illegal immigrants, lying about social security numbers, screwing the goverment one at a time.
Posted by: Joe Wicker on December 3, 2007 04:59 PM
It should be illegal for politicians who are pretending to serve the American public that do not enact legislation that would stop the waste of billions of hard working taxpayers dollars every year on schooling non-American citizens. We should take the money from lawmakers pay checks to pay for every illegal who receives an education in the Untied States. If politicians had to pay out of their families pockets for people who are draining our country of money and resources we don't have to give, things would change. Politicians that don't show they care about the people who pay their salaries should forfeit their pay as penalty for failing to serve and protect Americans instead of cutting off the money we spend on illegal immigration every year. Guaranteed the problem would be solved within one session of congress. They can get together to enact a economic stimulus package so quickly,then they can make laws to stop illegals from receiving education, jobs, medical and housing benefits reserved for true taxpaying American families.
Posted by: J Jackson on February 3, 2008 01:11 AM
The Governor of California says that the State of California is running out of money. Could it be because the State of California is spending BILLIONS OF DOLLARS supporting MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS within the State of California every year? You make the call.
Posted by: John Galvin on August 1, 2008 03:01 PM
Could it be because the State of California is spending BILLIONS OF DOLLARS supporting MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS within the State of California every year?
Yes. Actually I would turn your words around into a statement:
The State of California is spending BILLIONS OF DOLLARS supporting MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS within the State of California every year that is why the State of California is running out of money.
Posted by: Digger on August 1, 2008 03:10 PM
all you ignorant rebulicans who are posting comments about deporting illegal aliens are a bunch of mis-informed fools who apperently dont know anything about this issue but yet have the courage to comment about it, so here the facts :
first of all anybody who works in the US both legal citizens and illegal aliens pay taxes and yes illegal aliens pay taxes too just like every other worker in this country but unlike legal citizens they dont receive a refund check so they pay taxes and dont get anything in return so now that u now this, illegal aliens as you call them are actually paying for your children's education and helping the economy of this country !!!
Posted by: monica on August 12, 2008 12:30 AM
illegal immigrants only pay taxes when they purchase goods. it is ignorant to say that someone who is in this country illegally and thus has no green card or social security number files a tax return. it simply isn't true. if it were, the IRS would just send that list with names and addresses of all the illegals to the INS, and we'd be all set. on the other hand - because they are mostly lower class, under educated people, illegals pay a good share of taxes because they consume a large amount of high tax items: lottery tickets, alcohol, cigarettes and junk food - all of which are highly taxed here in CA. question is - does it make up for all the costs they bring in terms of crime, health care costs and education costs? i would say on education, it's probably a draw, but on the other issues - i'd bet we pay more for them then they contribute back to us. more important to me is the speaking of english - in the classroom or otherwise. yes, we all have immigrants in our family tree, but not one of them demanded that they maintain their home language. if you want to live in the US and be a US citizen, then the first way you can prove this to me is by speaking the language. go try to move to france and refuse to speak french. see how well that goes over, illegal or not. we have got to quit coddling every group that comes here in the name of political correctness because - simply put - it is NOT politically correct to be a parasite on another country and not even have the decency to learn the language.
Posted by: caligirl on September 28, 2008 02:16 PM
you might say, illegals do "pay" taxes when they buy things at the store. but you fail to mention that its sales tax not income tax or anything else which legal citizens have to pay by April 15th. Apparently, as a 15 year old thats writing this, has more knowledge than some people who commented on this article. Also, Im not either a Republican and Democrat. Why should that even matter. Its not even relevant to the argument.
Posted by: MaddAmerican2008 on November 2, 2008 08:51 PM
Regarding a comment:
"I am forced to think hard as to your level of education... Do you know that most undocumented 'illegal' immigrants actually PAY TAXES? not only that, the vast majority of them do NOT REQUEST A TAX REFUND, therefore many of 'them illegals' may be actually paying for YOUR KIDS' EDUCATION and your medical care. "
Geez, no bias there. False! Property taxes pay most of the cost of education. You can't POSSIBLY compare a few hundred dollars in unclaimed taxes vs $8,000.00 and up in property taxes for many of us. Your argument is absurd. Please, please, educate yourself on the numbers before you share another post like that again. I PAY FOR MY KIDS EDUCATION AND
Posted by: Mike on November 6, 2008 03:04 PM
The person who said illegals pay taxes obviously doesn't realize that most of them are paid CASH.
Posted by: catfox8 on January 14, 2009 07:43 PM
If this great country of ours just enforced the laws which we have, we would not be in this mess. Regardless how anyone sees illegal immigration on either sides, illegal is still illegal and this country can not continue to sustain the situation it is in. Yes, illegals do pay some taxes in some sense, but yet the American people shouldn't have to pay for it. Let the illegals for the illegals, then we will see how they will suffer without the help of the American people.
Posted by: Mr.Sanctus on February 19, 2009 09:00 PM
Regarding Comment:
Geez, no bias there. False! Property taxes pay most
of the cost of education. You can't POSSIBLY compare a few hundred dollars in unclaimed taxes vs $8,000.00 and up in property taxes for many of us. Your argument is absurd. Please, please, educate yourself on the numbers before you share another post like that again. I PAY FOR MY KIDS EDUCATION AND
Aviously you haven't been exposed lower-middle-class america enough.First of all,the majority of "head of house holds" grossing $33,000 or less with at least 2 dependents normally pocket any where bweeten $2,500 and $5,500 per year( most illegal immigrats would fall within that bracket but ohh yeah illegals are not allowed to file returns.)so multiply that times 2o million(number of illegals in USA.) Second of all, did you know that out off our 305,000,000 population kids between the ages of 0-19 and senior citizens ages 70-85 account for an stimated 130,000,000 of our general population.. wich only tells me that we actually have more AMERICAN CITIZENS not putting in to the bottom line than the Illegal Immigrant community...Third of all, When was the last time you saw an illegal emmigrant receving Social Security benefits, welfare, unemployment allowance, housing assistance or even food stamps. The only programs illegals qualify for is The W.I.C program and public care via E.R only.ohh and about the $8,000 annual property tax you pay,,,thats a personal get what you pay for...i dont think people in the getto pay that much on property tax..
Posted by: deserteagle on April 9, 2009 06:09 PM
ummm... this is a very hot issue... i myself am an illegal immigrant. now, i no what i can have and not have. i cannot drive in california cuz the state does not permit me. california is the only state that high school students do not pay out-of-state fees in colleges. thats alot of money for schools that have illegal immigrants. also, i work and go to school at the same time. i work in the agricultural labor. i have yet to see a guero work next to me... i understand that i have broken the law... however i was a child when i came here. also about the non-english students... i learned english in one year... i graduated 4th in my senior class and was accepted into princeton and stanford both with a full ride scholarship. i did not go because i did not hav a social security number. so, for all of you that are against illegal immigrantion let me ask you this question, not having legal documents should stop a students from accomplishing their dreams... because you never no... i can discover the cure for cancer. if i do come and talk to me because illegal immigrants are people just like you and me... we have bones and organs and brains... we just like you legal residents and citizen can die...
Posted by: Beaner on May 6, 2009 08:18 PM
Regarding comment:
"If I do come and talk to me because illegal immigrants are people just like you and me.. we have bones and organs and brains... we just like you legal residents and citizen can die..."
Umm, what does having bones and organs and brains have anything to do with being in a country illegally. And of course you can die too. We are not saying you are not human. For someone who was accepted to Princeton and Stanford, you're not very intelligent. Regardless of all the money people like Beaner are costing the US, illegal is illegal. That is why they are all called "ILLEGAL" immigrants. My question is if these people want to come to the US and live here and be a citizen, then why don't they learn English instead of demanding that we learn English and why don't they follow the laws of this country. Most Americans respect the laws while raising their children to do the same, yet they're aware of millions in the country who violate not only immigration laws but virtually every law that exists. Just by being in this country, they are breaking all the laws in my opinion.
But if we just happened to open our eyes, maybe we would all realize that if we were to have closed our borders only two decades ago we wouldn't have such a large nationwide debt:
$397,460,016,700- cost of social services for illegal immigrants
since 1996.
$14,230,126,000- cost of illegals in K-12 since 1996
And these numbers are rising every second. So all I have to say to people like "Beaner" is stop breaking the law and get out of this country!!!!! And screw being politically correct, especially when it is costing us this much.
Posted by: clementine on June 7, 2009 07:19 PM
why not put some of the cost of illegals on their country of origin ie.mexico from my understanding they not only do little to prevent the illegal crossings, they hand out flyers and maps to help them get across. maybe we should adopt mexican immigration policy it.
Posted by: dean on June 8, 2009 08:22 PM
To the people who point their fingers at us, illegal aliens, let me tell you one thing:
You aren't one bit close to know the reasons and circumstances that lead a family to flee to another country. It is soooo easy to judge from your position; living the "American Dream", by natural right of course, not knowing what life in a third or second world country is like. Do you seriously think we were marveled by the idea of leaving our friends, relatives and lives behind? Of course not. But did we have another option? Perhaps yes, but let me tell you, most of us tried those options. For example, millions of Mexicans go through the process of application for a VISA (which allows us to come to the U.S. legally). Guess what, only the very lucky and fortunate get them. The process is considerably pricey and the requirements, in most cases, really hard to meet. In conclusion, you have to be middle upper class to even think of applying. Well, most Mexicans don't qualify! To top that off, life in Mexico is a life of extreme violence, drug cartel threats, injustice, incredible government failure to help its citizens, etc, etc, etc. I could go on and on about the countless reasons we had to migrate to this country illegally.
Yes, we cost you so much money annually.
However keep in mind that we also do all the "dirty" work for you. I'd really love to see YOU doing the work WE do. Or did you forget who cleans your buildings, harvests your fruits and vegetables, builds your beloved Starbucks and overall, supports YOUR American way of living, while you pay our minimum wage jobs.
I understand where you're coming from and why you're upset, but you seriously don't understand why we're here and what lead us to such sacrifice, simply to give our children a better education, a better standard of living, even we have to mow lawns to be able to afford it.
In addition, just because we're in the country illegally does not mean we don't pay taxes. We are perfectly able to do so and so we do! So that end is covered, meaning that just like you, American citizen, we also file tax reports like anyone residing in the U.S. should, therefore paying for the social services we are offered. I bet you have no problem with that though.
With all due respect, your comments and prejudices toward illegal aliens often come to be very un-American.
P.S. And no, the Mexican government does not hand out maps and fliers to help us get across the border. Get your information straight.
Posted by: Montse on June 22, 2009 11:59 AM
Let's finally deport them. Time for California citizens to start putting some real pressure on the government and get rid of illegals who are bringing us down.
They are, in part, a cause of the budget deficit and now Cal government is punishing all American taxpayers, rather than closing to take care of illegals. They are bringing their 3rd world ways here, they're poisoning this country, they and their children bring educational system down. Los Angeles is in half an ugly Mexican ghetto.Their own country is cesspool basically, they will do it to America too, if they're allowed to.
Time to shut down Mexico border. No more Mexicans should be entering here. Time to stop J-1 visa program as this is nothing more than illegal immigration scam. Time start penalizing employers for hiring illegals. If government just publishes a phone number to report them, there'll be a lot of work because right now nobody enforces the law banning them from working. Main thing, CA needs to stop giving them welfare. No more prenatal care, education for their children, medical services or welfare money. It is mostly Mexican women who keep popping children ("anchor babies" that prevent them from dportation), don't work and get welfare check. Time to stop catering to them. Time to stop "birth tourism" when people come here to have children who will be citizens. Time to stop giving them citizenship--a child must have at least one American citizen or green card holder parent to be eligible to be a citizen.
Posted by: zani on July 30, 2009 12:52 PM
And to the poster above: I don't care which options you had or didn't have: it's your problem. It's not my, American taxpayer's problem. You should solve your own country's problems. America does not welcome illegal aliens. You're breaking the law. Go home.
Posted by: zani on July 30, 2009 12:55 PM
"To the people who point their fingers at us, illegal aliens, let me tell you one thing:
You aren't one bit close to know the reasons and circumstances that lead a family to flee to another country. It is soooo easy to judge from your position; living the "American Dream", by natural right of course, not knowing what life in a third or second world country is like. Do you seriously think we were marveled by the idea of leaving our friends, relatives and lives behind? Of course not. But did we have another option? Perhaps yes, but let me tell you, most of us tried those options. For example, millions of Mexicans go through the process of application for a VISA (which allows us to come to the U.S. legally). Guess what, only the very lucky and fortunate get them. The process is considerably pricey and the requirements, in most cases, really hard to meet. In conclusion, you have to be middle upper class to even think of applying. Well, most Mexicans don't qualify! To top that off, life in Mexico is a life of extreme violence, drug cartel threats, injustice, incredible government failure to help its citizens, etc, etc, etc. I could go on and on about the countless reasons we had to migrate to this country illegally.
Yes, we cost you so much money annually.
However keep in mind that we also do all the "dirty" work for you. I'd really love to see YOU doing the work WE do. Or did you forget who cleans your buildings, harvests your fruits and vegetables, builds your beloved Starbucks and overall, supports YOUR American way of living, while you pay our minimum wage jobs.
I understand where you're coming from and why you're upset, but you seriously don't understand why we're here and what lead us to such sacrifice, simply to give our children a better education, a better standard of living, even we have to mow lawns to be able to afford it.
In addition, just because we're in the country illegally does not mean we don't pay taxes. We are perfectly able to do so and so we do! So that end is covered, meaning that just like you, American citizen, we also file tax reports like anyone residing in the U.S. should, therefore paying for the social services we are offered. I bet you have no problem with that though.
With all due respect, your comments and prejudices toward illegal aliens often come to be very un-American.
P.S. And no, the Mexican government does not hand out maps and fliers to help us get across the border. Get your information straight."
Ever consider birth control? My question other than that is why does your problem have to become the American taxpayers burden.
Posted by: fred on September 3, 2009 12:46 PM
I know of one illegal who distroyed my family. I know where she now works but don't know if her new boss knows she is illegal. I want to report her so she doesn't distroy another family. Her name is siranoush (aka Anna, Anousig) Mehrabyan. She's working at Beauty touch by Liana, in Van Nuys, CA. Phone number for the business is 8187860257. Mehrabyan is a con artist and owe a lot of money to different people.
Posted by: Pr on November 21, 2009 04:54 PM
I'd just like to say to those that claim illegal immigrants actually create a net gain. Let's just say that is true. I can think of a lot of illegal things that generate net profits to the US, but I still don't see how that could ever be justified. If it's illegal--no matter the benefit, then it's against the law and needs to be prosecuted. Thailand makes a lot of money off of sex trafficking, so with the same logic as many of you have, they should make it legal too, or at least keep it going. Perhaps some of you would like to volunteer for that type of life. I'm sure they're "taking applications".
My great great grandfather btw came to America as legal immigrants. We have a legal process which lets in more people than most countries. I welcome any new immigrant as a fellow American provided they go through the legal process.
Posted by: Ryan on January 28, 2010 09:24 AM
Sorry, I should have replied to Fred too. I lived 4 years working with the UN doing development work during and after the war, so don't say I don't know how bad it can get and how much there is a need to go to a better country where you can get help. Perhaps I could say that you don't understand how bad it can get. You've never experience genocide to the extent of people in Bosnia. Ok, so now that you know I know what I'm takling about. It would be great if we could let everyone into our country and that everyone could live in utopia. But this world is messed up and none of us have any right to anything. It is because we are blessed that we as a nation bless so many others and that's why we allow in so many legal immigrants. Sure it's a lotto draw, but again, it's no one's given right to have an easy or prosperous life. If you lucky, you might not have to go through a genocide.
But you are right Fred, most of us don't know what we've got. I live in Thailand now and work to help others. But my kids won't ever get a free education from the Thai government and I would never expect them too. I could never be a Thai citizen...oh wo is me---no that's their right to make that law. Why can't the US make it legal for only some to enter in?
Posted by: Ryan on January 28, 2010 09:34 AM
Ryan, laws are nothing more or less, but laws. Situations create laws and not really the other way around. Illegal aliens in the US is a situation that means there should be a smart reasonable law passed soon to deal with this situation intelligently and responsibly. By simply enforcing the present law fully and so with this to jail and/or deport all the millions of illegal aliens at once can create even bigger problems or even catastrophe. Yet you would say the law is the law and must be enforced to the fullest. Remember you can live by the law and die by the law and it also applies to countries and not just to the people.
Posted by: Tom on February 2, 2010 05:16 AM
I know some are racista to lations but there are not just lations entering in this coutry illegal there are chianaes and asians etc etc who cares get over it they are not going nowhere live your life and pay yall yall taxes and there is a alot of american that owe taxs de get your facts because my husband and child not going nowhere all these blacks get welfare too make them leave to and go to there country too we all illegal remember this country is the indianas but they didn't try to kick us out they work more than whites and blacks for little money get off yall ass and work hard
Posted by: Christy santos on February 22, 2010 04:33 AM
This is a very sore subject for people in central California. Especially Fresno. We know first hand the horrific effects of illegal immigration. Our town has literally been distroyed by gangs and our neighborhood have been over run by illegals. They say they are escaping from Mexico but cone here an live the same way! Also flying Mexican flags and having "hecho in Mexico" everywhere is a slap in the face. Let's get to the real issue it's only the mexicans who are being allowed to do this. People who come from Canada and elsewhere are deported everyday. And you should know they are here for college and work not to live off the state and turn our towns into 3rd world looking ghettos. If people from France came and started demanding we speak French people would be outraged right!
The fact is it is illegal for a reason. You can't just go and live in any country you want without going through the proper process. It's the law. Anyone breaking the law should go to jail and be deported. Our country doesn't protect our people from this, but that needs to change. Like it or not this is NOT your country. How about try fixing your own country instead of ruining ours like you did yours??? Stop costing us so much money! Go through the correct process.
It is illegal. It is a crime. Case closed.
Posted by: Khloe on March 4, 2010 07:43 PM
As a 3rd generation California resident, (my family has been here since my grandfather escaped the Armenian Genocide and came to the U.S. legally), I have seen the damage done to our neighborhoods due to the illegal aliens. It's amazing that now that most jobs in the San Fernando Valley won't even hire you unless you speak Spanish. My Grandfather always spoke English once he arrived to this country, and would never speak Armenian, because he said he was a American now. My grandfather also never wanted the taxpayers to pay for his services, that is why he payed for his children, and his grandchildren to attend private schools. He loved the U.S. because of all it had to offer, and the fact that he could come here work hard, and have a better life.
How is it, that many people come to our country, the wrong way, skipping the legal process, and expect us to just hand them everything our great country has to offer? It's funny to me, that the immigrants who come here legally, tend to be hard working and end up being very successful, but the ones who sneak into this country, tend to do nothing but complain that they are being held back, and are being stripped of their rights?
As for the people who claim we get so much from illegals coming to this country and working, I would love to know exactly what they think most of us paying our taxes are getting out of it exactly? As for the fruit and vegetables I tend to buy, there is usually a sticker saying that my produce came from another country on it, not from the US. I don't have a maid, so I clean up after myself. I don't eat fast food, (but during my teen's I used to work at one), so I don't need whoever is behind the counter that is barely speaking english to serve me. My lawn is maintained by my husband, so no gardner for us. It seems like the only thing I'm getting out of the illegals are high taxes to pay for their stays in prison (over 60% off gang members are illegal aliens), paying for their children to attend public schools, giving them affordable housing, their medical bills (meanwhile hospitals are just disappearing due to the lack of funding), and higher car insurance rates because so many people are driving around without it.
I'm not opposed to people coming to this country, but they should be coming here legally (don't start your new life here by breaking the law), and show some pride in this country. Remember the old saying, "When In Rome...."
Posted by: Andrea on March 10, 2010 12:40 PM
Posted by: Digger on March 12, 2010 12:35 AM
I'd like to see a study done on how much they pay into the state and fed gov in all taxes and since they cant file for refunds how much does the gov get to keep. So many people forget that just like almost all of us they still pay taxes.I have even seen where some have used phoney SS numbers and had fed taxes taken out but could never file a return because the number wasn't real.Nobody ever seems to mention that they do pay taxes also evertime they shop,buy gas,buy a home,ect ect
Posted by: Gregg on March 19, 2010 08:04 PM
Well, I will put it this way:
Either you pay a little more in taxes $9 Billion according to this study, which if we divide by $36 million Californians it equals to about $250 per year, $20 per month or $0.66 per day, per Californian.
That is not expensive if you compare to what Californians would have pay if the prices would go up for: groceries, restaurants, hotels, manufactured products, gardening, construction, daycare etc.
And never mind that immigrants are able bodies that the State did not have to pay to raise nor school in most instances. Yes their kids will go to school and everything else, but don't forget that those kids are American Citizens already.
Another consideration is that they come to the country with nothing therefore they will have to buy it all: clothing, bedding, electronics, housing, appliances etc. That alone is an estimated $25 billion per year in contribution to the Californian economy.
So let's be real here, if we are talking money we are getting a bargain, just like when the Chinese immigrants built the railroad system.
So what is it? It is fear, yes humans are afraid of what is different. Just like when the new immigrants where from Scotland, Ireland, Italy, China etc. Every new group that has come to the country almost since it's inception has been demonized in one way or another (READ A HISTORY BOOK).
Posted by: Ed on April 23, 2010 06:46 PM
Ok, maybe some illegal immigrants do pay taxes. One of the ways they pay taxes is by getting someone else's social security number and using it for employment. That is identity theft.Last time I checked that is illegal also. A felony if I am not mistaken.
Posted by: Amy on April 25, 2010 07:14 PM
"Another consideration is that they come to the country with nothing therefore they will have to buy it all: clothing, bedding, electronics, housing, appliances etc. That alone is an estimated $25 billion per year in contribution to the Californian economy."
Hey never thought of that before...but here in Tucson everyone is so busy giving security companies their money installing bars on all of their windows because of all the home invasions. You know people stealing, jewelry, electronics, housing appliances etc...
"That is not expensive if you compare to what Californians would have pay if the prices would go up for: groceries, restaurants, hotels, manufactured products, gardening, construction, daycare etc."
How would these go up if they are getting paid what everyone else is getting paid because they use stolen ss #'s (regardless of filing for a tax refund?). Minimum wage is not a hispanic thing. Besides, there are pletty of unemployed to fill their shoes.
My Poppy immagrated here from Los Mochis, Mexico legally and started a wonderful family. He got a job, paid taxes, had benefits for his kids, registered his vehicle (my first car - I inherited) and paid insurance.
If I am pulled over, I must show my license and registration, or some form of id or I'm in trouble. I also must show my military id card just to come home if I am off base. No big deal. I do it daily.
Look, the people here in Tuscon are scared. I notice the houses without the bars - they stand out to me, not the ones with them. The local news here is very depressing. I hear sirens several times every night (even week nights.) It's bad here. These people don't want to be afraid anymore. I am for immigration, obviously we wouldn't be here but for it. Maybe we should still be strict about applications but lower the federal and property taxes and up the sales tax. I Dunno.
Posted by: Nichole on May 5, 2010 10:59 PM
California has the largest economy in US, 8th largest in the world. It also has the largest illegal immigration.
Texas has the second largest economy in the US, 15th largest in the world. Texas has second largest illegal immigration after California.
I guess US business prosper when they don't pay their employees, life and health insurance, two weeks pay vacation, social security and pensions.
Posted by: Joel on June 26, 2010 09:21 PM
I think all of you have great points. There is more to this story than we all see. The politicians are involved as well. They have the power to stop it, but they choose not to, why? Because they hold the final numbers of what the government really makes from illegal aliens. It's not our fault we're in this position, our government put us here. Of course we could shut down the borders, of course we can make a law here in California like Arizona's, but why is Arizona getting sued by our own government? There is something bigger in this picture that we all do not see. Every crop, agriculture farm, etc already gets kick backs for their property by our government, the same employers that are allowed to hire these illegal immigrants. Personally, I don't care for illegals being in this country. But that's what our government wants us to focus on. They also like us to be in debt so we remain afraid and timid and use the support system they come up with. Meanwhile, we forget about the 780 billion dollars that WE paid for, is gone! And those company's and banks are now partially owned by who, our government. And some have already filed bankcruptcy. What has the latest war cost us? The BP oil spill, that is still ruining our oceans? No health coverage for the working American? OUR own homeless we see standing at the freeways everyday? Our poverty stricken AMERICAN's that can't afford to feed their children? I highly doubt that all this can be offset, or all our problems will go away by simply getting rid of illegal aliens. Bush didn't help, Obama was trying, but still sent 40,000 more troops to Iraq, and his health coverage bill has been stopped. These guys are just puppets to the House of Representatives. The only thing our President can do without a committee vote, is send our troops off to WAR.
Posted by: Spaniard on July 8, 2010 12:56 PM
Ed, the difference in consumer prices would not go up all that much if legal workers being paid a decent wage were doing the work. Labor costs for produce, for example, are the smallest piece of the cost "pie." Farmers pay for more for the other things that go into growing crops, like land, machinery, water, taxes, pest control, etc, and then there are other costs for transportation and the costs of the retailer. The cost difference between a tomato picked by a 5 dollar an hour laborer and a 10 dollar an hour laborer is only a few cents at the Albertson's cash register.
Posted by: isaac on July 12, 2010 03:02 PM
Posted by: Robert1 on July 20, 2010 01:01 PM
If it was any other law being broken repeatedly without repercussions people would be all over it. But for some reason all these bleeding hearts out there seem to want to let these criminals slide! Why don't we give drug dealers a break while were at it. Yeah they're social parasites but many of them came from broken homes and how sad:(
Posted by: msfit on August 20, 2010 12:00 PM
What many do not understand when you have been victim of violent crimes, hurt, without work, & homeless you feel that most do not care. Thank you for caring for our well being. We are not being protected, our borders are not given the support, our law enforcement officers that are protecting us are not being supported, and many Americans are homeless with their children that cannot get work. Employers are not being held accountable and not hiring Americans. When we are victims of violent crimes by illegal aliens & gangs, we lose our work, cannot afford medical care, the offenders not held accountable, and we are retaliated against if we request help. Why are there so many illegals and why is our elected officials that are supposed to be serving American citizens not protecting & serving US? I wished those serving America would understand American citizens needs to have a way to live in their own Country, a way to support themselves, a way to receive medical care, educations, and work. Too many illegal aliens and gangs are running rampant all throughout America.
Posted by: Karen on October 25, 2010 02:38 AM
Not all illegal aliens are going rampant and doing all sorts of violence. Some of them are really good citizens that follow and obey the rules of the country. They pay their taxes by purchasing our goods which are already charged high in taxes by the government. There are also those which are already starting to apply having a green card to be fully legal in living in America.
Posted by: TheRichKids on January 19, 2011 08:00 PM
There are many opions on the illegal immigrantion problem but no one has spoken about what these folks are doing here. They are in our country ILLEGALLY. Many people pointed fingers at Arizona when they adopted the F E D E R A L G U I D E L I N E S and laws that are on the federal books as of now, dealing with immigraton. I guess after all the name calling and people justifing why the illegals should stay the single biggest reason why they should not get any support from the US government or any of the states is their statis is just that I L L E G A L. Now not going with party lines right is right we, the citizens of the United States, have laws that we must obey or we end up getting fined or receive prison time. The illegal immigrants are just that they are I L L E G A L. It does not matter if they are productive or not, are paying taxs, using forged documents which is breaking a number of laws, they are at the end of the argument still i l l e g a l i m m i g r a n t s. The thing that is right is to use our armed forces on the border and if you not looked on a map it is O U R border. This will do a number of things stop the flow of illegals, slow down drugs coming into the country, push the mexican cartles back into Mexico and stop the terrorists from coming in from the south. Once we have control of our borders then we can start getting the control of our country back. So before you load up your poison darts and cut me down for my opion I want you to take a step back and before you start throwing those darts, I want everyone to stop and ask yourself how many throwing those darts are here illegally and would do anything to stop sweeps and getting themselves deported. If you are here illegally we don't want you. You are a drain on our resources and with the economy as depressed at it is we can't afford you so go back to Mexico you are in our great country I L L E G A L Y so what part of this don't you understand you are breaking our immigration laws!!!!!
Posted by: A J on January 22, 2011 01:58 PM
leticia olalia morales of 15501 pasadena ave #8 tustin ca 92780 submitted fake documents and paid 5000.00 dollars to obtain a US tourist visa. she is noww applying for citizenship.
Posted by: anonymous on March 16, 2011 05:33 AM
I have only one word to say..."illegal". No one can go to any other country and stay there illegally. If you are stopped in Mexico and you are not a citizen you are thrown in jail. Your family would never see you again. U.S. Citizens don't have any rights in Mexico, why should they have rights in our country? If the farmers want to use them for labor, like they have done for years, then they need to truck them up here, house them, feed them & when picking season is over ship them back home and not allow them to stay here. In the 50's they did just that. They were brought here to pick the fields and stayed in the community housing at the farms & then the farmer was responsible for shipping them back home. The problem since the 60's is that the farmers started letting them stay and that was that. Plus, our borders are not being protected like they were back then. Our government has let this go on way too long and now it will take a war to get them out of our country. This is our country, not Mexico's country. Debbie (White) German/Irish/English & proud of it!!!!!
Posted by: Debbie on March 23, 2011 08:36 PM
leticia olalia morales of 15501 pasadena ave #8 tustin ca 92780 submitted fake documents and paid 5000.00 dollars to obtain US tourist visa. she is now applying for citizenship.
Posted by: anonymous on March 25, 2011 07:36 AM
These property managers hire illlegal aliens to support drug cartelling, prostitution and illegal workers. ANTI-AMERICAN! The illegal aliens -staff only rent out to their own. Main Office -Ironwood Management of Encino, CA. Apt address is; 7709 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood, CA.
Raintree Apartment does the exactl same the property manager at this place is selling illegal birth certificates, social security cards and resident cards to illegal aliens located @ 25870 Stanford St. Hemet, CA. Diana is the property mng selling false doc's and Main office (909)764-1393 Her weakness is men she will rent you a place if you do it withher, GROSSS!
Posted by: You know who on April 4, 2011 12:33 PM
It is a resource issue, not racial. It would make no more sense to up root and transplant the entire county of France than it would to take on the illegal seepage from Mexico. We simple dont have the resources, period.
Posted by: Tom Jones on April 11, 2012 10:59 PM