Do we really want a Conservative Supreme Court? I don't think I really do. With the nomination today by Bush of Harriet Miers (Nice roundup at
Wizbang and
The Moderate Voice of the Blogosphere reaction) I haven't a clue where this Supreme Court is headed. I do know however that I am split on what type of Supreme Court I want.
Like the Commissar over at Politboro Diktat, I am worried about creationism being the sole accepted opinion in schools. I am worried about the "Religious Right's" influence on what the rest of the country should have to accept. I am in favor of abortion, but not for a minor without parental notification. I am for the death penalty. I am in favor of the right to bear arms. I am against affirmative action. I am for euthanasia. I am against gay marriage. I am for school vouchers and the privatization of the education system. I am in favor of the pledge of allegiance in schools. I am against the riping of "under God" out of it even though I'm not a religious nut.
There are so many issues where a Conservative Supreme Court would rule against my beliefs, but so would a totally Liberal one.
Then there's the issue of cronyism. With the nomination of an unknown like Harriet Miers, where the hell is the Bush administration coming from? There were no other more qualified individuals in the whole of America to fill the slot that we had to go to the third string bench? I find that hard to believe. Michelle Malkin compares this to Julie Myers nomination over at ICE and I tend to agree. When you start picking people by favoritism over qualifications you no longer deserve any respect from those who voted for you.
What the hell is wrong with this President? While I agree with him on a lot of issues, he just keeps slapping me in the head with these ridiculous nonsensical nominations and decisions.
Maybe he just has a fascination with the last name of Meyers / Miers?