Whites rioted and burned police cars and private businesses in Washington D.C. after a black Nazi rally was held downtown last night. The riots occurred after a peaceful free speech call to black supremacy rally. The whites threw bottles and rocks at the peaceful supporters and the police as they entered the area to calm the situation.
68 were arrested in the riots. They were seen looting and flipping over police cars. Even after the black supremacists dispersed the riots continued.
"How could they let them come into our local turf and hold such a hateful rally around their race" one white was quoted as saying as he left a local business with a t.v. "It's just not right".
Upon showing up at the scene the mayor was cursed and several rioters threatened to shoot him.
In other news a rally called the "millions more whites march" was held in Toledo, Ohio and there was no sign of incident as the local black community commented that they didn't support the beliefs of the group, but did support their right to free speech.
"I certainly don't condone one group calling for the supremacy over another," Latona Jackson said as she went about her daily shopping in the local grocery store "but this is a country based on free speech and ideas and I do support their right to express themselves."
The rally was trumpeted as crossing all races, but mainly consisted of whites. The event went off without incident.
While called the "millions more whites march" only a fraction of that number actually attended.
Based off of:
Washington Times
Other Commentary:
Debbie Schlussel
Michelle Malkin
Right Thinking From The Left Coast
traffic jammed
Everyone has a right to show their beliefs. Is it funny that there are actually blacks who support what the Nazis actually believed in? No. I dont think its funny, as i dont support what the Nazis believed in, i do have an obsession for the Nazis. I also support the fact that the Nazis actually tried to kill Hitler. Yes this is true. I have a book that was written after WW2. Its called The German Generals Talk. Yes one German Waffen-SS actually admited to the fact that there were about 5 or 10 guys who were involved in the plot to kill Hitler. Please if you dont believe me, then watch the Movie Der Untergang (German) or The Downfall (english). This movie shows one the bomb going off where Hitler ,,should" have been, and it also shows the last 12 days before the fall of the Third Reich. Also, i have a bavarian friend who also told me that there was a kid who was biracial (German and African) who actually went up to a Nazi and told him that he wanted to become a Nazi, however, he was laughed at but lets just say that Hitler hated his father, and therefore he took it out on the Jews.
Posted by: Babsi on December 29, 2007 08:41 PM
This article is so overtly racist it's sickening. "one white was quoted..." "one white", are you serious? Would you ever say "one black was quoted".. you know, we are people too. And then, I suppose we are supposed to presume that Latona Jackson is black because of her name. And no she isn't "a black" she is a black person (key word being person). Digger, I don't know if you are a person or a group but either way you should keep digging and hopefully that hole will get deep enough that no one will have to accidently stumble across this kind of trashy "journalism" (and I use that term very loosely) in the future.
Posted by: EJ on December 18, 2008 11:31 PM