/ December 9, 2004 04:42 AM |

Dimebag Darrell Abbott, a member of the heavy metal band Pantera, was shot and killed at a Columbus show when a gunman ran onto the stage and started shooting at the guitarist and into the crowd.
Five people died, including the alleged gunman who reportedly jumped on a concert stage and opened fire, NBC 4 reported.
The shooting took place shortly after 10 p.m. at Alrosa Villa, located at 5055 Sinclair Rd.
A crowd of about 250 people was inside for a concert by Damageplan, a heavy metal band. Two former members of the band Pantera formed the group.
The band took the stage shortly after 10 p.m., and minutes later, a man, who was wearing a hockey jersey and hooded sweatshirt, began firing at point-blank range at least four times at guitarist Dimebag Darrell, NBC 4's Kyle Anderson reported.
Darrell Abbott, who was known as "Dimebag Darrell," was pronounced dead at the scene, NBC 4's Kyle Anderson reported. Police released the names of two others who died. They were Nathan Bray and Erin Halk, both audience members.
"(The gunman) came on stage, from the back, like he knew what he was doing and went straight to Dimebag Darrell immediately," an unidentified witness said."
The alleged gunman reportedly shot and killed another member of the band before firing shots into the crowd.
Columbus police were flooded with 911 calls from concertgoers right after the shooting. Some witnesses said the alleged gunman took someone hostage. Minutes later, a Columbus police officer entered the nightclub and shot and killed the man, Anderson reported.
Tipped by: Right Thinking From The Left Coast
Other Commentary:
A Small Victory who was a fan of Pantera and has some Pantera songs on her entry
Pantera Official Website

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Posted by Digger on December 9, 2004 04:42 AM (Permalink)
Hmmm . . Must've been something about "Dimebag" wot pissed that guy off!
Orrr . . The guy didn't like "Headbanger" Music!
Posted by: large on December 9, 2004 08:52 AM
Bummer...wonder why somebody would kill such an upstanding
Posted by: susej on December 9, 2004 12:38 PM
Sausage, your cynical sarcasm demonstrates your pompish fecundity. Ass Bag.
I bet you'd wimper if one of those right wing blowhards you cream over got a fucking hangnail. But not someone who actually does something entertaining.
Posted by: rev rick on December 9, 2004 03:32 PM
Yet another tragic loss to the music world, Dimebag was such a talented guitarist and will be sadly missed and all because of another gun wielding freak. Keep Dimebag's brother Vinnie and his family in your thoughts and prayers x x x
R.I.P Dimebag Darrell Abbott x
Posted by: Angela on December 10, 2004 08:51 AM
I Love Guns! Ha, the freedom of the American Constitution. Reminds me of.....death.
Posted by: mattbing on December 10, 2004 05:50 PM
DIME was truely a legend and will sorely be missed.
I find solace in the knowledge that the perpetrator of this terrible deed will, no matter what his religion is, will be sitting in torment reliving that day over and over with the knowledge that he did it on the influence of a lie.
Posted by: Jim on December 11, 2004 08:23 PM
Why destroy such an assett to the music world, all forms of music will truly be affected by the loss of Dimebag Darryl Abbott..... Vinnie, Please stay strong, your brother was a guitar god, and a fuckin very talented and gifted musician who loved to play, my thoughts go out to all those who tried to help him in ne way possible.... Let his legend live on....R.I.P. Dimebag
Posted by: MAtt Zordani on December 11, 2004 08:37 PM
i hope when idiots like that (the shooter)die ,they are held at the gate until all the frinds of this great guitar legend walk by and have thier way with this gutless wonder.
Posted by: lance on August 19, 2005 07:28 PM
a year passed since dimebag was shot..god!!!i didn t even knew what happened to him..just read about him like a few weeks ago when i got more interested in pantera s music .
the more i read about him the more i realised the world s lost
there s nothin i could say ..nothin comes to my mind now...except...this love
Posted by: maharet on December 7, 2005 02:22 PM
Dimebag was a legend, He paved the way for inspiring musicians like myself and like so many others like him... We all love you Dime where ever you are, I hope you have your guitar with you and rocking out brotha!!!
Dime wouldn't want to see us crying over him. He would rather have us laughing and having fun just remembering him. I never got a chance to meet him and I don't now if I ever will see him on the "Other side" but I hope so...
If your reading this I want you to raise your drinks up to the sky and give this man a toast...
Posted by: TJ on July 18, 2006 02:06 PM
Dimebag was a god. HE WAS A GOD.MAN O MAN i miss him..with my small erection jerking off to him in my closet...not all i have are my ......posters :(
Posted by: Matt Zordani on August 29, 2006 01:32 AM
Fucking bastard who killed Dimebag....excelent guitarrist....we are going to miss you.....RIP
Posted by: Luigi on September 29, 2006 04:46 PM
Posted by: fellowguitarist on January 7, 2007 04:23 PM
Come back to me dimebag. I miss you baby. Just one more night baby, thats all I want. I loved you. L-O L-O L-O L-O-V-E. I gave it all to you...
Posted by: Trevor Leander on March 26, 2007 11:14 AM
Posted by: jack on April 28, 2007 07:58 PM
Dude, that day of dimebag's death was so tragic, i even cried. darrell had some of the best bone crushing, goose bump risen, and the greatest sounds ever to reach the heavy metal industry. FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO SHIT ON DIMEBAG AND IF I EVER KNEW ONE OF YOU, I'D KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN TO HELL!!
Posted by: garnodian cannibal on May 23, 2007 10:39 AM
he was the shit rest in peace brother. shred till the day we see you
Posted by: hghghghghfgtfvgv on October 23, 2007 10:47 AM
I listened to pantera from the day i was born...literaly. My grandfather always played pantera music for me. i loved pantera and damage plan both... rest in peace dimebag darrell :-( And if anyone is ever caught talkin shit about him in front of me know that they are headin for a ass whoopin
Posted by: samantha on January 9, 2008 01:56 PM
For every one who sits there and talks shit about dimebag.I want to you shut up and think.Think about how he revolutionalized metal.I want to listen.Listen to the playing. Go out and buy "Cowboys from Hell" and listen to "Domination". Or listen to "I'm Broken" from the "Far Beyond Driven " Album.He was such a nice guy.He lightened up the room whenever he walked in. He was always pulling pranks and just livin for fun.I cried when Dimebag Died.
Dimebag I'll See you in Heaven brother.....Can't wait to meet you.
Then we came jam.
Dimebag kicks so much ass.
So if you don't like him, then you need to shut up and fuckin' listen to his playing, recognize his tecnique.
R.I.P "Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
Posted by: Joey on February 14, 2008 12:12 PM
none of u knew dime man great guitarist love u dime rip bro
Posted by: budweiserking on April 9, 2008 04:33 PM
dimebag was my hero and always will be..... and i know if anderson lived that night he wouldnt of lasted very long.
R.I.P. "Dimebag Darrell" Darrell Lance Abbott
your never forgotten
Posted by: steven on July 14, 2008 12:19 AM
Dimebag Darrell was awesome. He will be missed and I am saying,"I miss you,love too" R.I.P.
Posted by: Christina on August 19, 2008 01:32 PM
Dimebags music is dead but his spirit lives wait I got that wrong...Dimebags spirit is dead...but his music lives wait he is dead but his music lives the mp3 downloasds are free ya thats it.
Posted by: jiam5150 on November 4, 2008 08:13 PM
I was not there the night DB was needlessly murdered. I only hope his death was quick and painless. They say that metal lead guitarist are a dime a dozen. I guess in this case a dime bag a dozen. DB is in a better place were the amps are run on pure emotion and the instruments are of the ethereal realm. The strings spark with lightning and the picks give the power of 10,000,000 butterfly sneezes.Were all the things you ever loved but lost are stashed in a place were you can find them.Were groupies are skilled yet still virgins.Were everyone looks like that guy you thought he was but always used to turn out to be some one you really didn't know. R.I.P. Dimesack.
Posted by: fester bester tester on November 4, 2008 08:41 PM
Heros get rembered but ledgends nevr did and dime wuz deff a ledgend we love u man and u will always hav a place in us metal heads hearts R.I.P. bro we love u
Posted by: devin on April 18, 2010 10:48 AM
i dont know why any one would kill the greatest guitarest in the world................ bummer it sucks
Posted by: damian on April 26, 2010 03:53 PM
Dime.........more than a legend, higher than a god. Beyond driven and far beyond anything tangible. We r not worhty of his contributions, yet we are graced with them. We should be so lucky.
6 years later, I still feel a tear behind the eyes. Bucket list shortened, visit his grave. All else can fall by the wayside. Nothing else matters.
Music, musicians, America, the World has not a and never will be the same.
The day of your death will forever be a Holiday to me brother, it, and you, trumps all.
Rest in decibals, and jam till the sky falls. We'll see you soon.
Posted by: maddog on December 8, 2010 04:57 PM