Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he won't run for president of Russia in 2008, though he did say that he would hold in reserve drastic action in the event that the peaceful handover of power does not come off without incident. Here's hoping that there is a peaceful handover and that the Russian people benefit by electing someone who can put major reforms in place to spur growth and freedom throughout the region and allow them to move forward rather than stagnate or retreat into communism.
Moscow Times
President Vladimir Putin said Monday that he would not seek a third term in 2008, but vowed not to allow "destabilization" in Russia following the vote, leaving the door open for drastic action in the event of a crisis.
But Putin said that the 2008 presidential election would be a "serious, difficult test for Russia" and stressed that full power and responsibility for the fate of the country would remain in his hands until the new president has been sworn in.
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