A body has still not been recovered in the case of Margaret Hassan, the Director of CARE
taken hostage in Iraq October 19 and
believed executed November 16. Her family and friends do believe she is dead and held a memorial service for the aid worker even though Hassan's husband
recently mentioned he thought she was still alive.
A funeral mass has been held for aid worker Margaret Hassan, believed to have been murdered in Iraq.
Family and friends attended the service, in London's Westminster Cathedral.
As the Care International director's body has not been found, a picture of her was placed by the altar instead of a coffin.
A message from the aid worker's family read during the service said: "She was brave, she was charitable, she was humble and hardworking.
"Yes, she was all of these things, but most of all she was our big sister."
After the service, family friend Patrick O'Ryan-Roeder said members of Mrs Hassan's family had been overwhelmed by messages of sympathy sent from all over the world.
He then added a brief statement of his own, saying: "Margaret's family should know that they left no stone unturned in their quest to secure her freedom.
Tipped by: Straight Bannana
Related Entries on Diggers Realm
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