James Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, placed third in yesterday's California 48th district congressional race. Gilchrist received a remarkable 25.1% of the votes which is a great showing for an independent candidate. The results are unofficial at this point, but will likely not change with all precincts reporting in.
Republican candidate John Campbell received 44.7% of the vote to win the seat and Democratic candidate Steve Young placed second, beating Gilchrist by just over 2600 votes, with 28%
I'm a little disappointed that Gilchrist didn't win and that voters still are not confident enough to vote for the right candidate and would rather settle on their party candidate instead. It was a strong showing for Gilchrist and for the immigration issue in general. The runoff was forced after Campbell couldn't garner more than 50% of the votes back on October 4, 2005. Gilchrist placed third receiving 14.4% in that election.
The results can be found here
RedState points out that the results probably scare most die hard Republicans and points out the results from previous district results.
In 2000 it was 62% R vs. 26% D, and in 2002 it was 68% R vs. 28% D
Big change there.
There's always next November though. This election puts Campbell in the position for only a year. The position was left vacant when Congressman Chris Cox left to head the SEC in August.
Los Angeles Times
"This is just a start," [Gilchrist] said at a party Tuesday night in Lake Forest. "We've got a huge victory tonight because we've issued a wake-up call to America…. Our cause is not over, nor is my aspiration for my political career."
The newly elected congressman will be sworn in immediately. So assured of his victory, Campbell and his family had already booked flights this morning to Washington. He also has picked many of his new staffers, who will begin work today.
His first order of business: "I don't even own a winter coat. I'm going to have to get one there."
Good to see his first priority is himself.