A video of German engineers, Thomas Nitzschke and Rene Braeunlich, was played on al-Jazeera. The terrorist group Tawhid and Sunnah Brigade said they are going to kill the two within 72-hours if Germany doesn't break ties with Iraq and pull German companies out of the country.
Thomas Nitzschke and Rene Braeunlich were taken hostage in Iraq a few days ago by six terrorist gunmen dressed up as Iraqi military about 110 miles north of Baghdad in the town of Baiji. An earlier video was released soon after. The two engineers had only been in the country for a few days.
The brief tape Tuesday showed Thomas Nitzschke and Rene Braeunlich seated on the floor in front of a group of armed men. Al-Jazeera said the previously unknown group, the Tawhid and Sunnah Brigade, demanded the German government close its embassy in Baghdad, withdraw all the German companies from Iraq and to stop cooperation with the Iraqi government.
I don't expect the Germans to pull out and my thoughts are with these two -- and others -- being held hostage by these hateful terrorists who continue to take hostage innocent people just trying to rebuild the country of Iraq.
Tipped by: The Jawa Report who points out that the Tawhid and Sunnah Brigade seems to be an offshoot of Army of Ansar al-Sunnah a vicious group responsible for other atrocities to hostages.