/ March 29, 2005 02:06 AM |

Once again a female teacher has been arrested for having sex with a male student. Nicole Barnhart, 35, a social studies teacher at Ponderosa High School in Colorado, has been charged with one count of sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust and sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust with a pattern of abuse. She is out on $10,000 bond.
Barnhart had just completed a child neglect sentence last month for leaving her 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son in her car with the windows rolled up on a 90-degree day while she shopped at the mall last July.
In addition, this pillar of the education community, was relieved of her duties as cheerleading coach after inviting some of them back to her home for a game of Truth or Dare.
Rocky Mountain News
A married Ponderosa High School teacher is facing felony sex assault charges, accused of engaging in an ongoing affair with a troubled sophomore whom she says she wanted to help.
Nicole Barnhart, 35, has admitted to having sexual relations with the boy - one of her students - twice, according to an arrest warrant affidavit filed in Douglas County District Court.
The social studies teacher initially denied any wrongdoing but later broke down sobbing, saying the teen "begged" her to have sex with him, according to the affidavit.
"He's not like those kids - he tells me he loves me and he wants to make love to me, and everything's OK," the document quoted Barnhart as saying. "My life has been totally ruined."
The teacher, who has two young children, said she befriended the teen because she was worried he may have anger and alcohol problems.
Court records paint a picture of a relationship that developed over a series of off-campus lunches, at least one meeting at a housewares store and a rendezvous in a car on a deserted road.
Investigators began questioning Barnhart, the teen and others after a deputy stumbled upon the pair alone in a car near North Castle Oaks and Valley View drives in Parker on March 18.
The boy, quoted in the affidavit, repeatedly told investigators he did not want Barnhart to get into trouble. He loves her, he said, and does not consider himself a victim.
"I'm safe. I'm not scared. I'm bigger than she is," he told investigators. "All she's done is help me, save me."
The boy, who previously was being treated for depression, is receiving counseling, the affidavit said, adding that authorities are concerned he may be suicidal.
The teen told investigators he has nothing left to "look forward to."
"I don't care about anything. . . . All I have left to care about is her," he was quoted as saying.
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Tipped by: The Education Wonks

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Posted by Digger on March 29, 2005 02:06 AM (Permalink)
Not to excuse what this teacher has done, but if the kid is that depressed, disturbed and sad, why aren't the parents being investigated as well?
Something is not right here. Yes teens have problems, but this sounds more like a cry for help?
Posted by: deccles on March 29, 2005 03:13 PM
thats a cool teacher ..she muxt have sex with each teen...
vcome teacher n suck my 17 yrs old cock..plz
Posted by: ahmed on June 18, 2005 04:32 PM
yeah i had her as a teacher crazy right i know she was such a good teacher but when we found out she got caught we all knew who the kid was right a way...something wrong with that ...but every one new about it... shes still an amazing lady in my matter who she screws
Posted by: Amy on June 23, 2005 11:27 PM
i had her as a teacher also. The student she banged was actually my neighbors best friend and he was in one of my classes. The funny part of this is i had to present a project in her class the day she was arrested and i never did it. HAHAHAHAHA. She was REALLY HOT though, all my friends wish we were the guy instead.
Posted by: jim on July 22, 2005 01:35 AM
i was a student at ponderosa high and pupilof mrs barnhart she was a good teacher and as far as i can tell a good and caring mother. i also in the past knew the student tho we never talked the year of this incident i remember him from years past and he was a "troubled" child and was loud and rude to anybody not of his, "circle of friends" and if nicole barhart is what helped him be productive in society and a happy person let them be.
Posted by: JAY JAY on August 28, 2005 04:14 PM
Posted by: MIKE on September 22, 2005 02:05 PM
I'm seventeen and I just think that having sex with a student is screwed up. Even if he was the one who wanted to screw her, she was the adult in the situation and should have behaved accordingly. She could have helped him sort through his problems in other ways than by having sex with him.
Posted by: Olivia on December 16, 2005 08:21 PM
Yeah...what did happen to her eye?
Posted by: Olivia on December 16, 2005 08:24 PM
I've known Nicole for many, many years and have always known her to be a sweetheart. The media and the courts have tried to make her out to be a monster, and now are going to try and ruin her and her family. What good is it going to do to throw this girl in jail?
I hope these people(with their miserable little lives) sleep well at night knowing what their doing sentencing this girl.
Wishing you well Nikki, Take good care.
Posted by: Rick on December 23, 2005 02:57 AM
Her eye is bruised because she was in a minor car accident that week. I wrote that comment earlier and now i regret writing it. Mrs Barnhart was infact always a sweet and caring teacher. She treated all of her students with respect, maybe one more than others, but if you look at it, she was thinking about the student rather then herself. Yes she wasn't considering her husband and children at the times she did the things she did, but i personally blame the student, whom i know personally and know him to be quite the manipulative guy. To be honest, the Student needs to be locked up, not her.
Take care Mrs. Barnhart, and good luck.
Posted by: Jim on February 23, 2006 01:55 AM
I dated her years ago and know her pretty well. I do not agree with what she did, however, I do not feel that it is in the best interest of the courts to create victims of her family and children by sending her to jail. They call the kid a victim, give me a break!!!! If that were to happen to me my buddies would have been carrying me around through the halls of the school. It is absolutely ridiculous for the parents to say that he is traumatized by this. They are only looking for money from this. I hope that she and her family come out OK in this. As for the "boy" quit being a pussy and quit blaming society for your problems. As for the parents, stop trying to profit from your lack af parenting skills!
Posted by: John on March 9, 2006 06:11 PM
The boy is a minor for crying out loud!This teacher should have been the adult and stoping any sexual relationships with her and the boy at the beginning and just helped him with his problems.It's not going to help him by screwing the kid.Even if he asked for it!She desirves whats coming to her.
Posted by: Jim on September 13, 2006 10:31 PM
I think this was terrible! She shouldn't of done that,she could of killed the boy,is he dead?
She should think of what she has done and never do it again!
But the boy might of started it and he wanted to have sex with her! U never know!
Posted by: Lauren on June 12, 2007 02:23 PM
Looks like her husband beat her after finding out.
Posted by: DRW on August 5, 2007 07:14 PM
yeah... i live in glouster ohio and i was just looking at google and came accros this and i thought it was a very interesting subject.. ookay for one if there is any 35 year old women having sex with a 17 year old boy then they should be in jail no matter if the boy wanted to or not she should have known and i mean come on now she what has a 2 year old littel boy?? yeah wonder what she is gonna do with him when he is 17?? yeah my point and if she don't get sent to jail for this then maybe she will come back to schools and do it to someone who don't want to have sex with her... i just want everyone to think about that but do not think i am judging her because i don't even know her and yeah she does look like a every beautiful ladie so anycomments my yahoo name is
Posted by: nykki on April 14, 2008 01:18 PM
Boys being initiated into sex was happening from pr-historic times. Nothing new in it. What is the big deal in her being a teacher? It makes no difference. Poor Lady.
Posted by: roop on March 7, 2009 12:29 PM
I support equal sentencing for men and women. If the teacher were male and the student female, no one would take the man's side. It's just not right. I think so many women support her because they secretly fantasize about having sex with underage boys and feel as though they need to defend themselves vicariously through her.
Posted by: Cliff on March 13, 2009 11:29 AM
Posted by: nicola spalding on June 22, 2009 06:45 AM
I agree with Cliff. SHe may be "nice and sweet" but male pedophiles are often describes as being "good guy"s that doesn't mean they shouldn't go to jail.
And to John: WOW I pray you never have kids. I'd feel very sorry for your son or daughter
Posted by: AR on March 11, 2010 10:42 AM
I think the teacher is in the wrong she should know she shouldn't do those things it is bad and illegal for students to hav contact with their teachers outside of school.
it's her own fault - she should know better!
Posted by: miss J C on October 13, 2010 09:03 AM
That is ridiculous, it is not like the kid was 12 damn it....
He is 16, old probably wasnt a virgin anymore, and probably indulges in binge drinking like most 16 year old MENS around the globe!
The american justice protecting those MENS that are being ''abused'' is a pathetic issue!
Posted by: Renato on May 20, 2011 06:19 PM
the female teachers want the 16-17 yr old stud stamina. it is about them having orgasms.
forbidden fruit. women really play men when it comes to their " sterling reputations"!
Posted by: Neil on April 5, 2012 12:46 PM
I went to ponderosa freshman year my older brother Danny graduated from ponderosa and I kinda knew the teen she deserves whatever she gets!
Posted by: Danielle De Grande on November 23, 2013 01:01 AM