/ December 14, 2005 06:43 AM |
 | "Anybody who doesn't appreciate what America has done, and President Bush, let them go to hell!" |
I saw this woman, Betty Dawisha, on Fox News and finally found it on the web via Michelle Malkin (who found it via The Political Pit Bull).
She had recently voted and turned to a camera as she left and let out a tirade on those against the Iraq invasion that gave her this opportunity to vote.
You can see the video at The Political Teen
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Posted by Digger on December 14, 2005 06:43 AM (Permalink)
Posted by: Tom Klein on December 14, 2005 07:32 AM
I don't mean to rain on the parade here, but is this lady voting FROM Iraq?
Posted by: Mike on December 14, 2005 05:09 PM
Mike - Why, what did you notice? I noticed that the hands that were assisting her were very light skinned. This is not to say that there aren't light skinned Iraquis, but most are certainly darker than that hand in the video. I also noticed that the area around the ink was clean. Either she was the first vote of the day, or the area was cleaned up before the camera shot, or this is a hoax.
Posted by: techgnostic on December 18, 2005 02:15 PM
Ok everyone, this is NOT a hoak, she is my great aunt, is a Chaldean from Detroit(Chaldeans are Christian, and yes, are usually lighter, I am extremely light). I am sick to death of people thinking "ethnic" people are always dark-skinned! Go to Afghanistan, where almost everyone has green or blue eyes, or Lebanon, where almost everyone is extremely light skinned. And Betty Dawisha has her own radio show in Detroit, is a child pshychologist, and left Iraq and is very happy to be enjoying the freedoms of America.
Posted by: nadia on December 19, 2005 01:25 PM
(Hi Nadia!)
Just to clear things up here: this is my Mom. This was not the complete statement she made to the cameras. She first provided the context for her statemement: that she was addressing the Iraqi people living in Iraq and NOT the general American population. Obviously, this crucial part--which puts her statement into context--was cut out of the Fox News broadcast. Is this unintentional editing or bias on the part of Fox News? You decide for yourself!
Also, she made her statements to an ABC reporter who was at the polling station--not to Fox News. Her statements didn't even make a mention on ABC.
Posted by: Sahar on December 29, 2005 01:01 PM
Regardless Sahar, that your mom made those comments directed to Iraquis. Those are still awesome words. And Fox News probably wanted to cut to the main part of what she was saying "let tehm goto Hell"
haha I love it!
Posted by: Evan on February 14, 2006 10:29 AM