/ February 3, 2005 09:28 AM |
The Internet is an unforgiving beast and when you screw over a teen who likes to write and get involved in things by calling him a bastard, phoning his hosting provider and talking to his mother like a punk you deserve what you get.
It seems Jordan Golson of Cheese and Crackers (I will not provide a link) became the copyright police because some 13-year-old with some talent blogged about the recent GI Joe Hostage situation and used an image from Blogs for Bush. His blog was noticed by InstaPundit and linked. You can read the whole story over at HundredPercenter (Or here).
I'm quite certain that Jordan Golson didn't own the copyright to any of those videos from the Tsunami disaster that he provided and got loads of traffic from a few weeks ago, but if a 13-year-old uses a small image he must be crucified!
I hope Austin's mother wakes up and lets him start blogging again. Denying a child the right to do something intellectual, informative and educational is just downright wrong. I know at his age I used the computer too much as well (no Internet back then, but I was still on it coding 24/7). Stimulating a teens brain is a great thing! Would she rather have him give up writing and computers and go do drugs or have sex instead? Come on lady, change your mind, for the benefit of your kid.
I encourage every single blogger to immediately remove any links to Cheese and Cracker and Blogs for Bush or any of their affiliate blogging locations.
Tipped via: Six Meat Buffet
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Now You Know has contact information for both idiots involved.

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Posted by Digger on February 3, 2005 09:28 AM (Permalink)
I agree that C&C and B4B stepped out a little over the top on this, perhaps all involved have learned a little lesson. Since in my ancient age I've found very few things that are forever, I'll join-in a boycott of C&C and B4B for 30 days - I am taking the links off as we speak. We blogs should always politely communicate our problems to eachother, not result to vitriol. I've got a few kids myself, and although I wish they'd all been perfect like me (not), they made mistakes too.
Posted by: Richard on February 3, 2005 10:05 AM
"I'm quite certain that Jordan Golson didn't own the copyright to any of those videos from the Tsunami disaster that he provided and got loads of traffic from a few weeks ago . . . "
He didn't. He didn't even host the videos so he was stealing bandwidth. The nerve of these two amazes me to try to strong-arm a 13 year old kid.
Posted by: Chad Evans on February 3, 2005 10:46 AM
I sincerely apologize for the "bastard" comment. It was out of line and unnecessary. I was hot under the collar and I should have waited until I had calmed down to post on the topic.
Matt and B4B should not be dragged through the muck for that comment, that was my comment, not his.
Really, the entire issue was my doing. Matt mentioned to me that his image got instalanched at another site. I had been in contact with Austin before over other things including the Tsunami videos. I overreacted. Again, I apologize.
Posted by: Jordan Golson on February 3, 2005 11:38 AM
While an apology is a noble thing, do realize you have already damaged this kid and taken his blog off the web with your ranting and raving and generally asinine behavior. Not only that but you have probably convinced his mother not to allow him to blog anymore because it "is too much of a hassle". I hope you're proud of yourself for destroying a young intellectuals hopes of being a contributing part of our community.
Posted by: Digger on February 3, 2005 11:52 AM
I don't really know what else to say. I feel terribly and I apologize.
I overreacted.
I emailed both Austin and his mother.
It was one statement that I am paying the price for.
Posted by: Jordan Golson on February 3, 2005 11:59 AM
It wasn't just one statement though Jordan. It was the continual exchange you had with a 13 year old kid and the demeanor you presented. I realize you too are young and are in the college years which do help form you for the rest of your life, but that still does not make up for crushing a 13 year old kid's creativity and/or hobby.
You can appollogize as much as you want, but I don't think it's going to matter. The person you should be bending over backwards for is Austin, not any of us (though Digger sounds like he wants some). You must realize how rare it is to have a 13 year old interested in politics much less even try to write about it. You have ruined that interest for him.
In the future I hope you realize how much words can mean to people, especially those that are just kids.
Posted by: Chad Evans on February 3, 2005 12:05 PM
Digger, although I agree with you on one hand, on the other, I have a 12 yr old, so I think I can understand this mother removing him from the blog. There are plenty of other computer activities for that age. The reason? So he won't be called a bastard by an adult. And who knows what else people post there. We all know that we see HORRIBLE comments all the time. I just wouldn't want my young son to be exposed to that. There is plenty of time for that later. He needs to go outside and PLAY!
Posted by: Rightwingsparkle on February 4, 2005 08:21 AM
I have to lean toward Digger's position. The apology is appropriate, but it doesn't unscramble the egg.
If Austin blogs again, I'll link him.
Posted by: Sabertooth on February 4, 2005 09:21 AM