/ January 15, 2005 01:17 AM |
If you love racist hate, you'll love Michelle Malkin's hate mail entry
Here's a little taste of the people that love Michelle -- and Filipino's in general.
Hi Self hating flat nosed Filipino Bitch! As we used to refer to your kind - little brown Fucking Machines. Looks like this little LBFM learned to whore in a different way to make some pesos. How sweet.
* * *
Surely you are a big put-on. Did some minor Republican operative purchase a mail-order bride and train her to do this?
* * *
Malkin, you're a dumb fucking whore. You're a philipino piece of shit who should be wiping my ass. Go back to the massage parlor. Sucky sucky long time. How dare you thing you have any right to express any opinions in this country. You're a joke. Go back to nursing school. Whore.
I'm amazed at the racist hatred from those who are mad at her for being a conservative. It's one thing to say "Tax cuts do not work" or "No, amnesty for illegal aliens is the right thing to do". It's quite another to call someone a "fuckin' Filipino whore" because they think we should enforce our border control policies or put forth the notion that Japanese internment seemed the correct thing to do at the time.
Ace of Spades also goes off on the leftie, Oliver Willis on his continued racist attacks on Malkin which are way out of bounds in my opinion.

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Posted by Digger on January 15, 2005 01:17 AM (Permalink)
Posted by: Someone on October 7, 2006 12:10 PM
Those comments are indeed racist and uncalled for.
I just think she's a douche bag of liberty like all her fellow conservatives
Posted by: peskime on May 30, 2008 01:12 AM
But she's not defending internment 'at the time", she's saying it was a good thing and we should do the same to ALL Mexicans and Arabs. She generalizes a whole population on the actions of a few. If that's the case then let's send her back to Manila because Flip gangs are a huge problem in every major city.
Posted by: Anita Gill on October 26, 2009 09:29 PM
she's saying it was a good thing and we should do the same to ALL Mexicans and Arabs
Malkin has never said anything of the kind. I call you on your statement... post proof where she ever said that.
Flip gangs are a huge problem in every major city
Actually I'm quite knowledgeable about the Filipino community in the United States so you have chosen the wrong website to post these outright lies. Your claim is bogus.
First of all the US State Department estimates that the Filipino population of the United States is 1.5% or 4 million people as of 2007 (another 3% are Asians of other ethnicity). This pales in comparison to the 14.8% of which is Latino/Hispanic and 13.4% which is black and 74% which is white and 6.5% which are other (including arabs, indians etc...) - according to recent estimates by the US Census.
So basically you are stating that virtually all of the Filipinos in this country are gang members, are in every city, none of them work and their gang population outweighs all other gangs.
And you insinuate that Malkin is a racist?
The fact that you try and pretend that you are not racist by stating outright, with absolutely no proof or even logical statistical analysis, that "Flip gangs are a huge problem in every major city" shows that you are the racist.
Indeed there are Filipino gang members, but the numbers are so small because of the lack of actual Filipino population in this country. They are a very minuscule portion of gang members in this and - according to the actual numbers - outweighed by nearly 100 to 1 by other ethnic gangs.
Posted by: Digger on October 26, 2009 11:01 PM
Filipinos are haters themselves- big time. I was born and raised in the Philippines. My parents are both immigrants from India . I am NOT a Filipino citizen.(It was against the racist constitution of the Philippines) I am not allowed to earn a living in the country of my birth. I had the same rights and had to meet the same requirements to get a job in the country I was born in as I had here in the USA. The difference, I was born and raised in the Philippines-while I had never set foot in the USA at that time yet. Yup, Exactly the same requirements-an employer to sponsor me and a job permit..this in the country I was born in. I did not choose to be born there.When racism seeps into the laws of the land- which is written by the most educated people of that country,- well you can just imagine how much hate exists among the ordinary masses. Indians and Chinese Immigrants are expected to act as supplicants and just laugh when told to go back to their own countries and other worst insults like Indians spread aids in the philippines. I was just supposed to laugh it off or get beaten up.No wonder Malkin is a racist . She probably refers to all Indians as 5-6 which means loan sharks-all Indians are considered loan sharks by most Filipinos.
Posted by: Jaiprikash on February 16, 2010 01:34 PM
I love michelle Malkin she says every thing I would say . she loves the USA and go girl, God bless you
Posted by: Deloris Sunday on March 31, 2011 08:44 AM