A rally held in Redondo Beach at the Civic Center on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2005 was a success and it's organizers,
SaveOurState.org, reported a large increase in supporter turnout.
The protest and rally started at 8AM in a popular illegal alien day laborer pickup spot in Redondo Beach. Numerous attempts were made by employers to pick up the illegal day laborers, but they quickly left upon spotting the cameras and rally supporters. From there the rally moved on to the starting location at the Civic Center. Positive responses from those in the community far outweighed the negative and some joined the rally.
The protest was peaceful and there were no reports of violence or any problems throughout the day. Nearly 100 people showed up for the rally with more than 50 individuals showing their support on the corner at the apex of the rally. A small contingent of open border supporters -- consisting of four individuals -- showed up later in the day for a counter protest, but there were no reported clashes between the two groups.
Several notable people showed up to the rally including the Chairman of Save Our License, Mike Spence, Western Field Director for Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Rick Oltman, talk show host, Terry Anderson, Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, Walter Moore and State Assembly Candidate, Michael A. Jackson.
Illegal Day Laborers in Redondo Beach |
"We are all just average folks who are tired of watching our communities turn into third world slums." said the head of SaveOurState.org on the website "Until more of us get off our butts and in the streets, we will continue to get what we have been getting, political whores who refuse to represent the will of the American people."
MadameButterfly, a user at the website, added "Today, you all showed the city of Redondo Beach, the beach community, and every person that is going to read about the rally in the paper that citizens, average people like us are seriously committed to ending illegal immigration. They're even willing to give up the better part of a Southern Californian Saturday to do it."
In addition to the successful rally, many signatures were gathered for a ballot measure that is being put forth to deny illegal aliens drivers licenses and government services. The measure is being put forth by California Republican Assembly and is being backed by Congressman Darrell Issa, who is well known for his backing of the successful signature drive for the recall of Governor Gray Davis. The measure requires nearly 600,000 signatures by February 21, 2005 to be put on the ballot.
Further Information
Summary post of the Redondo Beach Rally at SaveOurState.org
More pictures from the Redondo Beach Rally at SaveOurState.org
Pictures are from member SecondSon2nd1 at SaveOurState.org
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Crossposted to Backcountry Conservative and The Command Post