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Chinese Using Executed Prisoners Skin In Exported Skin Care Products

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An investigation into a skin care products supplier in China has resulted in the revelation that the products contain the skin of executed prisoners. Some of these products may have been sold as a third-party ingredient to other companies as well. The lack of regulatory controls in the skin care industry make catching such things near impossible.

The Guardian

A Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe, an investigation by the Guardian has discovered.

Agents for the firm have told would-be customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they have been shot. The agents say some of the company's products have been exported to the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is "traditional" and nothing to "make such a big fuss about".


He suggested that the use of skin and other tissues harvested from executed prisoners was not uncommon. "In China it is considered very normal and I was very shocked that western countries can make such a big fuss about this," he said. Speaking from his office in northern China, he added: "The government has put some pressure on all the medical facilities to keep this type of work in low profile."

The agent said his company exported to the west via Hong Kong."We are still in the early days of selling these products, and clients from abroad are quite surprised that China can manufacture the same human collagen for less than 5% of what it costs in the west." Skin from prisoners used to be even less expensive, he said. "Nowadays there is a certain fee that has to be paid to the court."

Okay, that's just disgusting.

Tipped by: Lonewacko

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Posted by Digger on September 14, 2005 07:18 AM (Permalink)

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"... was very shocked that Western countries can make such a big fuss about this,"

Has nothing to do with misperceptions. A little hint that Western Culture is just A LITTLE BIT RADICALLY FRIGGEN DIFFEREET from our new business partners in the East. I wonder what the hell other abstract differences of understanding we are to partake of before we are enlightened after the fact. Maybe pointing their dongs at us is a sign of respect and gratitude for freely receiving the technology they desperately wanted. "It's culture stupid"

Posted by: DW on September 25, 2005 12:19 AM

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