Toni Lynn Woods, 37, a middle school teacher in West Virginia was arrested and faces eight counts of sexual assault on five of her students.
State Police said several students reported they had been treated or touched inappropriately.
In the criminal compliant filed against Woods, she admitted she had sexual intercourse with three students a total of four times.
She also admitted to performing oral sex on two different juveniles a total of four times.
Woods was being held in the Central Regional Jail in Sutton on $100,000 bond.
Braxton County Prosecutor William C. Martin said the State Police investigation began when a family member of one of the children complained.
Martin said Woods resigned her job as a sixth grade teacher and permanently surrendered her teaching certificate.
Tipped by: Six Meat Buffet
I think that Toni is a wonderful person. She isnt the type of person everyone thinks she is. I've known her all my life and she was influenced. People make mistakes, why is it any different when a 40 year old man dates a 18 year old girl??
Posted by: Angeline on September 10, 2007 02:58 PM