/ January 20, 2005 05:30 AM |
A 13-year-old mother/child threw her 3-day-old baby out of her apartment window and into an alley where it lay for 14 hours with a fractured skull and broken ribs. The baby died and was deposited, in a basket, at the front steps of a Baptist church by the girls 15-year-old boyfriend.
New York Times
The police said a 13-year-old girl and her 15-year-old boyfriend, who is the baby's father, had told them the girl had given birth to the baby in her bedroom sometime Friday. But the girl said she panicked when she could not quiet the baby's cries and she threw him out a window and into an alleyway behind her apartment.
The child lay in the cold alley for 14 hours, until the boyfriend arrived on Friday night and learned what had happened, the police said.
The police said the teenagers told them that the boyfriend wrapped the baby in some towels, placed him in a "Happy Birthday" gift bag and left him on the stoop of the Second Prince of Peace Baptist Church at 464 East 183rd Street, a few blocks from the girl's home.
Tipped by: Six Meat Buffet

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Posted by Digger on January 20, 2005 05:30 AM (Permalink)
That is so sad. So very sad.
Posted by: Rogue on January 22, 2005 09:17 AM
thats fucken disgusting...stupid bitch shouldnt have opened her legs in the first place...hang the both of them
Posted by: lonise on January 28, 2005 03:20 PM
It is hard to believe that some people can do things like that.
Posted by: Brittany on March 25, 2005 08:04 AM
dat is so sad she is a dumazz she is not very smart and it her fault for bein prenet
Posted by: Tina on May 9, 2005 03:01 PM
she is soooooooooo stupid . If i was 13 and had a kid i sure would'nt though it out da window
Posted by: kassie on July 26, 2005 06:16 PM
she's stupider than DIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: kassie on July 26, 2005 06:20 PM
That dumb as bitch why the hell she will throw her baby out the window that makes me so mad she should of not had sex and she would not have that proplem
Posted by: Destimy davis on November 3, 2005 10:42 AM
i'm at a loss of words, if i were to ever meet her i'd probably knock her senseless, that's too wrong
i am so disguisted
Posted by: allyouneedtoknow on January 19, 2007 02:55 PM
all i hav 2 say is
(not literally though, that's wut caused this mess)
Posted by: idts on February 22, 2007 03:58 PM
omg im 13 and pregnant i could never c myself doin that i am so sorry
Posted by: samantha on June 23, 2007 11:20 PM
I knew the girl personally, she was in my eith grade class and we both live in the same building, after this happened she was taken to a ward for about two years, she just recently came back, and i see her on occasion but am not able to speak to her because her mother has her on the od lcok =\
Posted by: Rudy Bushido on June 29, 2007 03:10 AM
i think that she was under a lot of stress. for anyone to throw a newborn baby out of the window is just stupidity.
she could have had an abortion if she couldnt look after it.
when teens get pregnant they should understand and consider all the aspects of being a teen mum.
im only 15 myself and i know it would throw ur life offboard.
i do early childhood studies and i am getting a fake baby today. this is a good experiemebt that all people should do.
Posted by: liza on October 17, 2007 10:07 PM
does she got shit in her brain how the hell can she do that that not the baby fallt she open her legs the baby is a gift form god god nows what he does he is not stuped like that bich n 4 other young mother that want to do this just remeember ever thing hannens 4 a reson god know what he does and what goes around cames back around and it going to gat both of the baby parent
Posted by: jessica on April 23, 2008 07:00 PM
if i was you i sure woulnd of wrecked my life you had soooo much a head of you like havin fun going to partys finishing school hangin out with friends spending more time with your friends what can i say good luck with your new shep high
Posted by: zeymik on February 15, 2009 06:24 PM
she died aslo she kill her self ! september 3 2005 she was in the roof she a crazy chick she m.o
Posted by: samatha on September 3, 2009 04:07 PM
she did kill her self but this time over a nigga she jump off a 6 floor roof she a crazy bitch sep.3.09
Posted by: jennifer on September 3, 2009 04:11 PM
Know one knows the reason why things happen. Things just happen. Why does she have to be Dumb let along a dumb bitch? Why couldn't she just have problems that only she knew of?Who knows about her situation at home?No one knew her circumstances. Yes she threw herself off of the roof and only she really knew why. God teaches us how not to be so judgemental, I guess some of you either skipped that lesson or just forgot it. Maybelline rest in peace. No I didn't know her but I heard about her.
Posted by: michelle on September 8, 2009 09:43 PM
fck outta here . this story was rote wrongg . i knew MABELiN . she didnt throw her baby & she didnt throw herself off the roof .so before anyone starts talkingg shit wifout knowingg shit STFU.deadass . may ily qirl & always will life aint fair . rest in peace mabelin 12.10.91-9.03.09/ you restn in peace wif your baby boy anqel , ily
Posted by: Juicy<3 on October 8, 2009 06:34 PM
did she really kill her self?? i have a friend from school that knew her.. woww. i wanna see a picture of herr
Posted by: lachuladr on April 21, 2010 07:54 PM
THIS IS JUST SAD, BEING ABLE TO HAVE A BABY IS A BLESSING AND TO SUCH A SICK THING LIKE THIS....THERE'S JUST NO WORDS FOR IT. SHE's 13 YEARS OLD AND HAD A BABY? REALLY WHERE THE HELL WAS HER PARENTS? HOW DID SHE GO NINE MONTHS WITH OUT THEM KNOWING AND THEN GIVE BIRTH AND HAVE THE BABY FOR THREE DAYS AND NO ONE KNOW? COME ON? I think that's bullshit and all parties should be charged if shes old enough to have sex go nine months to carry a baby and hid it for three days then shes old enough to know what she did was wrong and she should be charged as an adult
Posted by: AUTUMN on November 17, 2010 03:01 AM
Posted by: shizzashark on June 15, 2011 12:50 PM