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Ohio Couple Accused of Child Prostitution

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(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) I'm no longer astonished by the level of depravity brought about by addictive drug usage. It just sickens me.

From the Post-Gazette.com:

Pittsburgh police patrolling the North Side early Tuesday stumbled across a twisted tale of interstate child prostitution, sex abuse and drug addiction, according to the FBI.

As a result, a man and woman from Warren, Ohio, were hauled in to U.S. District Court yesterday to face federal charges of transporting a 15-year-old runaway from Warren to Pittsburgh to sell her to a man for sex in exchange for cocaine.

Greg Lowery, 44, who has an extensive criminal record in Warren, and Pamela Tilley, 45, could face at least a mandatory five years in prison if convicted.

If they are guilty of the alleged behavior, five years in prison would be a travesty. In addition to being apparent sicko druggies, Lowery and Tilley are alleged to have sexually assaulted the 15-year-old and also a 13-year-old female escapee from a juvenile placement center in Ohio.

A detention hearing is scheduled for Monday. In the meantime, Lowery and Tilley are locked up in the Allegheny County Jail. The girls are in foster care.

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Posted by Mike Pechar on August 20, 2005 04:50 PM (Permalink)

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before you blow off at the mouth about the tilley lowery case. first know the facts why dont you apply for a job at national enquirer and get paid for your lies. everyone knows that Greg called the shots on everyone. dont just read the paper and print what you read on the computer. wait till the truth comes out then you can be ashamed of your story.

Posted by: tim on November 12, 2005 08:08 PM

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