/ February 6, 2005 04:01 AM |
On January 29, 2005 I reported in my entry " California Councilwoman Resigns After Discovery She Is Not A US Citizen" that Zoila Meyer was resigning her council seat upon being informed that the district attorney's public integrity unit had discovered she was not a US Citizen.
By running for election you are signing, under penalty of perjury, that all information you have supplied is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Zoila Meyer checked the box that she was a US Citizen and therefore knowingly committed perjury.
In the entry I called for her to be tried for perjury and deported immediately after her sentence was fulfilled. As this is the Internet I cannot be 100% certain that it is Zoila Meyer that responded to my post, but below is a comment that was left under her name on my previous entry.
Excuse me but you were not present if I am guilty after being here for 38 years and only being nine months when I came here, does not make me a criminal, I only checked the box after I got a approval from the city clerks office and her from another agency, so don't say something in regards to something you know nothing about. I am not a criminal I have been here all my life. and have lived by the laws of my country. that is why I did the right thing, why don't you question the mayor as to why he was so eager to get me out, and threatned me. with city money??
go after the real criminals..PLEASE..bye the way I will run for office again, when I do have a legal confirmation from the Department of justice.of my citizenship...
My response to Mrs. Meyer is that if you knowingly came her at the age of 9 months and knowingly were born out of the US and you have not applied and taken the oath to become a US Citizen, then you ma'am know you are not a US Citizen. If you do not even know if you are a US Citizen what makes you think you are competent to hold a council seat?
While being a law-abiding citizen is honorable and expected from all individuals living in this country, how can you justify your act of perjury? I have a hard time believing that you did not know you were not a US Citizen and you checked the box. Therefore that makes what you did a criminal act and a real criminal. You should be tried for your crime.

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Posted by Digger on February 6, 2005 04:01 AM (Permalink)
You weren't present when? When she perjured herself? What a childish defense.
I'm glad this woman who either has no understanding or no regard for the law (or grammar) is no longer in public office.
Bye (sic) the way, we can only hope no one votes for her next time out.
Posted by: tallglassofmilk on February 6, 2005 05:16 AM
I do not comment to the little people, ass yourself.
but good job to the one who thought to be me..
Posted by: zoila meyer on February 6, 2005 11:03 PM
did I spell ass? oops!!!!!!!
Posted by: zoila meyer on February 6, 2005 11:04 PM
Posted by: zoila meyer on February 6, 2005 11:06 PM
i be zoila too! tall glass of shit, (is that spelled right!)
Posted by: i be zoila too on February 7, 2005 02:45 PM
If, as she claims, she came here at 9 months, then she went through school here, right? If so, and she writes as poorly as she apparently does, then one could be forgiven for suggesting that it appears she is not very bright.
But I guess if you look around intelligence does not appear to be a major requirement for holding political -- one woman got in after her husband skied into a tree.
Posted by: eh on February 11, 2005 04:25 AM
A friend called me and asked me to look at all of my fans posting remarks on my behalf. I find it funny, because I am a Colleg Graduate and hold two degrees, I am very sorry to say I do not respond to petty remarks left by people who have nothing better to do with thier life. I can only say be careful what you read and do not jump to conclusions, only criminals do that.. I am the real Mrs. Zoila Meyer. and I will not come back to this petty site. it's to high school for me!
And for you readers "your eductaion level must be very minimal, because you obviously cannot tell when someone is being sarcastic".. Sorry for your lack of Intelligence.If you want to reach me, you woll need to go through the L.A.Times, I am to high profile for the little people of Diggers Realm.
Posted by: Mrs.Zoila Meyer on February 24, 2005 10:03 AM
zoila meyer you can run but you cannot hide. for everyone to know out there, she owes a judgement for 872.00 from the superior court of california, small claims division, county of san bernardino and she has not paid it. i will go at great lengths to collect this debt you owe, so pay up please. your time has come. you say you are not a criminal and you are a law abiding citizen, well you should not talk so much talk if are neither.
Posted by: kirk on April 14, 2005 12:17 PM
My understanding is that she thought she was a U.S. citizen. If she thought she was a U.S. citizen, and why wouldn't she if everyone, including the government has been treating her like one since she was 9 months old, then she did not commit perjury or fraud. for perjury or fraud there needs to be scienter or knowledge, intent, that you knew were not a U.S. citizen but yet you voted or ran for office. And yes I am a lawyer, immigration and criminal. What happened to this woman is a disgrace, it's a declaration of war on every immigrant. After taking over California, we'll be coming for the rest.
Posted by: edgar on June 24, 2007 05:56 PM
Noe, your a dick, learn to spell dumb ass.
Posted by: george malone on June 25, 2007 07:48 AM
Unless you have small mind and focused only one the idea that this woman made a mistake your missing the bigger picture. At this point the people running this country are bending the laws to suit their need when then see fit. This is not a matter of one person that made a mistake, it is IN FACT a political stomping on our constitution. Did you take the time to find out the legal right she may have? Did you ask her if perhaps her parents naturalized before she turned 18? That would make her a citizen. Just because she has not taken an oath does not mean non citizen. Did you take one. Oh yeah you were born here so the oath is implied? Not living up to it are you? If you were you would be standing up and taking notice of those who destroying your constitution. And defending it. Nuff said. BTW I was born here to.... and my people were here before yours immigrated. You should be happy that the native peoples did not require the immigrants to take an oath. Ny point, somewhere in your past one (or more) of your relatives were not born here and never took an oath but that did not make them non American just a bit more free.
Posted by: Christine on June 25, 2007 10:31 AM
I have to say a lot of you have a disturbing out look on this issue. Laws do have to change to prevent good hard working people from suffering. We are all immigrants in this country. If you want to get technical we are all here illegally. Being able to come here from another country and calling it home is what makes America great, I say make everyone a citizen. Clarify the law be more specific and detailed. Then and only then enforce it. Or I fear there will be a Civil war here in America.
Posted by: Milton on June 25, 2007 02:23 PM
This story has made me wonder myself, "Am I a USA citizen? How can I be sure?"
I would like Digger (Dan Amato?) to give an answer to this question. Are you a USA citizen? How can you be sure?
Here are a couple examples of how any supposed USA citizen may not actually be a USA citizen. There are many other possibilities:
* Bureaucratic mistakes can be made. One can apply for and receive a passport and a social security card, but still not be a USA citizen.
* Well-meaning parents may obtain a forgery of a child's birth certificate and never reveal the secret to their child.
Posted by: Tom Wald on June 25, 2007 05:05 PM
How reliable is your opinion if you think she committed perjury?
It seems that she did not doubt that she was/is a USA citizen. In that case, perjury would be impossible, since she was not trying to put forth an inaccurate statement, i.e. she wasn't lying.
Then add to that that apparently she IS a USA citizen (I haven't double-verified this):
Apparently she was telling the truth. In that case, why wouldn't immigration officials have bothered to check out the status of her parents before acting upon a rumor? It seems to be an incredibly important thing to find out before the rights of an individual are taken away.
Posted by: Tom Wald on June 25, 2007 05:19 PM
Your commentary is ridiculous. She was elected by a majority of her community and is obviously being made an example of by the authorities. Neither you nor your family are natives of this country, we are all immigrants, and yet you for some reason feel qualified to pass judgment on someone who had nothing to do with her initial arrival in the US. You are no more American than anyone else in this country and your commentary on the subject is nationalist and stupid. You are the reason the rest of the world hates us, but you wouldn't be aware of that fact having never left your tiny community in Everytown, USA - and yet you consider your provincialism to be a sign of patriotism, you're pathetic.
Thomas Hill
Posted by: Thomas Daniel Hill, III on June 25, 2007 06:03 PM
What is amazing to me is that anyone can post a blog on the internet and get some air of credibility, especially when one is not warranted.
I am going to educate you a little bit as I know quite a great deal about this particular subject.
First, you are grossly ignorant of what was necessary to get all forms of ID needed to function as a citizen prior to 1986 (and even later). Her parents simply had to go to a SS office and get her an SS number, that's it, same for other documents. The REAL ID act was not in effect then, so anybody could get the documentation needed to function as a citizen with nothing more than their word.
Second, this woman qualified for naturalization over 20 years ago. Why oh why would someone who knew they were not a citizen, who had a chance to become a citizen, not do it and instead opt to try to get away with a lie? Yea, that one doesn't pass the laugh test.
Third, not only has she been functioning as a citizen for 40 years, her background was vetted by the Sheriffs dept. when she signed onto the auxiliary.
Fourth, green cards issued in the 60's and 70's (her parents were issued one on her behalf) had no expiration date. They now have a 10 year expiration date. As most people know, the card expires but not the status: meaning, even though as a LPR she must have an "A" number, if she never got her card, no one would challenge her status.
Fifth, many people who emigrate here or who are citizens but have children outside the US or it's protectorates mess up their children's citizenship because the laws are so convoluted and often changed; that is a fact. Anyone who was born prior to the 90's could easily function as a citizen and not even know they are not, as is evidenced by this case. She has functioned and been unchallenged as a citizen her whole life and the system agreed with her.
Lastly, after having been given an opportunity to become a citizen, been given background checks, ET AL, why would she even think she was not a citizen? Because she wanted to try to fool someone? Please.
Keep your eyes open, once REAL ID goes into full effect you will see hundreds, if not thousands of cases like this because the less strict requirements that existed prior will no longer be in effect.
Posted by: Real Deal on June 26, 2007 12:21 PM
One thing I forgot to mention. The forms say (paraphrase) that to the best of your knowledge everything you have written is true and you sign under penalty of perjury.
If she believed she was a citizen (all data points to that) signing the form is not perjury unless it can be proved that she knew the information was false when she signed.
There is no proof of that, therefore she didn't commit perjury.
Also, it is pretty lame posting what could possibly be a false note from her here and then try to respond to it as if it were real. Her attorney has probably told her not to talk to anyone...that means you.
Posted by: Real Deal on June 26, 2007 12:26 PM
Zoila Meyer, you could had been raised in this country (illegally), gone to school, learned English; but that doesn't make you an "American." Your heart, husband and kids might be here, but, you are illegally here. By the way, in reply to your response to your messege to Realm, if you indeed respect the laws of this country, get yourself out of here, come back legally and then we'll talk. Shit, I'll be the one of the first ones to assist you in your reelection.
As a matter of fact, I'd love to see ALL the records of the election and reelection of Loreta Sanchez; remember Bob Dornan lost to Loretta Sanchez because her party used 'illegal aliens'? Investigators found concrete evidence of 748 illegal votes by non-citizens. Time to go you fools! Do you trust these people to represent you in congress?
Posted by: Checkouttime on July 22, 2007 02:11 AM
She's a 'wetback'. She needs to go back where she belongs regardless where she came from or who she thinks she is!
Cognizant or not, 'ignorance to the law' is not excuse before the law.
Prosecute the bitch to the fullest extent of the law!
Posted by: Checkouttime on July 23, 2007 11:42 PM
Posted by: Checkouttimebitch on July 24, 2007 12:01 AM
she is a citizen you moron, you are just jealous of her. your a loser, agenda please get real what agenda is there in helping people at least she isn't on here posting crap like you are.She has a voice and she uses it, you have nothing you hide behind a computer because you lack balls!
Border Patrol Agent Noe Aleman this guy should be deported for harboring illigals.
Posted by: Checkouttimebitchyouwish! on August 15, 2007 06:04 PM
I just found this blog by chance and reading the comments about Zoila makes me want to add my two cents. I had the same problem that Zoila had, except I didn't illegally vote. But I came from Cuba when I was 9. My parents became citizens in 1954. As immigrants did in those days the children stayed behind until the parents could afford to bring them. As my parent's finances improved they brought children to the US. I was the youngest and last (unfortunately). Because I came after the Castro regime I had to enter with my grandparents as a political refugee. When I was entering college I was asked for my greencard. I called my Dad and he insisted I had one but he couldn't find it. I applied to Immigration for a replacement green card but they issued a new green card without telling me it was not a replacement. A few years later when I was married and had children I thought of applying for my citizenship. My dad said I did not need it. I was already a citizen through him since I was a minor when he became a citizen. I went to the immigration office in Newark and they gave me an affidavit after looking up my father's files that said all his children (all our names were on this affidavit) were entitled to all rights under the US constitution. For over twenty years I used my Alien Reg. number and that certificate and checked US citizen. Well after twenty years claiming I was a citizen my wife wanted to go on a cruise for our anniversary. She applied and got her passport. I applied and was denied. When I inquired about it I was told I was not a US citizen. I went to immigration were they proceeded to tell me that the affidavit I received is not valid and I was not a US citizen. Now, I got married as a US citizen, I claimed citizenship in all documents were I was asked, for work, for mortgages, for loans, for graduate school. Oh and yes, I did register to vote in 1985 and luckily I did not re-register when I moved because it did not become a deportable offense to register and vote until the 1996 Patriot Act. I never gave false information, I always used my real Alien Reg number, but no one ever challenged my assumption to US citizenship. Only after 9/11 and Homeland Security did they really check documents. Interestingly I was told that if the passport office issues you a passport, even by mistake or by not checking credentials, you automatically become a citizen. I was told by the Passport office and my lawyer that if I had applied for a passport before 9/11 with the same documents I would have been issued a passport and I would have automatically become a US citizen. The immigration processor wanted to make a case against me and it took two years and over ten thousand dollars in legal fees to show that I did not commit a deportable offense. I got my citizenship finally but it goes to show how in those days immigrants like my Dad busy trying to make a living could easily mistake what he did and misinterpret what he was told by the INS officials. It also goes to show how no one, the supervisor of elections, courts, legal institutions, the US Passport Office nor even the Immigration office itself used to check credentials thoroughly. By the way, being a minor when your parents are naturalized does not make you a US citizen but gives you the right to become a US citizen. You just simply have to apply for a certificate and do not have to go through the Naturalization process. The 1996 Patriot Act made it a deportable offense to register to vote and vote but it also made an exemption. It says that children of US citizens whose parents became citizens before they reached the age of 16 and came to live permanently in the US before their 16th birthday can not be considered deportable because they registered to vote and/or voted after the 1996 Patriot Act.
Hope this helps.
Posted by: Dademon on September 26, 2007 01:09 AM
If her own family knew she was illegal, as well as “all” of her in-laws and friends than why didn't she? Also she has had jobs in Huntington Beach, CA and Maywood, CA to the contrary that "this was her first job". Look for 2 SS#s. Reporters should be careful and question and not let her family status get in the way of their investigation and judgment. Her story is full of holes on her end, but that is Zoila for you. It's always drama in her life and “never her fault”. She is like a fatal attraction – she can’t let it go!
Posted by: WeKnowTheTruth on September 18, 2009 11:34 PM
By the way her real name is Zoila Gonzales.
Posted by: WeKnowTheTruth on September 18, 2009 11:36 PM
This is Hilarious. Having known her personally I can tell you that the first post that begins with "Excuse me but" sounds exactly like her. This woman is a hostile, short tempered shrew. Her excuse for her temper tantrums is always, "I cant help it, Im cuban and I have a bad temper"......whatever. For someone who is supposed to be so highly articulate and smart she behaves like trash. She has a history of defaulting on mortages, leases and rentals. Not a very classy lady.
And anybody who knows anything about or has ever been to Adelanto Californis, is not impressed Im sure. What a scum hole of a town.
Posted by: bornintheusa on July 27, 2010 07:23 PM
I have know her for over 25 years and to the person above me, It sounds like you had a run in with her and got your feelings hurt, when she did not back down, that is what I love the most about her. She never made her life a secret, you guys are all so immature, Anytime you run for office, you must give out all information and pass a backround check. Now please get your stories straight, her life is out there, you people hide behind your fake emails and act as if you know her.. haha very funny. very cute and very dumb. She is very smart in who she picks as her friends.. I am proud to be her friend and will always fight for her..
Posted by: Whitegirlalltheway. on September 19, 2010 11:09 PM
What is amazing to me is that anyone can post a blog on the internet and get some air of credibility, especially when one is not warranted.
I am going to educate you a little bit as I know quite a great deal about this particular subject.
First, you are grossly ignorant of what was necessary to get all forms of ID needed to function as a citizen prior to 1986 (and even later). Her parents simply had to go to a SS office and get her an SS number, that's it, same for other documents. The REAL ID act was not in effect then, so anybody could get the documentation needed to function as a citizen with nothing more than their word.
Second, this woman qualified for naturalization over 20 years ago. Why oh why would someone who knew they were not a citizen, who had a chance to become a citizen, not do it and instead opt to try to get away with a lie? Yea, that one doesn't pass the laugh test.
Third, not only has she been functioning as a citizen for 40 years, her background was vetted by the Sheriffs dept. when she signed onto the auxiliary.
Fourth, green cards issued in the 60's and 70's (her parents were issued one on her behalf) had no expiration date. They now have a 10 year expiration date. As most people know, the card expires but not the status: meaning, even though as a LPR she must have an "A" number, if she never got her card, no one would challenge her status.
Fifth, many people who emigrate here or who are citizens but have children outside the US or it's protectorates mess up their children's citizenship because the laws are so convoluted and often changed; that is a fact. Anyone who was born prior to the 90's could easily function as a citizen and not even know they are not, as is evidenced by this case. She has functioned and been unchallenged as a citizen her whole life and the system agreed with her.
Lastly, after having been given an opportunity to become a citizen, been given background checks, ET AL, why would she even think she was not a citizen? Because she wanted to try to fool someone? Please.
Keep your eyes open, once REAL ID goes into full effect you will see hundreds, if not thousands of cases like this because the less strict requirements that existed prior will no longer be in effect
Posted by: The Real Deal Again on September 20, 2010 01:08 AM