Chicago had it's own Christopher Hitchens inspired Sammenhold rally today to support Denmark.

This was easily the best sign of the day...Doh!

Leggo my free speech!

By my rough estimate we had about fifty people. Pretty darn good turn out on a chilly Chicago day.

Always fun to meet fellow bloggers. This is Anna from Backyard Conservative, an excellent local blogger!
We also met the nefarious Bill Baar, why does nobody ever look like their picture? A true blogging phenomenon.

Yeah, what he said!

Free will? What's that?

Judging by the response of the passerby this sign is pretty accurate.

Or the canary in the coal mine?

Mmm....Danish cookies!

Who is this good lookin' (bald)Chick?

We are my brother, we are.

To quote that good looking guy in the first photo, "is there anything beer can't do?"

Metaphor of the day...
See all pix here.
Chicago Sammenhold rally
Chicago support denmark rally
Danish cartoons
Buy Danish
Great collection of pictures!
Looks like a very successful rally. I see that Bjork even showed up. Very cool.
Thank you for helping to get the word out!
- Ragnar Danneskjold
The Sammenhold Blog (
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold on March 31, 2006 11:07 AM