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Mosul Base Attacked Again

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The Mosul base that was the scene of the mess tent bomb has once again been attacked, this time in a full frontal assault.


Insurgents tried to ram a truck with half a ton of explosives into a U.S. military post in the northern city of Mosul on Thursday then ambushed reinforcements in a huge gunbattle in which 25 rebels and one American soldier were killed. Warplanes fired missiles and strafed gunmen during the fight.


Wednesday' clashes began when a truck approached the base and American troops opened fire. The truck, laden with 1,000 pounds of explosives, blew up just outside, Hastings said.

Reinforcements came under fire by guerrillas using automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades and moving in squads of between 10 and 12. A heavily armored Stryker vehicle that had left the outpost moments before the truck bomb came across seven roadside bombs that had been laid out for its return, Hastings said. The bombs were detonated safely.

The Americans then called in strikes by F-18 and F-16 fighter jets, which launched three Maverick missiles and conducted several strafing runs against the insurgents. The result was 25 insurgents and one American soldier killed. Twenty Americans were wounded, but 17 returned to duty within hours.

After the assault on Fallujah was such a resounding success it seems most of the insurgents moved to Mosul. There have been numerous beheadings and attacks in the area of Mosul and of course that mess tent attack on December 21, 2004 by the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah (see the video released by the terrorists here).

Expect more attacks in Mosul as the elections approach.

Tipped by: In The Bullpen

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Posted by Digger on December 30, 2004 11:59 AM (Permalink)

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