A few days ago I covered the Department of Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff lies where he said they'll end the practice of "catch and release" and seemed to imply that it would happen within a year.
Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has this to say about the recent statements.
“The American people have made themselves clear: our borders must be secured and our laws must be enforced before any guest worker plan can go into effect. The Administration’s continued kowtowing to big business defies political sense,” said Tancredo. “Even with the President’s backing, no plan that offers amnesty to illegal aliens will pass this Congress.”
“Slowly, the President’s team is coming to realize that they have a political revolt on their hands. And, it’s no longer just the conservative base that’s angry about illegal immigration—there’s widespread discontent about our broken system from coast to coast, from left to right. This change in language is a sign that they know there’s a problem.” said Tancredo.
Tancredo concluded, “Using military technology on the border, scrapping the widely-abused H visa categories and deporting illegals caught by our border patrol are all common-sense solutions I’ve advocated for a long time. I sincerely hope the Administration’s language is backed up by action.”
Hear, hear Congressman!