Young Conservatives of Texas at North Texas University drew fire from about 30 Angry proponents of illegal aliens, who were mostly Hispanic. Wednesday they set up a game called "Capture the Illegal Immigrant" to show their opposition to President Bush's guest worker program.
North Texas Daily
Three Young Conservatives members walked around campus wearing bright orange t-shirts with the words "Illegal Immigrant" on the front and "Catch me if u can" on the back for the game. People were encouraged to find these members and ask them why the organization does not support Bush's plan. The plan grants amnesty to immigrants with a job or job offer lasting for three years. The amnesty can be ended if workers do not remain employed, break program rules or break a law.
Participants who caught the "immigrants" were rewarded with a 100 Grand candy bar. Michele Connole, Lewisville junior and Young Conservatives of Texas publicity director, said the purpose of the event was to bring illegal immigration to the forefront of campus debate. "We're a border state," Connole said. "We suffer from the draining of our economy." For the group, the issue of security is another main point against granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. They are concerned republicans in office are not addressing this issue. "We see this as a homeland security issue," Connole said. "This is where we break away from the republicans."
I say make it a weekly event.
Other Commentary:
Michelle Malkin
Save The GOP
The UNT chapter of YCT (Young Conservatives of Texas) is facing a lot of difficulties arising from the free-speech event you mentioned, "Capture an Illegal Immigrant Day". They were already lambasted by a local television station (top news story on Fox's Dallas affiliate, KDFW, on 1/31/05) and are facing problems with the univeristy's administration (imagine that, conservatives having problems with the liberal elite of a university). Of course, liberals only want to allow "free-speech" when it agrees with their point of view.
If you have to time or inclination, I'm sure they would appreciate a note of support from anyone concerned enough about the issue to do so. The Chairman may be reached via email at:
Posted by: Milton on January 31, 2005 07:52 PM