/ January 16, 2005 05:09 AM |
A woman in Birmingham, Alabama forced her 12-year-old daughter to drink bleach and then made the girls 9-year-old brother watch as she sat on the girl until she died. This is just the most disgusting thing I've heard since Phillip Badowski cut up his parents with a chainsaw or Dena Schlosser cut off her baby's arms. What is going on in this world that families are killing each other in such a gruesome fashion?
Tunisia Archie's reasoning on why she killed her daughter is because she was having sex with someone. I don't see the correlation there, but I'm not a total lunatic either (which is certainly the defense that will be used for her in court).
Archie is charged with capital murder in the asphyxiation death of her daughter Jasmine. If convicted, she could be sentenced to death or life in prison without parole.
Cotton said Archie, who has been jailed without bond since shortly after her daughter's Nov. 26 death, told authorities she was disturbed because "her daughter told her that she was no longer a virgin."
She said she poured bleach into Jasmine's mouth and the child vomited, he said, then sat on her until she stopped breathing, Cotton testified.
Archie forced Jasmine's 9-year-old brother Jacorey to watch the attack and "told him that if he shed a tear that she was going to kill him, too," Cotton testified.
That poor kid, I just can't imagine the horror he went through during all of that. Not only is his mother killing his sister, but he is straining not to cry or he will be killed by her too.
Tipped by: The Education Wonk (who found it via A Black and White World)
For other recently disturbing stories see the Sicko Category.

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Posted by Digger on January 16, 2005 05:09 AM (Permalink)
I stick by the statement that some people should just not be allowed to breed. What is this world coming to?
Posted by: Peach on March 1, 2005 09:37 AM
That lady is very crazy, How you kill your child for telling you she have been having sex. Do you know how hard it is to tell your mother that. That's why you have so many girls out there doing whatever and parents don't even know because, they are afraid to tell you anything. That lady seem like she don't even have reporse. I hope they don't try to make it seem like she was insane, so she can get off easy. She made her little boy sit and watch. Now he have to grow with the fact that his motherhave life in prison or the death pentalym and his sister is dead because of his mother, and now he has neither mother or sister and he watch th hold thing.
Posted by: Tiffany Davis on April 14, 2005 08:49 AM
That is one of the worst things iv ever heaed she doesnt even deserve prison she is that low.
Posted by: Orla on April 25, 2005 11:10 AM
This woman was mentally unstable, she in fact was trult insane. Neighbors report that she wouldn't let her children out of the house other than to go to school and that they saw her once sitting outside in a lawn chair during a very violent thunderstorm, getting soaked until it stopped.
She really was insane, but I'm sure she will get the death penalty.
Posted by: Carolynn on July 2, 2005 02:25 PM
I read about this story in seventeen magazine and it described it so grousomely that i almost cried. Seeing as i am now 12 years old this story was horrible. I dont care if this lady pleads insanity. She knew what she was doing when she so horrificly took her daughters life. Life is such a fragil state and anyone who takes a life deserves the death penalty. AN I FOR AN I!
Posted by: whitney mcfarland on July 4, 2005 02:37 PM
i heard it rumored that police were searching for tunisia archie's former boyfriend that he may be linked with further information in the case...i heard also that he may have been sexually molesting jasmine and that he was the person that jasmine may have admitted to having sex with.
Posted by: dawn on July 6, 2005 08:16 AM
I also read about this in Seventeen magazine. I am 12. I can't beleive she did that to her daughter for having sex. I don't know what to think because she did sound like she was mentally unstable. I think she should go to prison or get the death penalty.
Posted by: Jessica on July 12, 2005 08:39 AM
recently i went to a store and read the article. i was in complete disgust. i can understand if your pissed off about your daughter's virginity but things should only go so far. the fact that "tunisia" killed her daughter (with bleach, at that) is one of the sickest things i heard of and makes me sick to think that there are more pple like this everywhere. i dont think in any way, shape, or form this was necessary. and this to me sounds like some one has problems MAJOR ONES!
Posted by: ANONYMUS on July 14, 2005 05:58 PM
I can't for the life of me understand why a person would do such a thing. Her daughter told her that she was no longer a virgin -- she told her! This woman took the life of her own child and there are others who can't even have children. She is the classic example that not everyone should have children. Sad just sad. My heart goes out the Jasmine's brother - pray that he is able to handle this horrible facts of what happened.
Posted by: rafiki on July 24, 2005 01:31 PM
This is yet another reason to be against parental notification laws for abortion, its not as though Tunisia Archie is the only insane parent out there. Imagine a young girl telling her mother she was pregnant, if a mother can kill her daughter for sex, why not for being pregnant? Girls should not be forced to tell their parents if they are pregnant, because it could bring their death.
Posted by: Yasmina on August 4, 2005 02:02 PM
What a freak!!!! Why would she do that... God she is retarded!!!
Posted by: katie on August 13, 2005 08:43 AM
Oh my goodness! i also read about this lady in seventeen and even though she a little bit on the crazy side she was well aware of what she was doing! She sat on Jasmine for half an hour until she stopped breathing. And then she wants to tell people she isnt guilty! Someone should pour bleach in her mouth!
Posted by: Rochelle on August 15, 2005 09:17 AM
That poor child didn't deserve that. I am not a violent person but that woman needs to be put to death.She had no real reason for killing that child and now her son has to live with that for the rest of his life. That is just horrible and if I knew that woman and saw her on the street, I would beat the piss out of her. That woman has just pissed me off. I just have so much stuff to say about this situation but I just cant express it all on this little web site. But I hope that woman is put to death. She aint crazy. If she is she is crazy for killing her only daughter over some bull mess like that. She is just pittiful
Posted by: Monique on August 23, 2005 08:37 AM
That poor child didn't deserve that. I am not a violent person but that woman needs to be put to death.She had no real reason for killing that child and now her son has to live with that for the rest of his life. That woman has just pissed me off. I just have so much stuff to say about this situation but I just cant express it all on this little web site. But I hope that woman is put to death. She aint crazy. If she is she is crazy for killing her only daughter over some bull mess like that. She is just pittiful
Posted by: Monique on August 23, 2005 08:38 AM
Posted by: blakeann on August 31, 2005 06:51 AM
You can't do that to your kid! It's bad that the daughter did that, but you can't go that far to kill! Doesn't the mother know that it was a GOOD thing she told her? And the poor brother, watched..that THING is crazy. And sitting on the poor kid?! I swear, some people shouldn't have children if they're gonna kill them for such stupid thing.
Posted by: ANONYMOUS on September 6, 2005 01:54 PM
i cant stand hearing about that it discust me how some people have no feelings what so ever!
Posted by: ashley on September 23, 2005 02:40 PM
I just don't undersatnd how somebody could kill their own daugter over such a topic. I mean, yes to some people virginity is a big deal but you shouldn't die if you make a mistake, and what really makes me sick is that their are thousands of young couples out their that can not have children and would be terrific parent while other people get enraged with their children's moral decisions and just pull the plug on their life when it could have been handled in a more appropriate way. Even if she was insane, I think she had control over her actions. If she doesn't get life in prison with out parol or the death penalty and is proven insane or whatever, I hope she is in a strict mental institution for the rest of her life.
Posted by: Anonymous on January 3, 2006 06:28 PM
I too read the same article. One of the saddest things is that she STILL HAS NO HEADSTONE and Seventeen has declined on taking up collections because at 1st the family didn't want the help but now are willing to accept it. It's all about Jasmine not anyone else... Here's hoping the donations will come in one way or another. God Bless You Jasmine, you are so loved baby-girl !!! We will always pray for you and your little brother Ja'Corey, I know you'd want that...
Posted by: Jazy on January 7, 2006 11:08 PM
WELL ALL I CAN SAY THat jasmine sould of told somebody how her mom was in the begining and i think she didnt kill her for loosing her virginty i think she killed her for messing with that man of herz and when she was fussing with im she would have killd him too but he left so that the story i believe i read about the story in 2006 the book can out in seventeeen in 2004 but it ws an old book of mind i just had to read
Posted by: MAKEISCHA THROWER on January 12, 2006 09:14 PM
Okay there is something really wrong with her.
why would she kill her daughter for having sex
I'll understand if she get really mad with but killing her
that's over doing it,and then parent what to know how come their children don't tell them their stuff,maybe next time
they will wake up dead. I read this article in seventeen it was so sad...
Posted by: sindia rosendo on March 16, 2006 04:13 PM
"and then parent what to know how come their children don't tell them their stuff,maybe next time
they will wake up dead. I read this article in seventeen it was so sad..."
how can you wake up dead you retard! Your all judging all parents the same, ok so a girl died for losin her virginity and yes it was an unnatural uncalled for gruesome death, i feel sorry for her! But girls should tell their parents wether they have lost there virginity! this is just one phsyco woman not all parents are like this its just the odd few. I believe parents have a right to know. It is sick what that woman did to that poor child though. She shouldnt get the death penalty they should hang the stupid bich. Or pour bleach in her mouth and sit on her til she dies!
Posted by: Dom Creighton on June 17, 2006 08:07 AM
Well I am only 15 years old and I think that this is the most dumb thing I have ever heard of...How you gone kill your daughter when she's tryna open up to you...I agree they should pour bleach down her throat and make her suffer...she reacted stupidly...they need to give her a freakin death penalty....That was a sad story....
Posted by: NIkki on February 25, 2007 01:52 PM
she was sleeping with tunisia's boyfriend!
Posted by: theweaponbleach on August 15, 2007 05:48 PM
And by the way, Tunisia used to sunbathe in the summer while wearing heavy winter coats, and lit her car on fire in her front yard and sat in it.
Posted by: theweaponbleach on August 15, 2007 05:56 PM
Well, Long Time Ago I Was Reading This Story In Either Seventeen Or Cosmogirl Magazine. They Said That The Little Girl Lost Her Virginity To Her Moms Boyfriend And The Daughter Told Her About It. And Also, The Mom Had Some Mental Problems.But Yeah, She Still Shouldn't Kill Her Daughter R.I.P
Posted by: Rachael on August 20, 2008 05:20 AM
I remember reding this story in a magazine. The girls name is Jasmine and her mother forced her to drink bleach because Jasmine told her mother that she lost her virginity to her mothers boyfriend who raped her. Her mother killed her because she thought she was lying and was upset that Jasmine was no longer a virgin. The mother did have mental illnesses, and if people knew about her mental illnesses they should have put the kids in foster care.
Posted by: Precious on August 19, 2010 10:39 PM
the mother's boyfriend had raped her and she had told the mom and the mom had got mad about it then did all these horrifying things
Posted by: brittany on December 20, 2010 04:50 PM
i knew tunisha & jasmine i know the whole family i couldnt believe it!! her niece her brother child was also there but didnt eant to b involve in it!! i guess i thought it was best for no one to know my child was there standing by jacoreys side waching her kill jasmine i use to baby sit jasmine & jacorey i guess now time help me tell the truth but my daughter is very sensitive but act as if she dont remember much so i didnt want her to think about it!! i love the archies & death would be getting off too easy!! but a life time in prison would be justice for jasmine & ja,cory & toriell arhies!!! R.I.P. JAZ, MISS U!!!:'(
Posted by: francis grayson on September 16, 2011 12:34 AM
this is such a horrible story i recently bought this book, and i read the stroy and was horrified i looked up the house and it has not been sold since. i think that house should be distroyed for jasmine, rip jasmine.
Posted by: sadie on May 13, 2012 01:48 AM