The "Jawa-Patriot" edition in the continuing saga of interesting and thought provoking news from around the web.
There's sure to be something you've missed around the blogosphere.
(All links open in a new window for faster cruising)
Congratulations to The Jawa Report for hitting 1 million visitors. Rusty gives a round of thanks to all that've helped him out.
Alpha Patriot celebrates his second blogiversary! Congrats!
The Education Wonks bring us week 6 of the Carnival of Education.
Speed of Thought reports that Steve Jobs has once again been paid $1 for being CEO of Apple Computer.
PoliBlog informs us that the former head of the Cali drug cartel has been extradited to the US.
Rob at Say Anything takes on the question of whether people should be required to take a citizenship test and the assinininity (new word!) of new laws against smoking in private places.
So that wraps up the "Jawa-Patriot" edition...
If you have a story that is interesting or funny -- even if it's weeks old -- and would like to be featured in the Diggers Realm "Around The Blogosphere" feel free to send a trackback to this post and it will show up below. (Please only send one trackback and you must also provide a link to this post, no blind trackbacks).