Hey hey! It looks like the Iraqi's are ready to move forward as they went to the polls this weekend. Even more voters participated than in January which is a sign that Iraqi's are not only interested in their future, but are no longer afraid to participate in having a voice.
This is a major slap in the face to the terrorists in their nation.
The Sunni minority, which had been trying to get the constitution voted against, was unsuccessful in their attempt. They needed a "no" vote from at least 3 of 18 provinces. In the end the only province voting against the constitution was Anbar.
The domination of the Sunni's is over and they'd be better served to participate in the process rather than attempt to act like they are still in charge of a dictator state.
AP (with a terrorist entity slanted headline of "Sunnis Appear to Fall Short in Iraq Vote". Sounds like the AP wanted the Sunni's to be successful in their attempt doesn't it?)
Opponents failed to secure the necessary two-thirds "no" vote in any three of Iraqi's 18 provinces, according to counts that local officials provided to The Associated Press. In the crucial central provinces with mixed ethnic and religious populations, enough Shiites and Kurds voted to stymie the Sunni bid to reject the constitution.
Tipped by: California Yankee
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