/ May 17, 2005 12:03 AM |
A peaceful protest rally against a taxpayer funded monument declaring that California would once again be part of Mexico one day descended into chaos as 500 counter protesters showed up hurling racial slurs and openly stating that they would retake the state.
Fuck the Alamo, indeed!
I covered the monument (see images) on May 8 and the announced protest on May 13.
The Washington Post covered the story.
Members of a group that opposes illegal immigration protested a piece of public art with inscriptions they claim are anti-American, sparking heated exchanges with residents of this heavily Hispanic city.
Police in riot helmets separated the 40 members of Save Our State and scores of residents during the rally Saturday, but there were no reports of arrests or injuries. The protesters were then escorted away from the site.
The Ventura-based Save Our State organization, formed seven months ago, said it wants the inscriptions removed before the Fourth of July.
"I find it incredibly offensive," said Joseph Turner, the group's executive director. He said the inscription "is seditious in nature. It essentially talks about returning this land to Mexico."
Baldwin Park, about 70 percent Hispanic, is 15 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.
Joseph Turner of has posted his side of events at the SaveOurState website.
In the bizarre world that we live in, merely opposing illegal immigration and all the peripheral issues that go along with it is justification for being labeled a racist, bigot or a vigilante.
In countless interviews, I am asked my thoughts when our opponents accuse us of being a racist organization. I constantly wonder why reporters simply regurgitate unsubstantiated claims and in the process perform the devil's bidding.
Yet, as evidenced by today's happenings, it is so crystal clear that our opponents are projecting their bigotry and hatred onto us. Today, we saw some of the most vile hatred and bigotry expressed towards us by the Mechistas.
Everything that we argued the monument stood for was reinforced by the hundreds of activists who opposed our presence in Baldwin Park. Numerous times we were told that this land is Mexico and that they were taking it back. Numerous times racists epithets were hurled away. One person even hurled a full water bottle at our side and sent one of our activists to the hospital with bleeding in the brain. Unfortunately, she is now in the intensive care unit and we are all praying and hoping for the best.
What started as a rather peaceful and uneventful protest on our side ended in sheer hostility. The counter demonstrators were supposed to rally at the other end of the metrolink station, but proceeded to outflank the Baldwin Park Police Department and traveled through a local neighborhood so that they could formally confront us at the intersection allocated to us for our protest.
In waves they came. Soon outnumbered 500-50 in a community that is 85% Hispanic, crowd control soon became an issue. Rants, chants and Mexican flags filled the air. Their spit and a dragged and kicked American flag covered the ground. It is imperative to note that that was the only American flag displayed by our opponents.
At the conclusion of the rally, a twenty year veteran of the force shared that todays rally was the most intense and largest he has seen in his career. And intense it was for at one point, I was informed by BPPD that they could no longer ensure our safety. Mind you, there were upwards of 70+ officers on duty in riot gear. Emergency reserves were summoned from various local agencies. A police helicopter circled above for the entire duration. Officers with sniper rifles rest on a roof above.
In fact, we were told that a credible source of intelligence suggested that violent attack on our group was in the making and that two hundred more demonstrators may be in route (which would have presumably overwhelmed the already taxed resources). Surrounded by hostile forces on all sides, we were evacuated by the police department to the police station one block away until the crowd dispersed.
We did not hurl racist epithets or make bigoted hate-filled comments. We did not hurl objects at our opponents or resort to violence. Yet, we are racist vigilantes!
It is of utmost importance to emphasize one singular point. Everything that we stated that monument stood for, embodied and represented was reinforced and confirmed by the actions of those opposing us today. To suggest that the monument doesn't reinforce the reconquista of Aztlan and hatred toward whites is simply delusional.
I find it simply amazing the anger directed at these protesters over a monument. The underlying hatred in the Hispanic community towards American Citizens who want orderly immigration and a stop to the constant invasion by illegal aliens is quite simply appalling.
How is this the protesters fault in any way? They exercise their right in their own country that they disagree with a monument that is offending to them and they are confronted with hatred from a group that seems to be made up of mostly people that want to overthrow our country. How much violence is it going to take before our government realizes there's an underlying issue that is soon going to come to a head? Does someone have to die before they do anything? Oh wait someone already has...
There are many pictures and video footage of the protest at
There are also pictures at Free Republic and Indymedia
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Posted by Digger on May 17, 2005 12:03 AM (Permalink)
Whenever they have these rallies, it always seems like the radical anti-immigration fanatics are grossly outnumbered.
Posted by: Ralph on May 17, 2005 02:29 AM
"We did not hurl racist epithets or make bigoted hate-filled comments. We did not hurl objects at our opponents or resort to violence. Yet, we are racist vigilantes!"
Just because you don't do these things, doesn't mean you're not a racist. We're all guilty of it whether we realize it or not, and it would interesting to hear what they say when the cameras are turned off.
Posted by: deccles on May 17, 2005 07:20 AM
That's hilarious--they didn't do anything racist or say anything racist, but we assume they are racists because "We're all guilty of it." That is such liberal claptrap it is ridiculous. You assume the worst in others because you see the worst in yourself.
Posted by: Makrothumeo on May 17, 2005 09:02 AM
Your right. Sometimes I make mistakes and see the bad side of myself, which is why I'm free to admit it and strive to change my own iniquities. To not assume people are equally guilty of the same things and attempt to pass it off as "liberal claptrap" is the very moment when it is allowed to flourish. Perhaps you should try thinking sometime and realize it's time to see yourself for who you really are. Then strive to change it.
"Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone."
Posted by: deccles on May 17, 2005 11:17 AM
Welcome to liberalthink...everybody is guilty of everything and we are all victims...
Posted by: Makrothumeo on May 17, 2005 11:34 AM
That's a nice over-generalization, but I think you missed the point. For reading, may I suggest the Sermon on the Mount.
I don't know what you think the Bible is all about. I don't even know if you've ever read it. But the truth is there, and if you're unwilling to see it, that's your choice.
I hope you will choose the opposite. Wisdom and growth comes only from one's willingness to self-examine and change what needs to be changed.
Posted by: deccles on May 17, 2005 01:44 PM
Well, my bachelor's degree is in Bible and I am a pastor, so let me put it this way..By their fruits ye shall know them...I know liberals when they spout liberal nuttery, and I know it is wrong to assume everyone is racist just because you find yourself so inclined...I'm sorry you're a racist, (you must be, you say we're all guilty) but I'm not.
Posted by: Makrothumeo on May 17, 2005 02:01 PM
"I know liberals when they spout liberal nuttery, and I know it is wrong to assume everyone is racist just because you find yourself so inclined...I'm sorry you're a racist, (you must be, you say we're all guilty) but I'm not."
James 2
Favoritism Forbidden
1 My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism.
2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in.
3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet,"
4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
6 But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court?
7 Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right.
9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
11 For he who said, "Do not commit adultery,"also said, "Do not murder."If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,
13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!
I'm glad to here you're free of sin and iniquity. It must be very relieving for you to know this.
Matthew 21:28-32
The Parable of the Two Sons
28"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.'
29" 'I will not,' he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.
30"Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, 'I will, sir,' but he did not go.
31"Which of the two did what his father wanted?"
"The first," they answered.
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.
32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Posted by: deccles on May 17, 2005 03:57 PM
I'm glad we have some of the religious right here who would like a theocracy, like deccles, who would base all of our country's decisions on the Bible.
However, I dont see how a protest against a monument that was attacked by others has anything to do with what he posted above.
Posted by: Digger on May 17, 2005 05:06 PM
That makes two of us...whatever deccles reasoning is, it escapes me how the Scripture quoted justifies his/her calling SOS racist.
Posted by: Makrothumeo on May 17, 2005 07:39 PM
If George Bush can do it, and have the agreement of every site similar to this one, and a major portion of the country agree as well, aren't we then already living in a theocracy.
I would have assumed that Makrothumeo, have proclaimed his status as a pastor, would understand the point of the verse I posted. Maybe I was wrong.
In any event, The SOS group (who by the way lives in Ventura, about 75 miles from Baldwin Park) went out of their way to inform the locals they don't like them or their monuments. The act itself is one of racism and intolerance. Both of which go completely the opposite direction of the teachings of Christ. Both of you should know this, so why do you refuse to acknowledge it?
Joseph Turner, who claims on his site he is a Christian, has attempted to create a situation which tries to prove he is correct by going to a city he would normally never even stop for gas in, and passively incite outrage, while claiming he is the victim.
I do not condone the reaction of the neighborhood, but did Joseph or his group really think this wouldn't happen? I think he was counting on it.
Having said this, go back and read the verse I posted and then tell me it doesn't apply.
This is supposed to be a nation which represents the best of human relations. Would you call this the best?
Posted by: deccles on May 17, 2005 08:24 PM
I'm not of the religious right. I actually oppose them on virtually every issue. This issue is not about religion it is about an invasion of illegal aliens and open support of overthrow of our government while using our taxes to do it.
As for the monument, it is taxpayer funded and the taxpayers have a right to take a stand against something that they paid for and don't agree with. I don't care if it was hidden in a bunker in the middle of Kansas and those protesting it were from Alaska.
This is similar to the 10 commandments monument fight. It was removed because it was taxpayer funded and in a public place. Why is this any different -- it's taxpayer funded and it's in a public place -- and what does race have to do with it?
Explain to me how it's any different deccles and then I'll agree with you. You can't simply use the religion issue when it's convenient. Seperation of church and state is one thing, active support of an overthrow of our government, as this monument seems to apply to a lot of people, is another.
Posted by: Digger on May 17, 2005 09:13 PM
If i'm not mistaken, the monument states that the land once belonged to the native americans and mexicans, and "will" belong them again someday. Is acknowledging the past agressions of the US government who overthrew the native americans and mexicans to get the land in the first place such a bad thing? The truth hurts, doesn't it.
Funny you should say the taxpayers have a right to protest what they paid for. Isn't Baldwin park a seperate city with it's own government and tax base? Or is Ventura tax payers now supporting the city? How many of them actually were from Baldwin Park?
If the march was in fact to protest the monument, then why, as the photos clearly demonstrate, do their signs say "stop the illegal invasion" instead of something like "tear down the monument'? The illegal aliens entering the US are a convenient excuse for citizens fed up with disappearing jobs and benefits. Immigrants have nothing to do with this. It's been happening for decades.
Instead of finding a scapegoat, why not look at the real reason why so many have migrated here. It's our own governments fault. Or have you forgotten about NAFTA?
If overthrowing the government is the message you see, then why don't you cry for radical response when it's our nation overthrowing other governments? Maybe you do. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, it's not very comfortable, is it.
Iraq, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Chile, Panama, Turkey, Hawaii, Mexico, Guam, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and Venezuela (twice attempted, but failed in the last 5 years). Next will be Syria and Iran. The list goes on and on. And why? Either because the country had some intrinsic value such as mineral resources, or because they refused to play by our rules economically. Thus, they didn't deserve to be autonomous.
Incidentally, overthrowing of government is how the US came into being in the first place.
Besides, Joseph Turner is the one who inserted the religious tone into this story, I'm simply pointing out how misguided his reasoning really is.
I do not associate myself with the religious right. These people use the bible when it's convenient to their politics. I use it everyday. They ignore the message of the new testament, especially the teachings of Christ in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They ignore the peaceful intentions of God and Christ and instead insite hatred and violence by using only what suits their agenda.
I seek the truth. The religious right, the neocons, the Pat Robertsons and the Zionists do not. They seek only destruction and greed. This is why I voted for neither Bush or Kerry, I voted for the only person telling the truth.
Posted by: deccles on May 18, 2005 12:46 AM
The monument should not stand, and if the illegal immigrants don't like the fact that it might be taken down, then load 'em up and take their asses back to Mexico. No one wanted them here in the first place.
Posted by: boogadia on May 18, 2005 12:07 PM
These Aztlanists are racist spics, plain and simple.
Posted by: Carlos on June 22, 2005 10:00 AM
Posted by: Ralph on June 23, 2005 04:53 AM
Illegal means illegal. If someone is illegally in the USA, then they need to leave. I dont think that illegal immigrants even have the right to protest under the constitution. That privelege is reserved for American citizens alone. I think that the next time a large number of illegal immigrants rally and cause trouble in our streets, we should fly Apache helicopters over them with loud speakers and tell them that they are breaking the law, they have no legal right to protest, and to disperse and go home immediately. If they dont leave, and they are breaking the law, then its time to use gas bombs on them and incredibly loud noise weapons. And if it is necessary shoot some of them.A couple of rounds from the Apache's guns would scare the hell out of anyone. Besides, they are trying to create an economic downturn by clogging up city streets. i would rather a few illegals be shot and killed, than let invaders from another country run our streets.
Posted by: William on April 28, 2006 03:30 PM
and what about the thousands of soldiers who entered ILLEGALLY (by all international agreements) in Iraq to start an unjustified war?
Posted by: drg on May 1, 2006 07:41 PM
So, drg, you are saying that illegal immigrants are at war with us just as we are at war in Iraq?
Posted by: Andrew Horning on April 6, 2007 01:08 PM
I say let's go to war with them.
Posted by: All-American Heretic on May 1, 2007 10:35 PM
"If i'm not mistaken, the monument states that the land once belonged to the native americans and mexicans, and "will" belong them again someday. Is acknowledging the past agressions of the US government who overthrew the native americans and mexicans to get the land in the first place such a bad thing? The truth hurts, doesn't it."
In your piss-pour attempt to justify the monument, you addressed only the message about the what about the message about the future?
If there is anything in this world that is anti-American, it's requesting territorial revisionism, a compromising of the Union itself. Let me remind you that the United States WENT TO WAR with the South over secession, and millions died as a result. To defend a monument which encourages the destruction of the United States (by those who are taking advantage of the United States' existence by working/living here) is sheer lunacy. You are in idiot.
Posted by: Kyle on December 4, 2007 08:19 PM
"If i'm not mistaken, the monument states that the land once belonged to the native americans and mexicans, and "will" belong them again someday. Is acknowledging the past agressions of the US government who overthrew the native americans and mexicans to get the land in the first place such a bad thing? The truth hurts, doesn't it."
In your piss-pour attempt to justify the monument, you addressed only the message about the what about the message about the future?
If there is anything in this world that is anti-American, it's requesting territorial revisionism, a compromising of the Union itself. Let me remind you that the United States WENT TO WAR with the South over secession, and millions died as a result. To defend a monument which encourages the destruction of the United States (by those who are taking advantage of the United States' existence by working/living here) is sheer lunacy. You are an idiot.
Posted by: Kyle on December 4, 2007 08:21 PM
Posted by: REVY on January 9, 2008 06:09 PM
I don't believe this story. Is there some reporting somewhere confirming the spitting, the water-bottle toss, the bleeding in the brain?
Posted by: tom on March 16, 2009 02:17 AM
whEN i REAd ThiS i Th0ugHt iT iS REAllY BIASED!!!
Posted by: DiANA on December 3, 2010 09:56 PM
the land of a free men don't have borders
Posted by: juan on March 27, 2011 06:46 PM