A jacket with a patch depicting a plane flying towards a skyscraper with the words "Midnight Mission" and an arabic patch was found along the Texas-Mexico border back in December. Just more evidence of OTM's (Other Than Mexicans) crossing our southern border at will.
World Net Daily
According to a Department of Homeland Security morning brief marked "For official use only," a report from Customs and Border Protection noted that on Dec. 23, Border Patrol agents stationed in Hebbronville, Texas, found a jacket with an Arabic patch in a lay-up area on Highway 285.
The jacket is said to have a total of three patches, two sewn on the back, and one on the inside.
The two patches on the back were an Arabic military badge and one with the letters "Daiwa," while the patch on the inside read "Midnight Mission."
The report notes, "DHS translators concluded that the patch read, 'Defense Center,' 'Ministry of Defense,' or 'Defense Headquarters.' The bottom of the patch read 'Martyr,' 'Way to Eternal Life' or 'Way to Immortality.'"
Nothing to worry about with our southern border, just carry on citizens.
Tipped by: Hyscience
Your post scare me, nowadays, it is not safety even to sit in your own home. Terrible.
Posted by: Daleela on December 25, 2005 07:50 AM