I say good riddance to Powell. I'm all for regulating the airwaves, but the fact that
99.8% of the complaints to the FCC were from the Parent's Television Council and that the FCC actually let such a small amount of people control the airwaves during Powell's tenure is a disgrace. Maybe he can get a job as Principal of a kindergarten so he can stand around and tell people what not to say or do.
Wall Street Journal
The bad news is that we are told that Michael Powell, one of Washington's better bureaucrats, is calling it quits today after four years at the helm of the Federal Communications Commission. You read it here first. The good news is that his exit affords the Bush Administration an opportunity to re-evaluate its stepchild treatment of telecom policy.
Given the media coverage, you might think Mr. Powell's tenure has been about little more than Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunctions and Howard Stern's potty mouth. In fact, Mr. Powell has spent the past four years focused on much more substantive matters regarding the government's role in overseeing a telecommunications sector that has never been more dynamic.
Tipped by: Slant Point