Steve and Virginia Pearcy In Front Of The Second Effigy |
An anonymous source has sent me word that Steve and Virginia Pearcy have put a third effigy of a soldier in place on their seond house here in Sacramento. The effigy contains the same wording as the second one "Bush Lied, I Died". The first effigy, which was of a soldier hanging from a noose with the words "Your Tax Dollars At Work", was quickly torn down and gained nationwide attention. The Pearcy's then erected a second effigy, sans noose. They received a lot of negative attention for the noose even from those in the anti-war movement and those opposed to the Iraq conflict. The second effigy spurred a large candlelight vigil and counter protest to an act that many felt was directly against soldiers serving overseas and not as a statement against the Bush administration or military action.
Servicemembers, their spouses and veterans all have trekked to the location to voice their outrage. Several groups have deemed it a hate crime and not a freedom of speech issue. A Jewish man in the neighborhood spoke out against the Pearcy's use of the Palestinian flag in the display. Several commenters at this site have questioned the use of the Saddam era Iraqi flag which seems to suggest the Pearcy's would rather have Hussein back in power in Iraq and continuing his brutal regime.
Prior Tenants of the Pearcy Rental Home |
I have received many exclusive photo's of past displays by the Pearcy's including a statement and photo from one of the prior tenants. The tenants, who were Bush supporters, placed a Bush/Cheney sign in their window. In response, the Pearcy's placed a huge, ugly sign on their front lawn and raised a Saddam era Iraqi flag on the flagpole on the roof of their house.
The Pearcy's main home is in Berkeley and they only seem to come out to the Sacramento neighborhood to place offensive materials. Neighbors have spoken out in letters at the disruptive and offensive nature of their acts, including a letter from one of their neighbors who is a medical doctor.
The Pearcy's have stated that once their display has gained exposure they would take it down. A few weeks ago they said it has gained the exposure they wanted, yet they have once again erected the effigy. One can only assume that it is not simply to "get the word out", but now to simply gain this couple more attention.
Be sure to check out the Diggers Realm Stephen And Virginia Pearcy Archive for all of the coverage and photos of the full incidents from start to finish.
If there are any readers out there with pictures or stories of the Pearcy's antics contact me and I'll tell you where to send them so that they can be put on the website.