/ February 7, 2005 04:43 AM |

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Posted by Digger on February 7, 2005 04:43 AM (Permalink)
I rank the series the same as you, except for never having watched the animation.
Posted by: gary on February 7, 2005 08:28 AM
You're wrong about Enterprise. It got off to a slow start, but the 3rd and 4th season have been exceptional, with great plot lines and character development. Since you're a TNG fan (I am too), you should know that you can't base your thoughts on the first episodes. Go back and watch early first season TNG, it sucked in comparison to the later seasons! Enterprise is the same way; it's a wonderful series, and certainly deserves better a ranking. Or at least, maybe you should watch a little more than one episode before forming conclusions.
Posted by: Jared on February 9, 2005 02:42 PM
Then again, I should have known better than to trust your judgment about Star Trek when you ranked "Generations" as the best movie! And how can you possibly have Undiscovered Country anywhere but the top 3!!!
Posted by: Jared on February 9, 2005 02:43 PM
Actually, I didn't rank the movies at all. As for the series, yes, I like TNG best. I tried watching Enterprise on several occasions for the reasons you offer. Maybe it's just the nature of prequels. There's "been there, done that" to be overcome, and Enterprise didn't.
Posted by: The Owner's Manual on February 9, 2005 02:48 PM
I told you I wasn't a Trek fan!
I love TNG and I love Malcolm McDowell, probably why I liked Generations.
As for undiscovered country, like I said I haven't seen a lot of these in a long time, so it probably doesn't stick in my head.
I admited I only watched one episode of Enterprise and didn't give it a fair shake. From what I hear though (especially at the slashdot link above) the Trek geeks thought it was crap too, even though it seemed to be getting better.
You can't expect someone to watch something for 4 years before it starts getting good. TNG got the benefit of the doubt because -- although season 1 was very shaky -- people were willing to stick with it because they had waited so long for a new Trek.
Enterprise had the negative of 2 recent series that weren't that thrilling and people really aren't going to give it a fair chance after being burned by Voyager and DS9 not improving over time.
So with Enterprise not grabbing you within the first few shows most people probably wrote it off as another piece of crap right away and there's no way you can win them back.
The first episode having some naked female Vulcan shower scene is what killed it for me. I mean I love naked wimmins, but it's Trek for Pete's sake!
Posted by: Digger on February 9, 2005 11:53 PM