/ November 22, 2005 12:11 PM |
As a result of a plea bargain, former Florida teacher and now-admitted child molester Debra Lafave will not be going to prison: (emphasis added)
Before she could plead not guilty by reason of insanity to charges she committed lewd or lascivious battery on a teenager, Debra Lafave has pleaded guilty, but will not go to prison.
The former Greco Middle School teacher, accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy, came to a plea agreement with prosecutors Tuesday.
As part of the agreement, Lafave, 25, will serve three years of community control, and seven years probation.
The judge said Lafave could have been sentenced to decades in state prison.
"I accept full responsibility for my actions," Lafave told the court.
Prosecutor Mike Sinacore said the victim's family wanted the case to come to a rapid resolution becuae of intense attention in the news media.
Lafave will be classified as a sexual offender, and must register in the state's database. The Florida Department of Education Department will revoke her teaching certificate.
When the proceedings began at an 8:30 hearing this morning, Lafave's attorney John Fitzgibbons and Sinacore asked to speak to the judge in chambers. They spoke for about 15 minutes. When they returned to the courtroom, John Fitzgibbons whispered in his client's ear and she smiled brightly.
Fitzgibbons announced to court that they had "come to a resolution."
According to police records, Lafave performed oral sex on the unnamed boy June 3, 2004. Then on June 14, 2004 Lafave had sexual intercourse with the boy in a portable classroom at Greco Middle School, police reports said.
School district spokeswoman Linda Cobbe said Lafave was not teaching summer school and does not know why she was on campus the day of the incident.
Lafave was arrested June 21, 2004.
Her trial was scheduled to begin December 5.
Lafave's attorney had suggested his client would plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
Fitzgibbons is the same person who told reporters Debra Lafave was, essentially, too pretty for prison. How on earth could there be no prison term for this monster? Could you imagine what the response from the courts would have been if Lafave had been a man?
It's decisions like this that leave more and more folks disillusioned with our criminal justice system.
The state had incriminating evidence. They had the witnesses. Both prosecutor and judge dropped the ball on this one.
What's next for Debbie Lafave? A multi-million dollar layout in Playboy Magazine? A made-for-TV movie on Lifetime? One thing is likely, Lafave will soon be earning more bucks than she ever would teaching school.
Who says that crime doesn't pay? And what about the victim? Where's justice for him or his family?
This whole sorry episode reminds me of another "pretty" teacher-turned-child molester who also got a good deal from judge and prosecutor. Remember Mary Kay Letourneau? As a result of her plea bargain, she was turned loose from custody and promptly repeated the crime. Only then was Letourneau sent to the slammer for some seven years.
Other entries on Diggers Realm regarding Debra Lafave:
Dec. 9, 2005
Judge Rejects Debra Lafave Plea Deal
Sep. 21, 2005
Debra Lafave Nude Photo's Remain Sealed
Sep. 12, 2005
Teacher Debra Lafave's Genital Pictures Are Public Record
Jan. 27, 2005
Debra Lafave's Husband, Owen Lafave, Goes On Larry King Live

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Posted by Edwonk on November 22, 2005 12:11 PM (Permalink)
Seems like a huge double-standard.
Posted by: -keith in mtn. view on November 22, 2005 03:40 PM
GOD DAMN ! where was she when I was a kid !!! that dumb dumb dumb kid !
Posted by: spada on November 22, 2005 08:21 PM
It's nice to see a guy think this is bad. Most have the attitude of the guy above.
Posted by: Rightwingsparkle on November 22, 2005 11:24 PM
I cant believe this, when i was 14, most of what i thought about was my raging hormones.
no question in my mind that all of the other male students are saying, why couldnt that have been me!
common, she is a goddess! but when mommy found out, it was like oooo maybe we can sue the school and get a big settlement!
my dad congratulated me at 17 when i told him i just lost my virginity.
if this had been a male teacher with a female student, they would have thrown the book at him and lost the key to his cell.
the kid in this case isnt gonna suffer anything but, all the guys telling him how lucky he was!
the only trauma will be mommy induced.
i was never that lucky!
i disagree, it wasnt that the kid was dumb, he just let the cat out in front of mommy and mommy saw dollar $'s
Posted by: Dennis Hagans on November 23, 2005 10:56 PM
I lay dollars to donuts Dennis has no kids.
I hope he keeps it that way.
Posted by: Darleen on November 24, 2005 01:12 PM
dennis has a 21 year old Daughter, and though it is a double standard, i would have come unglued, and wanted blood if that had happened to my Daughter.
but boys are different, women do not rape boys, as i said before you cant rape the willing.
five will get you ten, as time progresses, the boy will be telling all the other boys how good it was and yada yada yada.
thats the nature of boys, he wasnt raped, thats not possible, no male is going to admit that he was raped and physicaly over powered by a beautifull woman!
the rape story was invented by mommy, she coached him, seeing possible $$$ signs in her scheaming eyes.
you cant rape the willing male, it cant be done, he will recieve more grief, if he maintains that it was against his will, than if he admits he was ready and willing.
now what is he going to tell all the males in his school?
you women got the answer for that? its called peer presure, the whole rape story will change dramaticaly in school,
oh and one more thing, what happened to N.O.W.?
I remember a magazine cover of a women whose legs were upsidedown in a meat grinder with hamburger comming out at the bottom! a.k.a larry flint.
N.O.W sent up a little smoke and that was it. so much for protecting women from degradation in the media. everyday the tube on any given channel has busty women in pushup's showing clevage.
sex sells....what have you women done to stem the epidemic of the degradation of women as mere sex objects of men?
porn is still readily available on the internet.
so much for N.O.W.
Posted by: Dennis Hagans on November 24, 2005 06:15 PM
As far as trauma goes, there is a trauma done to boys and rape if you will, most of which we hear being done by those in th RCC, perverts that sodimize boys while claiming to be good moral catholics.
that is rape and trauma for a boy, and worthy of all that the law can do.
but just like Macaulay Culkin, the boy in this case will become a victim of mommy, first comes the shrink, and the medication, next his grades fall because he is to groggy from the medication to think streight, then some mental diagnosis,
setting the stage for the civil lawsuit filed by mommy, which is settled out of court to avoid a media circus around the school.
and what will the boy who is the alledged victim get? a few bobbles to appease him, while mommy blows through the settlement money.
we live in a law suit happy nation, if there is a good case for a lawsuit, mommy wont have to hunt a lawyer...they will be calling her.
Posted by: Dennis Hagans on November 25, 2005 12:37 PM
What's next for Debbie Lafave? A multi-million dollar layout in Playboy Magazine? A made-for-TV movie on Lifetime? One thing is likely, Lafave will soon be earning more bucks than she ever would teaching school.
she has already been labled as a pariah, getting a job in the future will be extreamly difficult.
which means most likly the state will have to support her at tax payer expense.
and if she does get a playboy or other magazine spread, to earn enough money to support her 3 year house arrest, then she is being degradated by men and further becomes just a male toy to be used for sexual gratification by men.
so a young woman who made a big mistake, will herself become just another woman degradated by men, and have the role of sex toy further ingrained into her.
another woman is slated for degradation by men, gee what kind of messasge will this send to younger girls?
the boy if left alone will get over it, because he is a male.
but her path of shame has only just began, the woman who are ready to pronounce vindicative judgment upon her, are in fact slating yet another woman, to become just another sex toy of that real justice?
is that what you really want?
to see a woman become a sex symbol, used in her youth by men for their own gratification?
this will only reinforce the idea that women are nothing more than mens toys to be used and thier youth spent, then cast aside when they get older.
she is doomed to this role as has already been said at the begining.
just another young woman to fall through the cracks and lose herself in the only option being left open for
Posted by: Dennis Hagans on November 25, 2005 02:21 PM
I forgot to mention, that if she dose do a spread for an adult magazine, it wont be long after that, her nude pictures will be on the internet and every boy in her former school will be looking for them.
thats the nature of the beast.
is this what you want? in your madness?
be carefull what you ask for, because you just might get it.
Posted by: Dennis Hagans on November 25, 2005 02:33 PM
Your an intelligent guy Dennis, and right on target.
In response to Darleen's comment I have to marvel at the women who speak as though they understand what it feels like to be male and have the powerful physical sexual impulses that come with it. Doesn't it just blow your mind when they speak as tho' they are blessed with a penis and want to dictate how we are supposed to feel about illict sexual contact with gorgeous women? Amazing.
Let me spell it out to you no uncertain is never painful for us males as long as we are in puberty!!!....its crazy how women find that so hard to swallow....I suppose because they think we are burdened with their vulnerabilities. They just can't relate to our sexual power and drive and desire.
Posted by: Brian on March 3, 2006 01:28 PM
Yeah women in general should keep their sewers shut when they don't know what the hell they are talking about.
Hey I don't have a vagina, and therefore have no buisness dictating whats's what in matters of female sexuality. All I know is that, unlike the predictable nature of men, female sexuality is totaly unpredictable and no one knows when it will strike or where or for what reason, Debra Lefave is a blaring example of that. But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell women how they should feel. Because I have no buisness.....make sense? Debbie jumped headlong into a forbidden pleasure, and got caught, its really just that simple. But in reality, she did no harm. And the idea that she traumatized a young man sexualy is truly a joke and absurd. Its tantamount to saying the zoo keeper damaged and traumatized the lion by feeding him meat that wasn't kosher.
Posted by: Brian on March 3, 2006 01:51 PM
i dont know what the problem is i think the 14 year old boy is a hero. she is hot as he#$ if i was a man i'd be doing the same. Boys will be boys and i think the only thing wrong with it is the fact that they didnt use any protection. Boys dont hold on to virginity like women and i think he wasnt harmed at all. I think he was happy as he%^
Posted by: magielia on March 21, 2006 09:22 PM
While I doubt Debbie Lafave will get that Playboy spread, I am dead certain there are enough strip clubs in the Tampa Bay area that would be a willing employer to Debbie. Provided, of course, that she makes a few "corrections" to her person:)
Posted by: Brad S on March 22, 2006 10:20 AM
Hey go girl....I love you. Marry me...LOL!!!
......why can't I find free spirited women like you in my town to go out with?
Posted by: Brian on March 23, 2006 08:09 PM
By the way..everyone is talking about how hot the young man that Debbie shagged does everyone seem to know what he looks like? there like a picture of him posted on the net somewhere or something?
Posted by: Brian on March 23, 2006 08:12 PM
God. Do you have any goddamn clue what that does to a kid? Have you EVER been in such a situation? Do you have any idea, just how terrible and sickening it is to get into that kind of mess? Everybody thinks it's so pathetic when a boy claims to be molested by a female teacher. They always just say buck up, or stop raining on everyone's parade...which is exactly why this sort of thing is never talked about. That's the worst part about it all, that silent taboo. As you can imagine, it makes it a little hard to hold a normal relationship as well. So, Rightwingsparkle, it's people like you that really twist the blade. I can tell you've been lucky enough to not have to experience that pain, that nausea that comes with it. So do me a favor and shut the hell up before you think of any more cute comments.
Posted by: Alec on May 26, 2006 01:30 AM
Sorry, that comment was directed at Dennis.
Posted by: Alec on May 26, 2006 05:34 PM
only thing i can say is ( i wish it was me ) you see that teacher is is totally hot that boy is wishing he never said anything to his mommy so he could still be tapping that
Posted by: mike on September 13, 2006 03:06 PM
Double standard if you have a combination of being...white woman of any kind, old white men, stupid, rich and pretty the legal fraternity still cannot handle these cases. Next time a blonde woman rape your kid it is bipolar.....legally speaking tips for all you young aspiring lawyers.......America is a joke...morally bankrupt and a world circus and then to add insult to injuries she had a chance to explain herself as "crossing the line" I could never be an American....not even for a day....embarrasing to all the poor innocent victims that are on lock down with three strikes for petty stealing....well with a further slap in the face she in under house arrest for making a slight err....dispicable and disgusting from a parents point of view.
Posted by: Anonymous on September 13, 2006 11:24 PM
@ Alec: Come on, whats fucking wrong with you? I know what it did to him. He got some fucking awesome orgasm. Thats what it did to him. So what? Don´t confuse young girl, with young boys. I´ve been a young straight boy myself, so I can tell... ;-)
Posted by: mandrake2004 on April 19, 2007 04:13 PM
This is such nonsense it's hard to know where to start. I hate to get back to basics but it's hard for a female to make a guy get a hard on and f*ck her. Please. If he's a willing participant it's hardly rape - just an early sexual experience that would probably have done him no harm whatsoever were it not for the interference of the System. There is no shadow of a doubt that in this case 99% of any damage done to the boy was done by the interference of the judicial system. Those who were trying to "protect" this kid have undoubtedly caused most of the damage here and not only ruined the potential usefulness of the experience but probably destroyed this kids life and his sexuality for the forseeable future!
No one's denying that this woman is a little odd. She may even need evaluation. But bring back common sense. Boys and girls are different. And we all know it!
Posted by: marcus on July 11, 2008 11:45 AM
This is such nonsense it's hard to know where to start. I hate to get back to basics but it's hard for a female to make a guy get a hard on and f*ck her. Please. If he's a willing participant it's hardly rape - just an early sexual experience that would probably have done him no harm whatsoever were it not for the interference of the System. There is no shadow of a doubt that in this case 99% of any damage done to the boy was done by the interference of the judicial system. Those who were trying to "protect" this kid have undoubtedly caused most of the damage here and not only ruined the potential usefulness of the experience but probably destroyed this kids life and his sexuality for the forseeable future!
No one's denying that this woman is a little odd. She may even need evaluation. But bring back common sense. Boys and girls are different. And we all know it!
Posted by: marcus on July 11, 2008 11:47 AM
If only I were 14 again, I would FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER. God damn, dumb ass women claiming rape... TALK ABOUT LUCKIEST MOTHER FUCKING GUY IN THE WORLD
Posted by: truth on March 11, 2010 08:23 PM