Tammy Imre, 29, was
arrested on November 9, 2004 for molesting an 8-year-old boy. On
November 16, 2004 it was revealed that she gave the boy long deep kisses and a bank statement was found written from Imre to the boy with the following written on the back of it.
"Baby, I loved what we did! ... Behind the tree, that shows me you love me. You know I love you! OK, I know we can't have - - - every single day, but! We should have some long kisses every day just to show that we love each othee [sic], OK? Can you promise me that and keep the promise! I love you!"
This is a very sick woman. 8-years-old for crying out loud!
Her attorney, Donald Papcsy, said during a brief court appearance that Imre agreed to plead guilty to reduced charges on Sept. 19. He would not provide any details, but said the deal calls for Imre to serve less than 10 years, the mandatory minimum sentence for first-degree sexual assault.
If convicted of all charges, Imre, a part-time receptionist, could have faced over 20 years in prison. She has been in custody since her arrest on $250,000 bond.
"She should be out of jail in a relatively short period of time," Papcsy said. "She'll still be a young woman."
Prosecutors and George Ganim Jr., an attorney for the boy's mother, also confirmed the plea deal but declined to disclose details.
"My client is happy at this point Ms. Imre is finally admitting what she did to my client's son," Ganim said.
Imre may enter a plea through the Alford Doctrine, in which defendants concedes that the prosecution has enough evidence to convict, but do not admit to all the allegations, Papcsy said.
Imre Pleads Guilty! Sep.19, 2005 - Tammy Imre Pleads Guilty To Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy, Faces 6 Years
Tipped by: Interested-Participant who has more.
Other entries on this story
Nov. 4, 2005 - Tammy Imre Sentenced To 6 Years For Sex With 8-Year-Old Boy
Sep. 19, 2005 - Tammy Imre Pleads Guilty To Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy, Faces 6 Years
Nov. 16, 2004 - Latest Update On Tammy Imre, Pedophile Who Molested An 8-Year-Old Boy
Nov. 9, 2004 - Tammy Imre, 29, Accused Of Molesting 8-Year-Old Boy