Bloggers across the Blogosphere are attacking their leaders over wasteful spending. They are identifying it and posting it in a new campaign being run over at N.Z. Bear after an Instapundit post on the subject. They are digging up pork to cut in order to donate it to the rebuilding after Katrina.
From Instapundit
Identify some wasteful spending in your state or (even better) Congressional District. Put up a blog post on it. Go to N.Z. Bear's new PorkBusters page and list the pork, and add a link to your post.
Then call your Senators and Representative and ask them if they're willing to support having that program cut or -- failing that -- what else they're willing to cut in order to fund Katrina relief. (Be polite, identify yourself as a local blogger and let them know you're going to post the response on your blog). Post the results. Then go back to NZ Bear's page and post a link to your followup blog post.
The result should be a pretty good resource of dubious spending, and Congressional comments thereon, for review by blogs, members of the media, etc. And maybe even members of Congress looking for wasteful spending . . . .
You have to go check out the page!
Not only are they investigating waste, but they are calling their representatives on the carpet over it.
Tipped by: Michelle Malkin