/ September 14, 2005 08:18 PM |

Debra Lafave, the now 25-year-old newlywed teacher who was arrested June 21, 2004 for having sex with a 14-year-old student, has filed a motion to block photo's of her genitalia from being released. During the investigation police received a warrant and took photo's of Lafaves genitalia to corroborate the story of the 14-year-old. These photos are of public record and therefore can be released to anyone who requests them. Lafave is scheduled to go on trial in December.
St Petersburg Times
... few know about the graphic photos police took of the former Greco Middle School teacher. On Tuesday, Lafave's attorney filed a motion to block public access to six photos taken of her last year, saying officers violated Lafave's constitutional right to privacy when they shot close-ups of her genitals.
Hillsborough Circuit Judge Wayne S. Timmerman is scheduled to hear the motion next week.
"We don't believe that the search warrant issued by the judge authorized them to do this," said John Fitzgibbons, Lafave's attorney. "At this point, anybody could literally go into the State Attorney's Office, get copies of these photographs, put them on the Internet, and the world would have access to them."
[The boy] mentioned belly button rings and butterfly tattoos. Then he told them about Lafave's "V" shaped tan line along her waist and that she had shaved her pubic area in a "unique" pattern.
A nurse draped a sheet over Lafave and a female jailhouse deputy snapped four pictures of her hips, legs and back. Then they placed Lafave's feet in stirrups and took two close-up photos of her genitals that Fitzgibbons described as "pornographic."
When they tried to take pictures of Lafave's breasts, she refused, Fitzgibbons said.
See other Sicko's in the Diggers Realm Sicko Archive
Related books on sexual predators:
Tipped by: Interested-Participant
Other Commentary:
The Smoking Gun has the original police report
Larry King interviewed Debra's husband, Owen Lafave, back on January 27, 2005
The Education Wonks
The Jawa Report
Other entries on Diggers Realm regarding Debra Lafave:
Dec. 9, 2005
Judge Rejects Debra Lafave Plea Deal
Nov. 22, 2005
Disgraced Former Teacher Debra Lafave Gets A Deal!
Sep. 21, 2005
Debra Lafave Nude Photo's Remain Sealed
Jan. 27, 2005
Debra Lafave's Husband, Owen Lafave, Goes On Larry King Live

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Posted by Digger on September 14, 2005 08:18 PM (Permalink)
I Want to see the pictures
Posted by: es on September 18, 2005 06:11 PM
I would like to see to use as an example for seminar to young HS students , thank you
Posted by: George on September 19, 2005 11:46 AM
I Want to see the pictures of Debra Lafave, (teacher) doing sex with a 14-year-old student.
Posted by: shrikrushna on October 12, 2005 12:12 AM
I want to see the pictures
Posted by: Albert on November 23, 2005 01:12 PM
This is one berry berry Orny girl :)
Posted by: Bubba on December 6, 2005 02:47 AM
I want to see the pictures of Debra Lafave, (teacher) doing sex with a 14-year-old student.
Posted by: Babu on December 9, 2005 02:17 AM
I'd like to see the pictures.
Posted by: david miller on February 4, 2006 07:38 PM
that is every guy's dream come on she is beautyful and we ruined it that guy sucks debbie im with you all the way babe.
Posted by: Joey on March 21, 2006 05:50 PM
This chick is HOT! I wish I was her student! Where can you find the pics?
Posted by: dan on March 21, 2006 06:57 PM
I would like to know if Debra Lafave is single and looking. Would love to get together.
Posted by: LL on March 21, 2006 07:44 PM
Hey get this to Debra -- I understand her situation. I would love to talk to her.
Posted by: TONy on March 21, 2006 11:00 PM
This woman is a fraud, if she is Bi-Polar, then how was she a Teacher, how is it she has been seen drinking in public and how is it she has never been arrested before. She is sick any man who would have done such a thing could have blamed it on Bi-Polar, the devil, anything and he still would have gone straight to prison! Enough said.
Posted by: aspen on March 22, 2006 01:31 AM
i would fuck debra in a heartbeat.
Posted by: adam on March 22, 2006 03:18 AM
i think she is a nasty slut with bad celilite,and to much peroxide.
Posted by: john donaguchy on March 22, 2006 05:54 AM
Debra is a nasty hoe bag with bad burned up bleached hair who thinks she is a porn star.Thinking she is big for having sex with a little 14 year old (woo go Debra)....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!WHEN SHE IS REALY AS BIG OF A BURNOUT AS HER HAIR IS.
Posted by: JENNA JAMENSON on March 22, 2006 06:03 AM
Talk about a great anatomy lesson for this kid!!!!! Here is where your cock goes, then I slide up and down on you, and then you squirt cum inside me - does that make sense? God I would love to fuck her, she is my hero!
Posted by: john on March 22, 2006 01:14 PM
Gotta love those horny chicks that so sex deprived that they finally cave in and are willing to do the most inappropriate sex activities regardless of it's nature. Even if it could ruin the career and her reputation forever... So horny that the bitch is ripping her hair out and cluching that snatch every few seconds because of the lack of sex in her life that she completely snaps! I love it... A dildo wouldn't do the job eh?, that's one sex-crazed chick and it's too bad for her but, the kid scored the sweetest piece of ass he'll ever get again unless he pays for it...
Posted by: ten-pound-balls on March 22, 2006 02:48 PM
What is this, Russia? There are more nuts around America than in Brazil. She is not a pervert. The kid certainly enjoyed her chairms. His Father says she is not pretty????
There is somthing wrong here.
This is a crime but perverts like "gays" can adopt children.
Posted by: Ronald on March 23, 2006 10:40 AM
The mother of the "victim" says her family will turn to God to go thru time of trouble. RIGHT. I informed the correctional authorities in Florida that any house arrest of this godess be done at my place.
Posted by: William HAMMOND on March 27, 2006 11:34 AM
Lets see now,the victim is,oh yea what's his name.Who was forced to do this,right??Says a lot for his parents!!
Posted by: david miller on March 27, 2006 01:39 PM
Debra Lafave is not a criminal and should have never been charged in the first place. If the child would have been harmed I could see trying to lock here away for most of her life. However, no one was harmed. In fact, I wish that something like that could have happened to me when I was 14 involving a teacher as hot as Debra Lafave.
Posted by: Ryan Adams on March 30, 2006 07:29 AM
I banged Deb in 95. She was a hot chick and still is. She let me go balls deep in her ass. One night i banged her and her friend Sharon Vuong at the same time. Sharon let me stick my dick in her ass then straight to her mouth..what a whore...i luv it.
Posted by: Larry on April 26, 2006 07:44 PM
to all those people that have negative things to say about debra are just a bunch of jeoulous bitches. I'm a chick and i would fuck her in a heartbeat. To the ones that said if a man did what she did well guess what....shes NOT a MAN! Hello!!!! and furthermore when that kid gets to be 20 years old he'll be kicken himself in the ass for this. He had the best he will ever get. and p.s. i want to see the pictures.
Posted by: Tracy Sanchez on May 9, 2006 11:43 PM
Reading all these posts has made me question my faith in the goodness of humanity.
Posted by: Alec on May 26, 2006 05:39 PM
"At this point, anybody could literally go into the State Attorney's Office, get copies of these photographs, put them on the Internet, and the world would have access to them."
Posted by: Bill Clinton on September 13, 2006 11:42 AM
I wish she would come teach me, I would clean her chalkboard... ^_~
Posted by: BUBBA on September 13, 2006 02:01 PM
Hey, he was able to get his little 14 year old dick up and fuck her with it... so obviously it wasn't rape, right? Who the FUCK would tell on a teacher that hot and ruin it for themselves, AND everyone else, she may have been wanting to ride? Was she the teacher in an LD class or something? Was this kid retarded? I had so many fantasies about fucking this one teacher I had, and she wasn't even half as hot as Debra... all the other kids who were in her class should fuck up that little faggot.
Posted by: Cris on September 13, 2006 03:14 PM
Okay I have a bunch of shit to cover here. Okay this kid that Debra Lafave had sexual intercoure with went off and told the Tampa Police about her... This little 14 year old boy has some fucking problems man this Debra chick is fine as hell and I would fuck her in a heartbeat. I hope this little 14 year old boy gets his ass kicked every day for turnin this fine teacher into the police and all I have to say is fuck that little kid man!
Posted by: Michael on September 13, 2006 03:51 PM
There are a lot of sick people in this world and Debra Lafave is one of them but what really takes the cake is all the sick people writing in saying how grateful they would be to have been the one who she victimized. Just because she is cute does not give her the right to be a sexual predator. If a man had done this to some girl, it wouldn't matter to anyone how good looking he was. Everyone would want to see him put in jail and the key thrown away. In case no one is aware, those who are molested are the people who grow up and molest others. Now this boy may grow up to molest a child of yours. How many of you will be cheering her on then???
Posted by: Trish on September 13, 2006 10:08 PM
Double standard if you have a combination of being...white woman of any kind, old white men, stupid, rich and pretty the legal fraternity still cannot handle these cases. Next time a blonde woman rape your kid it is bipolar.....legally speaking tips for all you young aspiring lawyers.......America is a joke...morally bankrupt and a world circus and then to add insult to injuries she had a chance to explain herself as "crossing the line" I could never be an American....not even for a day....embarrasing to all the poor innocent victims that are on lock down with three strikes for petty stealing....well with a further slap in the face she in under house arrest for making a slight err....dispicable and disgusting from a parents point of view.
Posted by: Anonymous on September 13, 2006 11:48 PM
I don't know about all that double standard stuff Oral; women just seem to always be treated more leniently than men. Though I do believe Debra Lafave is guilty on all counts, I feel that jail time is unjustified in this particular case.
To wit, in the interest of fairness and justice, I think that Debra should be sentenced to SIT ON MY FACE for a period of not less than three years, after which she would be paroled as my personal sex slave for a period of not less than five years.
Posted by: Solomon Pervy, J.D. on September 14, 2006 02:11 AM
Youngun must of really been puttin it down. She sounds like she just couldn't get enuff. He sounds like a punk though! He should have just kept that to himself and moved on with his life. Boys have sex with whoever whether you like it or not. She didn't rape that fool! So he shouldn't have set her up. He's a little Biatch!!!
Posted by: T. Jones on September 14, 2006 08:09 AM
Anyone who waists their energy being angry with this woman is a complete fool. Stare out the window of any downtown apartment in a moderately busy city long enough and you'll see worse. Wake the f up people, keep conforming your thoughts to follow others and your life will be over before you've figured out who you are.
Posted by: BigPicture on September 14, 2006 04:07 PM
i definatley request the pictures of debra lafaves genitals, so please email them to me...
Posted by: fredn on September 14, 2006 07:27 PM
This bitch is crazy! Sexy as hell, but crazy!
Posted by: Hussel on September 15, 2006 02:03 AM
Debra is probly the hottest chick i have ever seen, i would kill that kid to take his place. infact that kid deserves an ass kicking for not testifying and fucking defend her. it takes two to have sex you fuckin prick. and yeah i want to see the pictures.
Posted by: dutchman on September 15, 2006 02:02 PM
What a little Pussy he fucked it for all the other 14 and 15 yrs olds that could have been able to fuck their hott teachers I know theres a few I would have like to have done in school and she was teaching at my school I would be one of them.
Posted by: Prescott on September 16, 2006 01:04 AM
These sickos are nothing but a bunch of young, disturbed, small dicked little boys saying this was ok and "I would fuck her yada, yada, yada." Who cares if she is a man or a woman; hot or ugly. You're all uneducated idiots. Most women are aroused sexually during rape so who the hell cares if he was hard-it was still sick. "Big Picture" what the hell are you talking about? There is always something worse going on. Should we ignore every crime except murder? You need to go back to school. I wanted my male teacher when I was 12 would that have been ok? Yes she's a pervert and it pisses me off and she should be treated like a man would in this same situation. The pictures should be released to embarass her.
Posted by: mocha on September 16, 2006 01:09 AM
This Americans are so stuped for a chick like that I would never say a word and I will be in school every day....
Posted by: Ed on September 18, 2006 11:00 AM
This was not rape. Did she force the guy to fuck her, no she didnt. Both party's consented to do it because basically she is gorgeous and any straight guy would fuck her. Many 14 year old teens are sexually active right now and this shouldnt even be an issue for a 14 year old male to be fucking a 23 year old woman. Of course it would be different if it was the other way around, but its not. And for the person who posted above me "Prescott" is obviously an ignorant prick saying that everyone who doesnt agree with him or her are uneducated is absolutly rediculous
Posted by: Phil on September 18, 2006 10:28 PM
Actually it wasnt Prescot, my bad. It was "Mocha."
Posted by: Phil on September 18, 2006 10:30 PM
so.... if both of them wants to have sex just for being older one of them deserves to be put in prison for tons of years? now THATS on e of the worlds most retarded laws (even the one that says stealing 3 cookies in certain states in the unitet states of stupidity will give you a 20-30 years prison sentence is better at least that one has some logic too it)
Posted by: Martin on October 11, 2006 06:27 PM
I knew this kid was from some fucked up religious family - being told he is a "victim", and being coerced to entrap this beautiful, horny women. This kid lived almost every 14yr old boy's wildest fantasy, and then his fucked up family fucked him over. Anyone who would disagree with that is; a)an ugly jealous bitch, b)a religious nutjob, c)doesn't understand what the definition of 'victim' is. Oh, to the cousin of this kid who gave the affidavit to the are dead to me.
Posted by: adult human male on October 26, 2006 10:41 AM
I want to see the pictures!!!!
Posted by: Jamie on March 7, 2007 10:47 PM
I want to see the pictures as well!!!
Posted by: why not? on March 18, 2007 12:43 PM
I want to see the pictures as well,please mail it for me
Posted by: ebrahim on March 22, 2007 03:28 PM
Yeah, you guys are really on it. That whole case is just fucking ridiculous. That boy is no victim, that boy fucking hit the jackpot. I mean, something like this is what I´ve been dreaming since I was 14. And even a hot biatch like Debra... That boy had the cumshot of his life and Debra is supposed to go to jail for that? Come on, what´s wrong with you people? The kid just really enjoyed it, fucking his hot teacher and he wouldn´t ever have told it to authorities, without the interference of that prick religious uncle or cousin or whatever. It was him who talked the kid into being a victim, and I guess just due to jealousy. That prick is supposed to go to jail for the rest of his life and not Debra, for destroying that kids fantastic sexual life. If every 14 years old boy would have some hot biatch like Debra to fulfil his sexual desires, I´m pretty sure many terrible things, like Columbine, Virginia Tech etc. would´nt have ever happened.
Posted by: mandrake2004 on April 19, 2007 06:05 AM
@ MOCHA: You know nothing, you jealous biatch. She didn´t force the boy into anything. The boy ENJOYED it, ok? Any 14 years old straight boy would enjoy it, fucking his hot teacher. So where´s the problem? Right! There´s no problem at all... Debra is hot as hell, and I wished there were hundreds of millions more Debras to attend every single 14 year old boy on this planet.
Posted by: mandrake2004 on April 19, 2007 10:30 AM
Man i would like to fuck debra shes hot like hell. Hey guys how can i get my teacher horny enough to fuck me?
Posted by: biggie on October 21, 2007 07:21 PM
That 14 year old should of kept him mouth shut and he could of enjoyed that hot puss all through high school! But shes to hot not to tell anyone. I wish there was a Debra when I went to school!
Posted by: Tomcat on December 6, 2007 09:54 AM
Debra is the HOTTEST and SEXIEST teacher i have ever seen and i would sell my soul to the Devil to have had her as my teacher and fucked me. It's just sex, what is the big deal?
Posted by: David G. on March 18, 2008 03:52 PM
I would of loved to of 'done' on way or another my 1982 hot red-headed female h.s. freshman English teacher.
Posted by: Michael on August 14, 2009 03:57 PM
Yes, it was a crime. A pretty sick one too. But on the opposite spectrum, that is one of the hottest things I have ever heard!! Debra would have been a dream come true for me at the age!! In the end they were both fucking stupid about it. Debra was losing her mind, the kid was immature. They basically paraded the affair. So they had it coming. Now had they kept it between themselves... WOOF!!! I won't lie, I give the kid a 10 for aiming high, but a complete 0 for not nailing the landing. For Debra, I'd love to be the next shoulder for her to cry on, but apparently I'm not young enough for her. Also, she seems like a nut, I'd still fuck her brains out. But that's just me being a guy.
Posted by: a guy on September 11, 2009 01:49 AM
She's fucking ugly. She looks like a little Troll.
Posted by: Jo on October 23, 2009 07:08 AM
You say she's "sick" just because of some arbitrary age limit - what is that age limit - 16, 17, 21 ? hmmm what state, or country are you in ? - the so called "authorities" can't even decide when someone can speak for themselves & say "I want to" ! its just some random "made up" number, some lawyer pulled out of his ass. they were 9 years apart. she was a teen-ager just a few hundred days before. is it sick for a 40yo to fuck a 31yo? how about a 60yo with a 51yo huh. Should Heff be arrested for, umm how many counts of statutory rape - he certainly has a lot more "experience" than any of his last dozen girlfriends (not to mention an uncounted number of other older men & women getting a "waitress" or "pool boy"). Mocha guess what? Phils right, your an idiot, he wasn't "raped", he "got lucky" then got caught & blamed her to keep from getting in trouble. he may have been younger but guy's younger than him have gone into malls with guns & shot random people to get into gangs. He was bigger & took advantage of her involuntary emotions toward him (just like so many women who today are living as slaves to some "badboy" jackass who beats them, just because "but I love him"), He was the "predator" & took advantage of her. She was the "Victim" regardless of age. In the past people were expected to get married & have kids (& thus SEX) by the time they were 14. the current age limit is just an excuse for parents to not do their job of "RAISING" their children into adults & codling them as long as they can (like "Stewart", 'look what I can do!"), because having them grow up makes YOU OLD. A 14yo (or any teen boy 13-19+) is just a dick with a book bag, looking to get laid. & "getting some" doesn't turn them into "Molesters", "lady's men" maybe, the molesters are the ones who couldn't "get some' any other way, because the girls turned their noses up at them. as for "statistics" they can be made up to say whatever you want them to. as for it being "a crime" well lets see in the early 30's to mid 40's Germany, it was a "crime" to have relations or harbor Jews, Slavs & Gays - guess you think that was "wrong" & the people who did should be punished for "breaking the law"? How about the Texans in 1836 or the colonists in 1776? I believe it was "against the LAW" to fire on "his majesty's' or "El presidentay's" troop ! should those men be punished for fighting for freedom? (no offense to my cousins in the UK) and for " 9/13/06 @ 11:48 pm" you say "Americas morally bankrupt" ? last time I checked, we have McDonald's & 7-11s on most of our street corners not bars & whore houses like Europe (except the UK where they're far to uptight for that), or the corruption anywhere south of the Rio Grand, Asia or Africa, we don't have mass graves here! We wouldn't want you - stay out!
Posted by: RWFinFW on December 29, 2009 08:03 PM
i would do some things to that fine ass chick in a heartbeat!!too bad the lil dude had to fuckin run his mouth!!he would have been in heavan for the rest of his adolescent years!!!
Posted by: joey sibande on March 24, 2010 09:51 PM
that 14 year old is a bitch fagget, fuck you haters Debra is SEXY, damn man come to my school!!
Posted by: kevin on August 13, 2010 05:41 PM
1) she ugly 2) it`s ILLEGAL 3) he`s a douche i`d love to do a couple of my teacher like mrs boyer or mrs mudry and others 4) look at it like this the family forced him to testify the faggot told 1 too many people imagine what your family would say if they found out you were fucking a teacher still the kid is an ASSHOLE but yet imagine he started doing her cause he was a virgin nerd who wouldnt get pussy till he was in college, but wanted to stop cause he got a girl and Debra said I'll fail you
Posted by: nick s. on September 1, 2010 04:39 PM
I agree, Fuck all you uptight assholes. Debra is a very beautiful and sexy woman who doesn't deserve this pain. The world has gotten so uptight and has become a stronghold. No personal privacy, no free speech, no freedom to love who we want to - NO MATTER what age! I was only 13 when I, very willingly, gave my myself to my first. By the way, to all you commies, he was 24 and STILL the sweetest man I know.
Posted by: Annie Marie S. on September 3, 2010 06:37 AM
Dear debra lafave i have been following your story for years i look at all your interviews over and over day after day and i truly think you are speaking the truth
i would like to get a reply from you someday it is one of my dream i see you as an angel.
yours truly
Amin ali
Posted by: anin ali on June 17, 2011 09:57 PM
LOL The ONLY males or females on this board that would disparage this whole dream cum true between Debra and that boy are either gay,pedophiles or just plain jealous! LOL if I were 14 year old boy and that fine bitch offered it to me I would be knocking boots everyday 10 times a day with her
Posted by: prettyboy on September 1, 2011 02:41 PM
I would pound her till she begged me to stop. Then I would pull out and cum all over her face and then do it all over again and again.
Posted by: Carl Childers on October 26, 2011 02:39 PM
I would fuck her in her ass till she exploded diarrhea all over the place!!
Posted by: michael gotti on May 10, 2012 02:13 PM
Debra is a real nice looking Lady. GOD made her, like everybody else. I believe She is a Victim. Yes, i DO !! She gave up her Marriage, Her Job, Her Privancy,JUST to let a child low rate her? Oh, he was Raped ? No, I never will Believe that !! So they say, he was 14? He acts like he has a mind of a 2 year old. Debra, i believe, he used you!! I believe he had a plan in case he got caught. I believe you just got the wrong guy, How could you enjoy some body like him? I know you did Not !! Hun, keep your Faith. GOD LOVES YOU..
Posted by: Jus Kickin on June 26, 2012 07:29 AM